Mueller report


Staff member
what type of progressiveism are you looking for ? Do you look to improve the plight of black America? or do you look to worsen their state of affairs by allowing illegals to sneak in and drive down the existing wage scale for those on the bottom rung of economic success.

progressive action is trying to talk out of both sides of their mouth. there is no direction or logic to its actions its random and destructive in application
How about all America?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
you denigrate something you know nothing about?
Pointing out that Fox has 2 actual journalists doesn’t change the fact that the network exists to push a right wing agenda. They are a propaganda network, having a couple actual news shows is just the gloss they put on the turd to seem legitimate. It appears to have worked on you.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Pointing out that Fox has 2 actual journalists doesn’t change the fact that the network exists to push a right wing agenda. They are a propaganda network, having a couple actual news shows is just the gloss they put on the turd to seem legitimate. It appears to have worked on you.

I agree that Fox is a propaganda arm for the Administration. But CNN and MSNBC clearly showed their own bias when they sold viewers the idea that Trump was a Russian agent every day for nearly 2 years. I wouldn’t necessarily consider what they’ve been up to to be fine works of journalistic integrity either.


Well-Known Member
CNN and MSNBC clearly showed their own bias when they sold viewers the idea that Trump was a Russian agent every day for nearly 2 years
I never saw that. I did see facts pointed out, like his love of Putin and the unusual ways meetings between them took place. The Oval office meeting was insane after the Comey firing. Then there were all the contacts with Russians that are public that the campaign and administration lied about.

Are you still an agent if you are just a 'Useful Idiot'?

I'm waiting to see what the report actually says. For something that totally exonerates him, he sure is trying hard to keep it hidden.


Strength through joy
There are very few journalists left these days.
I watched a story some years ago travel around the world in different newspapers. All those "writers" did was cut & paste their byline on to the story. None bothered to correct the same spelling errors that the first one made.


Well-Known Member
Pointing out that Fox has 2 actual journalists doesn’t change the fact that the network exists to push a right wing agenda. They are a propaganda network, having a couple actual news shows is just the gloss they put on the turd to seem legitimate. It appears to have worked on you.
Obviously you don't watch. Their opinion shows in the evening have Democrats on all the time stating the exact same positions you see the Democrat candidates stating. That's why FOX News ratings are so much higher. Even Democrats watch because they trust what they are saying. And Chris Wallace is no liberal. He asks extremely tough questions of everyone and doesn't push an agenda. Liberal journalists tend to only ask tough questions of the opposition and attack personally anyone who disagrees with their viewpoint. Have seen that repeatedly for decades.


Staff member
Obviously you don't watch. Their opinion shows in the evening have Democrats on all the time stating the exact same positions you see the Democrat candidates stating. That why FOX News ratings are so much higher. Even Democrats watch because they trust what they are saying. And Chris Wallace is no liberal. He asks extremely tough questions of everyone and doesn't push an agenda. Liberal journalists tend to only ask tough questions of the opposition and attack personally anyone who disagrees with their viewpoint. Have seen that repeatedly for decades.
Lol. Just stop.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you don't watch. Their opinion shows in the evening have Democrats on all the time stating the exact same positions you see the Democrat candidates stating. That's why FOX News ratings are so much higher. Even Democrats watch because they trust what they are saying. And Chris Wallace is no liberal. He asks extremely tough questions of everyone and doesn't push an agenda. Liberal journalists tend to only ask tough questions of the opposition and attack personally anyone who disagrees with their viewpoint. Have seen that repeatedly for decades.
Y'all can laugh all you want but when one show on FOX has more viewers than the entire CNN lineup I bet CNN executives and their advertisers aren't laughing.


Well-Known Member
Pointing out that Fox has 2 actual journalists doesn’t change the fact that the network exists to push a right wing agenda. They are a propaganda network, having a couple actual news shows is just the gloss they put on the turd to seem legitimate. It appears to have worked on you.

At least this time you admitted you say things without any facts or understanding of the material.