Mueller report

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Taking orders.


nowhere special

It will be fine

Well-Known Member


Engorged Member
Those were the big words you wouldn't understand, anyway.

I find it interesting that your hero calls the Mueller Report "BS", yet he was partially cleared from it. So that must mean clearing him of Russian collusion was BS too.

In typical Trump form, he is talking out his butt again. Why you have any faith in this zero escapes me.


A 2 year, 30 million dollar failed coup attempt.
If you're a UPS box lugger you're focus given the Trump SCOTUS should be the expected challenges to Taft Hartley and collective bargaining. If efforts to overturn it are successful the cradle to the grave income security you're currently enjoying will face it's greatest challenge to date.


Engorged Member
If you're a UPS box lugger you're focus given the Trump SCOTUS should be the expected challenges to Taft Hartley and collective bargaining. If efforts to overturn it are successful the cradle to the grave income security you're currently enjoying will face it's greatest challenge to date.

Great point. The Janus decision should be a wake-up call to all private sector unions that they are next in the crosshairs. A basic tenet of the Republican platform is pro-Big Business and anti-union/anti-labor ideals. Unless you want to become FedEx, I suggest all UPS people wake up and understand how your conservative ideals are in direct conflict with the stated beliefs of the Republican Party.

I also know that you'll say "Trump isn't anti-union", and it's true that I'm not aware of him publicly bashing private sector unions. But, given his almost total rollover to Big Business, if they wanted to push for an attack on Taft Hartley, he'd be all for it, even though he undoubtedly has zero idea of what it even is.

There's a reason the Teamsters and other private sector unions align themselves with the Democratic Party. Maybe it's time to do some reading and turn off FOX.


Well-Known Member
Great point. The Janus decision should be a wake-up call to all private sector unions that they are next in the crosshairs. A basic tenet of the Republican platform is pro-Big Business and anti-union/anti-labor ideals. Unless you want to become FedEx, I suggest all UPS people wake up and understand how your conservative ideals are in direct conflict with the stated beliefs of the Republican Party.

I also know that you'll say "Trump isn't anti-union", and it's true that I'm not aware of him publicly bashing private sector unions. But, given his almost total rollover to Big Business, if they wanted to push for an attack on Taft Hartley, he'd be all for it, even though he undoubtedly has zero idea of what it even is.

There's a reason the Teamsters and other private sector unions align themselves with the Democratic Party. Maybe it's time to do some reading and turn off FOX.

Trump could take away his faithful supporters’ health insurance and Union jobs and they’d still vote for him.

As long as he’s pwning the libturds...