Mueller report


Engorged Member
I point out Hillary because it shows what hypocrites you are. She was caught red handed, was openly covered for, and yet you still voted for her! All you care about is your power. If you gave a damn about the country you would have never nominated her. And you're too partisan to ever admit it. I voted for someone else in the primary, but would vote for Trump again and again over the train wreck you guys nominated.

Here's some additional Trump crazy for you. This week he claimed to be under attack because he's a strong Christian (LOFL) and that his father was born in Germany, when he wasn't. Flip-flop on closing the border after being informed that it would be disastrous for the US economy, nominating 2 complete morons for the Fed that have zero qualifications to be there, and saying that wind turbines cause cancer.

That's just a few.


Well-Known Member
Here's some additional Trump crazy for you. This week he claimed to be under attack because he's a strong Christian (LOFL) and that his father was born in Germany, when he wasn't. Flip-flop on closing the border after being informed that it would be disastrous for the US economy, nominating 2 complete morons for the Fed that have zero qualifications to be there, and saying that wind turbines cause cancer.

That's just a few.
You aren't smart or have no idea when you should keep your mouth shut.
You sir are less informed than myself.


Well-Known Member
Nobody's seen it except Barr and Rosenstein, so he hasn't "won" anything but an escape without a collusion charge. TTKU.

I know that's the latest desperate attempt at preserving this wild ass fantasy. you snowflakes need to come to terms with reality before you all drop dead of a heart attack and deny me the opportunity to bash you here.


Well-Known Member
Technically, no.
Technically, yes. No further indictments, which is good. To add to that, no appearance of collusion, which, we know is not a crime unless we delve into anti-trust. In that, it is still a civil matter. Do you have anymore to offer? If not carry on.


Well-Known Member
Then by your own admission, there was a crime to be investigated. And whether it involved Obama or not, the Trump campaign had plenty of ties to Russia to look at and investigate.

You and I know the investigations purpose was never to reveal how Obama mishandled Russian interference. Nice try though


Staff member
You and I know the investigations purpose was never to reveal how Obama mishandled Russian interference. Nice try though
What do you guys not get about Republican ownership of the government for two years straight?

If this is really an issue, why did they not investigate it?


Well-Known Member
What do you guys not get about Republican ownership of the government for two years straight?

If this is really an issue, why did they not investigate it?

they did . that's why half of your FBI leadership is gone. you wont hear much about that on CNN


Well-Known Member
What do you guys not get about Republican ownership of the government for two years straight?

If this is really an issue, why did they not investigate it?
Because you had Trump under a cloud the whole time. EVERYBODY would have said he was trying to shift blame.


Well-Known Member
Oh, so you've read the report. Do you and Mueller talk frequently? All supposition on your part. Here's a reality check for you...Hillary isn't President!! Nor is Bill. They are NON-FACTORS at this point. If you'd like to litigate the past, go ahead, but both of the Clintons are in the clear. But at this point, it's academic anyway.

Trump is actively harming our democracy, and not impeaching him has more to with politics than justice. Pelosi knows impeaching Trump would both inflame and solidify his base, and give FOX more red meat to bait it's gullible viewership.

I love how all of you still deflect to Hillary when anything is said about Trump, because that's all you've got...a straw woman bogeyman that is a convenient place to place Trump dirt.

Trump said all sorts of crazy crap this last week, all of which you just dismiss.
You can search for my earlier posts because I'm not going through the whole spiel again. Until your side comes up with something impeachable I don't give a rat's patootie. My only concern now is they get the jackasses who tried to frame Trump. And newsflash: everyone knows how much you hate Republicans, especially rich Republicans. At this point your ranting only confirms that, nothing more.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You don't consider communism authoritarian?

No. Communism describes a socioeconomic system of public ownership and distribution. Authoritarianism describes a governing system that commands strict obedience to leadership. Even at the expense of personal freedoms.

There can be both simultaneously, but there doesn’t have to be. Today’s Russia is not communist.


Staff member
they did . that's why half of your FBI leadership is gone. you wont hear much about that on CNN
And Obama was never indicted?

Can you post some infowars news articles about it?

Since the MSM won’t tell us the truth, give us your sides.


Inordinately Right
My only concern now is they get the jackasses who tried to frame Trump.
Russia meddled in our election.
The Trump campaign met with Russians.
The FBI investigated that.

What "framing" are you talking about?

At some point in life you need to stop pretending to be a victim.


Well-Known Member
And Obama was never indicted?

Can you post some infowars news articles about it?

Since the MSM won’t tell us the truth, give us your sides.

I would think you would be tired of biased reporting with all the CNN you've been quoting to me today.