Mueller report


Engorged Member
Sorry, doggie. No go. Trump is in trouble, and he knows it. The Mueller Report exposed a chaotic, incompetent White House led by the worst president ever.

Congress will take the ball from here...and shove it up Trump's you-know-what.

Sour grapes turn to sweet wine.


Well-Known Member
You are a brain dead tRump zombie! Muller was not allowed to prosecute nor indict ONLY DUE TO DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES PREVENTING THE INDICTMENT OF A SITTING PRESIDENT!

Your regurgitation of the baseless "coup" crap is the proof your lips are stuck firmly on tRump's ARSE!
I understand that, quite frankly I was probably the first one here to note that fact. I was simply offering how the grand jury system operates and rules that dictate the procedure.
You must have a hard time following an illustration, for you solely I will speak slowly and draw a mental picture with crayons, maybe that will help.
If Mueller could have put together a "fact" situation they felt confident would prevail at trial he would have presented it. In this particular situation, DOJ policy is a sitting president cannot be indicted while in office. This lack of a prosecution remedy does not however preclude a special prosecutor for laying out a case of of what they deem indictable offenses in which they would prevail prevail in court. This body of "fact, or facts" could however be used as a road map for impeachment, a remedy provided for in the Constitution. Mueller offered none

I do however thank you for attempting to school me, do I get CLE credit?


Well-Known Member They're still investigating, have subpoenaed the unredacted report, and have plans for Barr and Muller to testify. That's just a start.
They are and I sincerely hope they do.
Go ahead, step in it
pile of :censored:.gif