Mueller report


Well-Known Member
First off, the President can pick an AG who has to be approved by the Senate. The President can fire the AG. But the AG has a certain amount of autonomy. The President can't order him to do this or that to please the President. It was up to Sessions to take action which Sessions refused to do. Why? Ask Sessions, I don't know. As you are wanting an AG who respects the rule of law and understands the Constitution maybe you should brush up on how things work.

Utter rubbish.

Why didn't Sessions follow up on obvious (in your opinion) crimes by HRC?

Don't tell me about this or that, answer my question:

Why didn't Trump follow up on his campaign promise to 'LOCK HER UP' ?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Utter rubbish.

Why didn't Sessions follow up on obvious (in your opinion) crimes by HRC?

Don't tell me about this or that, answer my question:

Why didn't Trump follow up on his campaign promise to 'LOCK HER UP' ?
Pssst. She offered to split it with him.


I just gave you a new blind alley to go down.


Engorged Member
Utter rubbish.

Why didn't Sessions follow up on obvious (in your opinion) crimes by HRC?

Don't tell me about this or that, answer my question:

Why didn't Trump follow up on his campaign promise to 'LOCK HER UP' ?

In vantexan's world, the Clintons are responsible for everything that is bad. They even killed Jesus.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
In vantexan's world, the Clintons are responsible for everything that is bad. They even killed Jesus.

It's only a matter of time until Ilhan Omar and the hard leftists blame modern-day Israel for having killed Jesus. I really sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians but Democratic feelings toward Israel are getting a little nutso.



Engorged Member
It's only a matter of time until Ilhan Omar and the hard leftists blame modern-day Israel for having killed Jesus. I really sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians but Democratic feelings toward Israel are getting a little nutso.


Omar was stupid to take on Israel, which is essentially the 51st State. In her defense, ANY criticism of Israel is portrayed as anti-Semitism, even when Israel fully deserves scrutiny and/or condemnation.

The impending Netanyahu vision for Israel essentially eliminates any 2-state solution and puts the Palestinians in an even smaller box. I think he's wrong, so that must mean I'm an anti-Semite, right?
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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Omar was stupid to take on Israel, which is essentially the 51st State. In her defense, ANY criticism of Israel is portrayed as anti-Semitism, even when Israel fully deserves scrutiny and/or condemnation.

The impending Netanyahu vision for Israel essentially eliminates any 2-state solution and puts the Palestinians in an even smaller box. I think he's wrong, so that must mean I'm an anti-Semite, right?

You're not an anti-Semite for Israel criticism and I'm not a "gangster rap is bad" racist. LOL

I agree that there should be a 2 state solution. But it might also be time for everybody to put on their realist pants and let things work out as they may.


Engorged Member
You're not an anti-Semite for Israel criticism and I'm not a "gangster rap is bad" racist. LOL

I agree that there should be a 2 state solution. But it might also be time for everybody to put on their realist pants and let things work out as they may.

I detest rap and rap/gangsta culture.

El Correcto

god is dead
I agree that there should be a 2 state solution. But it might also be time for everybody to put on their realist pants and let things work out as they may.
Why should the PNA get anything? Why do you want to see people who vote for literal terrorist regimes and wage jihad against the Israelis get anything?

You need to learn what the second state in the 2 state solution is all about if you think that is possible. It’s extremely naive..


Engorged Member
Why should the PNA get anything? Why do you want to see people who vote for literal terrorist regimes and wage jihad against the Israelis get anything?

You need to learn what the second state in the 2 state solution is all about if you think that is possible. It’s extremely naive..

You're not getting the fact that Israel has tremendously oppressed the Palestinians, who aren't being treated fairly or dealt with in a humane fashion. I agree that those who lob rockets and declare jihad are wrong, but Israel isn't an innocent actor.

I suggest you start reading more, and make sure it's a balanced selection. It will help you climb out of your ignorance.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Why should the PNA get anything? Why do you want to see people who vote for literal terrorist regimes and wage jihad against the Israelis get anything?

You need to learn what the second state in the 2 state solution is all about if you think that is possible. It’s extremely naive..

Palestinian land was seized for the creation Israel. They should get something to call their own. We'd be up in arms too had it happened here in the US. Granted, being missile firing terrorist :censored2:s obviously won't do anything to change the status quo over there.

El Correcto

god is dead
Palestinian land was seized for the creation Israel. They should get something to call their own. We'd be up in arms too had it happened here in the US. Granted, being missile firing terrorist :censored2:s obviously won't do anything to change the status quo over there.
Palestine isn’t even a country, :censored2:. Go be part of Jordan.

El Correcto

god is dead
You're not getting the fact that Israel has tremendously oppressed the Palestinians, who aren't being treated fairly or dealt with in a humane fashion. I agree that those who lob rockets and declare jihad are wrong, but Israel isn't an innocent actor.

I suggest you start reading more, and make sure it's a balanced selection. It will help you climb out of your ignorance.
I suggest you recognize “Palestine” as a rogue terrorist regime and wake up to how it is a population of “freedom fighters” who elect terrorists and are oppressed by their own officials. Not Israel.

El Correcto

god is dead
You can propose your two state solution that is bound to fail.

The more I learn about Palestine I’m becoming a proponent of a final solution for that :censored2: show.


Well-Known Member
Was Sessions part of the evil democratic coup? It’s hard to keep up with the crazy.
I have no idea. However if indictments are handed out, and these Democrats start going to prison, will you believe it then? You certainly believed Trump colluded with the Russians. Believed it like it was gospel fact. How'd that turn out for you?


Well-Known Member
Utter rubbish.

Why didn't Sessions follow up on obvious (in your opinion) crimes by HRC?

Don't tell me about this or that, answer my question:

Why didn't Trump follow up on his campaign promise to 'LOCK HER UP' ?
Again, since you're reading comprehension is apparently bad, it wasn't up to Trump to pursue Clinton, it was up to Sessions. Trump couldn't order him to, only fire him if he didn't like his performance, which he did. Why Sessions didn't, I don't know. But if Barr goes after her then what are you going to say? Trump isn't king by the way, he has constitutional limits put on him. But since you know the Constitution inside and out you knew that already, right?


Well-Known Member
In vantexan's world, the Clintons are responsible for everything that is bad. They even killed Jesus.
I just want the same justice system applied to Hillary that you believe ought to be applied to Trump. Hint: Hillary has committed actual crimes. You THINK Trump has committed crimes.


Well-Known Member
Again, since you're reading comprehension is apparently bad, it wasn't up to Trump to pursue Clinton, it was up to Sessions. Trump couldn't order him to, only fire him if he didn't like his performance, which he did. Why Sessions didn't, I don't know. But if Barr goes after her then what are you going to say? Trump isn't king by the way, he has constitutional limits put on him. But since you know the Constitution inside and out you knew that already, right?
As the young’s cray