Mueller report


Things like gender fluidity, banning airplanes, abolishing ICE, social justice/intersectionalist policies, late term abortion, slavery reparations, etc.

Gillum is a progressive, not a socialist. Don’t agree with him on abolishing ICE. But it’s OK to not agree on everything.

Nope. Not when it comes to Democratic Socialists. Progressives are in my camp.
Yep, you are confused.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Yep, you are confused.

It’s fine of you to think that. It’s probably hard for the leftist true believers to understand how somebody who says they’ve always voted for Democrats wouldn’t buy into Bernie’s/AOC’s entire democratic socialist package.


It’s fine of you to think that. It’s probably hard for the leftist true believers to understand how somebody who says they’ve always voted for Democrats wouldn’t buy into Bernie’s/AOC’s entire democratic socialist package.
When you constantly rail against what is too far left but not once call what is too far right, you re confused. Just call yourself a moderate Republican aka RINO. That's what you are.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It’s fine of you to think that. It’s probably hard for the leftist true believers to understand how somebody who says they’ve always voted for Democrats wouldn’t buy into Bernie’s/AOC’s entire democratic socialist package.
But AOC and Gilllum are viewed by MSM as very similar in their viewpoints and platforms.
I don't think Gillum is as dumb as AOC.


Well-Known Member
When you constantly rail against what is too far left but not once call what is too far right, you re confused. Just call yourself a moderate Republican aka RINO. That's what you are.
He goes after Republicans all the time. But it's telling that some Democrats can't tolerate a moderate Democrat with a center-Left position. It's all or nothing with you. If your party doesn't win in 2020 it'll most likely be because you put forth a far Left candidate that independents won't support.


He goes after Republicans all the time. But it's telling that some Democrats can't tolerate a moderate Democrat with a center-Left position. It's all or nothing with you. If your party doesn't win in 2020 it'll most likely be because you put forth a far Left candidate that independents won't support.
When you say you'll vote for Drumpf if the Democratic nominee is too far left, you are a republican. Don't get it twisted bro.

El Correcto

god is dead
Who is Andrew Gillum? Here’s what you need to know. *

Gillum is an unabashed champion of his party’s most progressive ideas — including things like Medicare-for-all-single payer health system, abolishing the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and impeaching President Donald Trump.

“We've got a crazy man in the White House. Not only is he a danger to the country and the world, he is a danger to himself,” he said during the camping Neither ICE nor impeachment are part of the governor’s job description.
Many Florida activists from the party’s most liberal, or progressive, wing supported Gillum.

* Since @Wrong is too lazy to Google, I provided a link.
I know this guy. Something about whoring his morals for some Hamilton tickets and a vacation. Very sad stuff, man of the people. People with money and influence.


Well-Known Member
When you say you'll vote for Drumpf if the Democratic nominee is too far left, you are a republican. Don't get it twisted bro.
Might just mean they won't vote at all. A lot of Republicans felt Romney was too liberal to support in 2012. He got three million less votes than McCain did in 2008. They didn't vote for Obama. They just didn't vote.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
When you say you'll vote for Drumpf if the Democratic nominee is too far left, you are a republican. Don't get it twisted bro.

I’ve never said I’d vote for Trump. But a non-vote for a democratic socialist would essentially be the same thing, right? However, I did hold my nose and vote for Hillary in 2016. She was a real turd. But not like pusillanimous grabbin’ Trump was. Could happen again.

Would vote for Buttigieg or Gabbard.

El Correcto

god is dead
He goes after Republicans all the time. But it's telling that some Democrats can't tolerate a moderate Democrat with a center-Left position. It's all or nothing with you. If your party doesn't win in 2020 it'll most likely be because you put forth a far Left candidate that independents won't support.
Trump is center left. That’s probably why people are confused when they meet another moderate.


Well-Known Member
I’ve never said I’d vote for Trump. But a non-vote for a democratic socialist would essentially be the same thing, right? However, I did hold my nose and vote for Hillary in 2016. She was a real turd. But not like pusillanimous grabbin’ Trump was. Could happen again.

Would vote for Buttigieg or Gabbard.
Gabbard sounds like your best chance to beat Trump. I don't think the U.S. is ready to put a gay couple in the White House. I don't know Gabbard's positions on everything, but when she talks she sounds like the voice of reason. Most Democrats sound like they all have a wishlist that they're promising but can't deliver on. And the message always seems to come across that if you don't agree with them you're somehow a racist. Schultz the independent seems to have his head on straight. And I would vote for him against Trump depending on what his social policies are. He's focused on fixing the debt crisis, which every candidate should be, not promising things that will explode an already exploded debt. It's not that I hate Trump, and will definitely vote for him against most, but if a reasonable person with solid credentials comes along, and will take the drama out of the daily news cycle, I would definitely consider him.
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El Correcto

god is dead
What policies do you consider him left of center on?
Infrastructure, entitlements, family leave, war in the Middle East, trade agreements, tariffs, immigration stance. On some of these he is far left in my opinion.

A lot of his major platform stances are 1990’s-2000’s Democrat stances.