Mueller report


Obama won NC and FL in 2008 and FL in 2012. If Trump loses FL in 2020 he’ll lose the election. Democrats can win southern states if they communicate with the voters there.
FL might be the one exception. But that is because of the large Latino population. Florida also has a history of voter suppression. So there's that also.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
FL might be the one exception. But that is because of the large Latino population. Florida also has a history of voter suppression. So there's that also.

Andrew Gillum damn near won the governorship last year. I’d definitely vote for him if he were the Democratic Presidential candidate.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
LOL ... Really?

He is a declared Socialist with quite a few wacky ideas.
When did he do that? DeSantis did try to paint him as such during the 2018 election campaign.
Who is Andrew Gillum? Here’s what you need to know. *

Gillum is an unabashed champion of his party’s most progressive ideas — including things like Medicare-for-all-single payer health system, abolishing the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and impeaching President Donald Trump.

“We've got a crazy man in the White House. Not only is he a danger to the country and the world, he is a danger to himself,” he said during the camping Neither ICE nor impeachment are part of the governor’s job description.
Many Florida activists from the party’s most liberal, or progressive, wing supported Gillum.

* Since @Wrong is too lazy to Google, I provided a link.


Who is Andrew Gillum? Here’s what you need to know. *

Gillum is an unabashed champion of his party’s most progressive ideas — including things like Medicare-for-all-single payer health system, abolishing the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and impeaching President Donald Trump.

“We've got a crazy man in the White House. Not only is he a danger to the country and the world, he is a danger to himself,” he said during the camping Neither ICE nor impeachment are part of the governor’s job description.
Many Florida activists from the party’s most liberal, or progressive, wing supported Gillum.

* Since you are too lazy to Google, I provided a link.
@Box Ox is one confused individual.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Well I don't know what your problem is with progressives then. He's just a progressive with a Florida accent.

Things like gender fluidity, banning airplanes, abolishing ICE, social justice/intersectionalist policies, late term abortion, slavery reparations, etc.

Who is Andrew Gillum? Here’s what you need to know. *

Gillum is an unabashed champion of his party’s most progressive ideas — including things like Medicare-for-all-single payer health system, abolishing the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and impeaching President Donald Trump.

“We've got a crazy man in the White House. Not only is he a danger to the country and the world, he is a danger to himself,” he said during the camping Neither ICE nor impeachment are part of the governor’s job description.
Many Florida activists from the party’s most liberal, or progressive, wing supported Gillum.

* Since @Wrong is too lazy to Google, I provided a link.

Gillum is a progressive, not a socialist. Don’t agree with him on abolishing ICE. But it’s OK to not agree on everything.

@Box Ox is one confused individual.

Nope. Not when it comes to Democratic Socialists. Progressives are in my camp.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Things like gender fluidity, banning airplanes, abolishing ICE, social justice/intersectionalist policies, late term abortion, slavery reparations, etc. Democratic Socialists.
These are wack job Socialist ideas ... if you want to fool yourself, that's OK by me.