Nashville School Shooting

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


Binge Poster
You really don’t see the lack of substance/ meat in your comments? I don’t buy it.
Yet another passive aggressive set up statement.
That is you opinion.

I believe I have genuinely tried to have open communication with you.

IMO it is you who frequently refutes many of my contributions solely on the basis of your opinion of what the Bible says.

IMO you seem closed to the possibility of different ideas.

And then you do what you do?

Peace my friend



Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever done something that they truly don’t want to do but do it anyway?


Has anyone ever not done something that they truly want to do but don’t do it anyway?

I know I certainly have experienced both of these circumstances in my life.


Yes, I let my wife to buy a Prius. 🤪

And I didn’t go to see Rush in concert when I had the chance.


Binge Poster
When I was 18 I truly didn’t want to have sex with my brothers first girlfriend but I did anyway.

When I was even younger I think 9, I truly wanted to be more peaceful and obedient to my parents, like my 2 older brothers were, but I just kept being a very rebellious child and only got worse as a teenager and young adult.


Well-Known Member
When I was 18 I truly didn’t want to have sex with my brothers first girlfriend but I did anyway.

When I was even younger I think 9, I truly wanted to be more peaceful and obedient to my parents, like my 2 older brothers were, but I just kept being a very rebellious child and only got worse as a teenager and young adult.
Well, what she at least good looking?


Well-Known Member
Yes she was.

The experience from the fleshly side was great.

It wasn’t worth it though because the outcome relationally with my brother obviously was compromised for quite some time. I wasn’t a loyal brother as I hoped and wanted to be. We are good now though.
Well, pretty normal for hormonal teenage people it happens.


Well-Known Member
So what are you claiming now? That these two individuals had advance knowledge that this shooting was about to take place and traveled to Nashville just to be present when it went down?
Outside of the fact that network news went around seeking public comment and these two were approached and offered theirs. Now outside of that just exactly what do you know that can be confirmed?


Well-Known Member
What conspiracy theory? Every time there’s a shooting someone like you who believe the government can save them begs the government to take more liberties from you. That’s not a conspiracy that’s a fact.
Is that an admission on your part that mass shootings in your opinion is an acceptable "price of freedom"?

Is it your belief that mass shootings on an almost daily basis be accepted as a normal occurrence in everyday life in America?
So just once be a standup guy and say whether it should or should not be an accepted part of daily American life?


Well-Known Member
Is that an admission on your part that mass shootings in your opinion is an acceptable "price of freedom"?

Is it your belief that mass shootings on an almost daily basis be accepted as a normal occurrence in everyday life in America?
So just once be a standup guy and say whether it should or should not be an accepted part of daily American life?
Since 1999, 175 people is daily? Can you spin some more?
I don’t know what the price of freedom is I know a lot of people die for us to make sure we had it, but I do know people like you would make sure our freedoms and liberty vanished.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
People say that people don’t kill but guns kill people. If that is so how come there has never been a mass shooting at a gun store or a gun show? Seems to me these are one of the safest places to be. Why aren’t all these guns uniting together and killing? I’ll wait for an answer.
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Well-Known Member
Since 1999, 175 people is daily? Can you spin some more?
I don’t know what the price of freedom is I know a lot of people die for us to make sure we had it, but I do know people like you would make sure our freedoms and liberty vanished.
175. And that is a COPYRIGHTED story by ABC News and the Associated Press. 175 kids have died in on campus shootings since 1999? Now in light of the fact that you accuse me of "spin" I challenge you to DISPROVE that figure.