Mueller report


Engorged Member
I truly hope you'll start watching him after the indictments come for the Dems inside hatchet men.

You really believe this crap, don't you? The Deep State, revenge for Hillary etc. Here's a reality check. Trump is nothing but a con man, and that's been his MO throughout his adult life. Obviously, you've bought into the con, so any investigations of this lout are garbage in your mind.

This goes beyond politics into the simple question of whether Trump is even fit to hold the office given his many, many apparent issues with the law. Taxes please.

Most of his campaign inner circle are either under investigation or headed for prison, along with Mr. Cohen. There is absolutely nothing to see here...unless you're absolutely blind and/or clueless.


Engorged Member
Boeing was in R&D with the 737 long before Trump was president. Can't lay that on him. The rest of your post is conjecture.

Patrick Shanahan (acting Secretary of Defense) is ex-Boeing, and so is the head of the FAA. Muilenberg (Boeing's CEO), has a close enough relationship with Trump where he can call him up and request his planes not be grounded. Trump is consistently supportive of industry self-regulation.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You keep talking about Russian interference like it was Trump's fault. He wasn't president at the time. And if Obama stopped it then why all the fuss?
Trump benefited from it. His own justice department appointed a special prosecutor to investigate it. Somehow that adds up to a partisan witch hunt in the addled brains of republicans.


Well-Known Member
How twisted are your beliefs that an investigation into a hostile foreign attack is destroying the country?
Investigation into Trump without basis , fed by a hatefilled biased media that has purposely divided our country. You were and continue to be part of that anti American effort.


Staff member
But Hillary had even more.
And there is nobody here defending Hillary. Nobody defending her campaign saying that her Russia connections shouldn’t be investigated. Nobody has said that the investigation into Uranium One was a hoax.

Aee how this is going?


Well-Known Member
Whoa. It found a lot, which we aren't getting to see. Trump was not cleared of obstruction by the Mueller Report. Barr cleared him, and there's absolutely nothing suspect about that, is there?

Trump lies about everything from his health to his finances, repeatedly tells ridiculous lies, and enriches his friends, himself, and family, while simultaneously gutting anything resembling environmental protection and/or business regulations.

The Boeing debacle is just the latest example of what happens when you let industry "self regulate" and do the right thing. They won't, don't, and never have done anything but do what's best for the bottom line. That's why regulation is absolutely necessary, by independent appointees who don't play politics.

Look at Trump's picks for regulatory agencies. It reads like a "Who's Who" of industry giants, "regulating" industries they clearly are still involved with and advocating for in terms of loosening regulations and providing other advantages.

None of you see any of this as wrong, or even mildly concerning. Your hero is best buddies with the world's worst dictators, foments racial strife and discord, and is basically concerned about one person...himself.

That's pure ignorance.

So you're saying it was a legitimate investigation that didn't find anything and didn't investigate the basis and bias at the start?


Engorged Member
Investigation into Trump without basis , fed by a hatefilled biased media that has purposely divided our country. You were and continue to be part of that anti American effort.

Did Sean Hannity say this? You sound a lot like a Hannity rant.


Engorged Member
And there is nobody here defending Hillary. Nobody defending her campaign saying that her Russia connections shouldn’t be investigated. Nobody has said that the investigation into Uranium One was a hoax.

Aee how this is going?

Wasn't Uranium One thoroughly disproven, at least to the satisfaction of the sane? Putin absolutely hated Hillary because she was no friend to him or Russia.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Trump lies about everything from his health to his finances, repeatedly tells ridiculous lies, and enriches his friends, himself, and family, while simultaneously gutting anything resembling environmental protection and/or business regulations.
And you aggrandize, which is as bad.


Inordinately Right
Investigation into Trump without basis , fed by a hatefilled biased media that has purposely divided our country. You were and continue to be part of that anti American effort.
People who met with Russians that were meddling in our election shouldn't be investigated. That's pretty stupid.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
This is by far the worst defense commonly presented. It’s beyond stupid and borders on treason. We should defend our sovereignty, that’s not controversial, unless you hate America.

I think a lotta righties would care if it was some “MOOSLAM” country deeply infiltrating our election process. Not so much when it comes to the Russians as their ideology fits better with their own than that of the Democrats.


Engorged Member
I think a lotta righties would care if it was some “MOOSLAM” country deeply infiltrating our election process. Not so much when it comes to the Russians as their ideology fits better with their own than that of the Democrats.

Shariah Law, Shariah Law!!!


Well-Known Member
You really believe this crap, don't you? The Deep State, revenge for Hillary etc. Here's a reality check. Trump is nothing but a con man, and that's been his MO throughout his adult life. Obviously, you've bought into the con, so any investigations of this lout are garbage in your mind.

This goes beyond politics into the simple question of whether Trump is even fit to hold the office given his many, many apparent issues with the law. Taxes please.

Most of his campaign inner circle are either under investigation or headed for prison, along with Mr. Cohen. There is absolutely nothing to see here...unless you're absolutely blind and/or clueless.
Most of his campaign inner circle charged with anything were tripped up with lying, process crimes. Nothing to do with Russian collusion. Just Mueller playing hardball in hopes he could get dirt on Trump. For someone as evil as you make Trump out to be apparently there's nothing there impeachable. Amazing how you rant about Trump but don't want to see Hillary brought to justice. Call Trump a crook all you want, she and Bill got filthy rich while she was in office. Now that's crooked.


Well-Known Member
I think a lotta righties would care if it was some “MOOSLAM” country deeply infiltrating our election process. Not so much when it comes to the Russians as their ideology fits better with their own than that of the Democrats.
Ah, what happened to the good ol' days when Russians were communists and Democrats adored them?