Mueller report


Well-Known Member
Mueller can't say no to a subpoena.
Actually in a different way he can offer the same as saying no. You are incorrect, or wrong again, Jimmy two times. He can say no and refuse to appear.
Your empire is crumbling, never been wrong until today, then poof, two strikes against you. Climb back in the batter's box, we'll strike you out.


Well-Known Member
An investigation that ended...nowhere. Except, it lives on with you, just like Benghazi and the Clinton emails.
It's a known fact that the Obama administration sent a bunch of weapons to Mexico without the means to track them. One of those was used to kill a Border Patrol agent. That the administration covered their tracks on their mistake doesn't make it ok.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
If Mueller could have put together a "fact" situation they felt confident would prevail at trial he would have presented it.

No Mr. tRump ass-kisser. Mueller identified 10 items specifically for congress to use when they act! The report was never intended for Barr or the White House to use no matter what you try to claim.

Let me guess, you'll next try to claim because they could not prove "conspiracy" (due to being prevented from direct questioning of tRump) then nobody can claim "obstruction" as there was no conspiracy to obstruct the investigation into it?

As for your wanting CLE's, why? I am sure you are one of those that sign in at 8am then leave for the local bar!


Engorged Member
Actually in a different way he can offer the same as saying no. You are incorrect, or wrong again, Jimmy two times. He can say no and refuse to appear.
Your empire is crumbling, never been wrong until today, then poof, two strikes against you. Climb back in the batter's box, we'll strike you out.

So, Mueller doesn't have to obey the law. Explain, genius.


Engorged Member
It's a known fact that the Obama administration sent a bunch of weapons to Mexico without the means to track them. One of those was used to kill a Border Patrol agent. That the administration covered their tracks on their mistake doesn't make it ok.

Is this like Iran/Contra, except without the guns?


Engorged Member
Actually in a different way he can offer the same as saying no. You are incorrect, or wrong again, Jimmy two times. He can say no and refuse to appear.
Your empire is crumbling, never been wrong until today, then poof, two strikes against you. Climb back in the batter's box, we'll strike you out.

I was being facetious. You're a pitcher with no arms who rolls the ball to the plate.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
In other words, a hand-off to Congress and an emphasis on what is forthcoming from the SDNY.

I am not sure it was Mueller's intent for Congress to remain out of it. For the little that I have read it seemed to me like Mueller was literally laying out for the Congress how it should proceed in it's follow up investigations and where it should focus it's attention.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Read it again. The report clearly stated the question of whether a sitting President could be indicted was not a factor in the decision.

Very good, now please use your brain! Mueller did NOT QUESTION DEPARTMENT POLICY! HE ACCEPTED THE POLICY AND WROTE HIS REPORT ACCORDINGLY! Mueller's team laid out the facts knowing full well Congress is next to act with the information they gathered. Hell they even wrote the report so that a 8th grader can understand it and what needs to be done next!

Please get your information from other sources than the Faux channel talking heads, AON and Giuliani!


nowhere special
Very good, now please use your brain! Mueller did NOT QUESTION DEPARTMENT POLICY! HE ACCEPTED THE POLICY AND WROTE HIS REPORT ACCORDINGLY! Mueller's team laid out the facts knowing full well Congress is next to act with the information they gathered. Hell they even wrote the report so that a 8th grader can understand it and what needs to be done next!

Please get your information from other sources than the Faux channel talking heads, AON and Giuliani!
You need to stop watching CNN and MSNBC then. Mueller specifically wrote in his report that the question of whether a sitting president could be indicted was not a factor.

Is that so difficult for you to understand?


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!

You need to stop watching CNN and MSNBC then. Mueller specifically wrote in his report that the question of whether a sitting president could be indicted was not a factor.
Is that so difficult for you to understand?

You can not possibly be this stupid? He did not question the policy therefore it was not a factor! What part of this eludes you?!?!?

The facts within the report are extremely damning and that is why our president is running scared! Congress is next up to act!


nowhere special
You can not possibly be this stupid? He did not question the policy therefore it was not a factor! What part of this eludes you?!?!?

The facts within the report are extremely damning and that is why our president is running scared! Congress is next up to act!
How can you not understand? It wasn't a factor and by looking just at the evidence there was no collusion and no obstruction.


nowhere special
poor fdx is having an awful easter as his world crumbles around him

Poor guy doesn't understand that a subpoena from Congress is more like a request. They have no power to force someone to come and testify. Mueller could tell them to pound sand if he wanted to.


Engorged Member
Poor guy doesn't understand that a subpoena from Congress is more like a request. They have no power to force someone to come and testify. Mueller could tell them to pound sand if he wanted to.

Why would he want to? My thought is that Mueller would be more than happy to clarify any misunderstandings. Maybe he doesn't want death threats from all of you if he doesn't say the right things.


Engorged Member
You can not possibly be this stupid? He did not question the policy therefore it was not a factor! What part of this eludes you?!?!?

The facts within the report are extremely damning and that is why our president is running scared! Congress is next up to act!

They can be this stupid. Now you know what I deal with every time I post. This is essentially a Right Wing echo chamber where they prop each other up with the latest from FOX or Breitbart.

Mueller clearly was operating from a position that the DOJ would not and could not indict a sitting president. That would seem to be fact, but facts don't seem to matter to the usual suspects here.

It's still a witch hunt to them, and Trump has been completely "exonerated".


Well-Known Member
Poor guy doesn't understand that a subpoena from Congress is more like a request. They have no power to force someone to come and testify. Mueller could tell them to pound sand if he wanted to.

Mueller works for Barr they have to ask Barr's permission. Barr's has provided a few people a less redacted version. it will be easier to prosecute someone if anything leaks.