must read info


Senior Member
Why must you think its a good time to be out on a strike line? I iwll tell you that i as a p-timer in 97 made alot of friends for life from package to feeder to porters and we all stood out there side by side united for the overall good of all of us. If, if,if we would ever go back on strike i can promise you i would stand tall next to everyone out there and treat the p-timers the way i was treated by the fulltimers in 97, now thats how you build unity. If we do go on strike and you are a little bored crossing your picket line, just pm me and i would make a trip to you to make your picket line crossong a little more memorable. (there is no physical threat meant in this just some nice heckling)
The good time was in reference to a different post about y'all meeting some where and talking over a drink.
If there is a strike, come on down. I will find a fresh clean carboard box for you and we can hang in the alley behind the center drinking cheap wine.
Ha Ha !!!!!