My Prayers Have Been Answered,.....THANK YOU!!!

Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
Prove it liar. You said it.

He doesn't have to prove anything to you, Pant Load. O'Brien was suspended for 2 weeks effective 11/1/14 for making threats against members of Local 251. Those threats were a violation of the IBT Constitution and the Landrum Griffin Act. And you knew all this, Pant Load, yet insisted on proof? If you want proof, stand up at the next membership and ask Sean!

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
He doesn't have to prove anything to you, Pant Load. O was suspended for 2 weeks effective 11/1/14 for making threats against members of Local 251. Those threats were a violation of the IBT Constitution and the Landrum Griffin Act. And you knew all this, Pant Load, yet insisted on proof? If you want proof, stand up at the next membership and ask Sean!
Also believe the PO O was recently suspended by the IBT and IRB for corruption.
Stop coming to the liars defense. You clowns diverting the accusation. Next up is realbrown

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
He doesn't have to prove anything to you, Pant Load. O was suspended for 2 weeks effective 11/1/14 for making threats against members of Local 251. Those threats were a violation of the IBT Constitution and the Landrum Griffin Act. And you knew all this, Pant Load, yet insisted on proof? If you want proof, stand up at the next membership and ask Sean!
he said corruption dope. Not talking about O telling off 3, yes 3 incumbents out on their lies.


Got the T-Shirt
Those threats were a violation of the IBT Constitution and the Landrum Griffin Act.

Some people.... have a deep seated desire, to represent their fellow members.

Being passionate about the cause, can lead to an (occasional) emotional outburst.

Nothing more, nothing less.

O was suspended for 2 weeks effective 11/1/14 for making threats against members of Local 251


A whole 2 weeks.

Tim, I did some checking today on your health-care,..
You guys got a heck of a deal -NOT- you have to divert pension money into health care and have done so. 75 cents out of a dollar the first year, the whole dollar the second and third year, and probably the fourth and fifth year. You also have to divert wages to health care if they need the money up to 35 cents an hour. Couple that with the concessions in benefits and you guys negotiated one heck of a deal. Don't forget how you raised the retiree cost ($50. to $300.) a month, changed from a 90/10 to an 80/20 and you can't get name brand prescriptions among other things. I'm very glad you are happy with that but keep your sellout negotiators out West.... I don't want them to negotiate anything for me,
You do nt want them in Texas?
One thing you could not do is fight the employer without any bargaining leverage, like giving up the right to strike. Keeping retiree coverage or any benefits is subject to negotiations and being able to fight for what the members need. If you are not willing to fight for the members just jump in bed with H and H and UPS. The members want to fight. The tyrannical dictatorship at the IBT is coming to an end.
Let me know how that works out for ya.
It's your leader, (and I use that word lightly) that's destroying our Union, not friend.Z.....

Years ago people were envious of the teamsters, people used to say to me, "I wished we were teamsters"......not anymore, these last five yrs has been an embarrassment to the teamsters! He's taken our leverage away, he needs to go!!!
You should of quit the teamsters.
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He doesn't have to prove anything to you, Pant Load. O was suspended for 2 weeks effective 11/1/14 for making threats against members of Local 251. Those threats were a violation of the IBT Constitution and the Landrum Griffin Act. And you knew all this, Pant Load, yet insisted on proof? If you want proof, stand up at the next membership and ask Sean!
Hes talking about th allegations @Instigator made about hall