Mueller report


Well-Known Member
Infrastructure, entitlements, family leave, war in the Middle East, trade agreements, tariffs, immigration stance. On some of these he is far left in my opinion.

A lot of his major platform stances are 1990’s-2000’s Democrat stances.
Do you really feel he's liberal on immigration?


Well-Known Member
George W Bush: 'Immigration a blessing'

The left has gone right on immigration in the past twenty years. It’s not about the populist appeal to workers and protecting their wages.

In my opinion Trump is a moderate on immigration, once you throw in the worker visa programs.
OK, I'm thinking illegal immigration, you appear to focused on legal immigration. I can't think of a president since Eisenhower that's been tougher on illegal immigration.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Bro, you're an obese old man who lingers around at concerts and creeps out young people.

Seriously.... Just kill yourself.



Staff member
Things like gender fluidity, banning airplanes, abolishing ICE, social justice/intersectionalist policies, late term abortion, slavery reparations, etc.

Gillum is a progressive, not a socialist. Don’t agree with him on abolishing ICE. But it’s OK to not agree on everything.

Nope. Not when it comes to Democratic Socialists. Progressives are in my camp.
If we were into ideological purity, we’d have to kick you out.


Staff member
It’s fine of you to think that. It’s probably hard for the leftist true believers to understand how somebody who says they’ve always voted for Democrats wouldn’t buy into Bernie’s/AOC’s entire democratic socialist package.
Nobody has to buy into their entire package. Fact is, capitalism in the US is severely rigged and flawed. It needs to be reformed and the push and pull of ideas is how reform happens.

But the hyper political demonization labeled Obamacare socialism. And then people started to like it. Now Medicare for all is labeled socialism like social security once was.

None of that comes close to socialism because we don’t have a homogeneous government and that’s for the best. But without progressive action, things are far worse for far more people.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Nobody has to buy into their entire package. Fact is, capitalism in the US is severely rigged and flawed. It needs to be reformed and the push and pull of ideas is how reform happens.

But the hyper political demonization labeled Obamacare socialism. And then people started to like it. Now Medicare for all is labeled socialism like social security once was.

None of that comes close to socialism because we don’t have a homogeneous government and that’s for the best. But without progressive action, things are far worse for far more people.

I'm with ya on those points. If Democrats can saw off all that baggage you quoted me mentioning in post #530 they'll be much better off nationally.

Hopefully the Democratic candidate will articulate what's specifically wrong with capitalism and how we should move forward. Andrew Yang will probably not become the Democratic nominee. But I think he's done the best job so far at articulating those details in a way that folks on the left and right who might soon be automated out of their jobs can appreciate. And he's the only Democratic candidate that has the stones to jump over the social media outrage machine and talk directly to Ben Shapiro and Republicans. Really should happen more often. The video below was just posted yesterday.


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I'm with ya on those points. If Democrats can saw off all that baggage you quoted me mentioning in post #530 they'll be much better off nationally.

Hopefully the Democratic candidate will articulate what's specifically wrong with capitalism and how we should move forward. Andrew Yang will probably not become the Democratic nominee. But I think he's done the best job so far at articulating those details in a way that folks on the left and right who might soon be automated out of their jobs can appreciate. And he's the only Democratic candidate that has the stones to jump over the social media outrage machine and talk directly to Ben Shapiro and Republicans. Really should happen more often. The video below was just posted yesterday.

It’s not lack of stones that keeps democrats from talking with Ben Shapiro. He’s a propagandist that argues in bad faith like all right wing media. He and his ilk at Breitbart and Fox have no interest in presenting opposing views. That’s why Tucker hides videos when he’s actually challenged and only posts ones where he railroads over the leftish patsy he brings on.


Well-Known Member

Asking you to check my post history would be dumb. But it’s definitely not one of a Republican. I still need to apologize to @newfie and call him daddy for being wrong about Trump Russia collusion.

you've handled your disappointment with class and character. others here and congress can learn from you


Well-Known Member
It’s not lack of stones that keeps democrats from talking with Ben Shapiro. He’s a propagandist that argues in bad faith like all right wing media. He and his ilk at Breitbart and Fox have no interest in presenting opposing views. That’s why Tucker hides videos when he’s actually challenged and only posts ones where he railroads over the leftish patsy he brings on.

I wonder if you have ever listened to Shapiro. His Schick is taking on opposing views and arguing why he disagrees. he does it so effectively that democrats avoid doing so.

The fact is liberalism is a disease that can not be supported with a logical argument. it must be argued with emotion and it must be argued in a manner to denigrate the opposition. Once you argue liberalism on its own merits it crumbles.


Well-Known Member
I He and his ilk at Breitbart and Fox have no interest in presenting opposing views. That’s why Tucker hides videos when he’s actually challenged and only posts ones where he railroads over the leftish patsy he brings on.

i dont know anything about ay breitbart I dont watch it or listen to it . I do know about Fox . There is no journalist as effective at getting both sides of a story as Chris Wallace. put one up as unbiased as Chris on either CNN or MSNBC.

while you struggle with that . Put up another one as unbiased and even anti conservative on either network as Shep Smith.

there are no conservatives on either CNN or MSNBC . There clearly are liberals on Fox who have a forum there.

once you get past the propganda your liberal handlers feed you there is no substance to your argument.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I wonder if you have ever listened to Shapiro. His Schick is taking on opposing views and arguing why he disagrees. he does it so effectively that democrats avoid doing so.

The fact is liberalism is a disease that can not be supported with a logical argument. it must be argued with emotion and it must be argued in a manner to denigrate the opposition. Once you argue liberalism on its own merits it crumbles.
I listen to him regularly. He grabs the most outrageous position he can attribute to leftists and then attacks it. He doesn’t make good faith arguments about actual policies of democrats. He stokes outrage and puts up emotional attacks all the time. You just agree with him so you don’t notice how weak his arguments are.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
i dont know anything about ay breitbart I dont watch it or listen to it . I do know about Fox . There is no journalist as effective at getting both sides of a story as Chris Wallace. put one up as unbiased as Chris on either CNN or MSNBC.

while you struggle with that . Put up another one as unbiased and even anti conservative on either network as Shep Smith.

there are no conservatives on either CNN or MSNBC . There clearly are liberals on Fox who have a forum there.

once you get past the propganda your liberal handlers feed you there is no substance to your argument.
If you say so. The only time I see any cable news is when I’m in an airport. All cable news exists for propaganda at this point and it’s insane to pretend Fox doesn’t do that for the right.


Well-Known Member
None of that comes close to socialism because we don’t have a homogeneous government and that’s for the best. But without progressive action, things are far worse for far more people.

what type of progressiveism are you looking for ? Do you look to improve the plight of black America? or do you look to worsen their state of affairs by allowing illegals to sneak in and drive down the existing wage scale for those on the bottom rung of economic success.

progressive action is trying to talk out of both sides of their mouth. there is no direction or logic to its actions its random and destructive in application


Well-Known Member
I listen to him regularly. He grabs the most outrageous position he can attribute to leftists and then attacks it. He doesn’t make good faith arguments about actual policies of democrats. He stokes outrage and puts up emotional attacks all the time. You just agree with him so you don’t notice how weak his arguments are.

that is a common argument to make when liberalism can not argue on facts. Attack the messenger that destroys your own message with logic.