Nashville School Shooting


Well-Known Member
Wrapping yourself in the constitution only serves to reaffirm your belief that we should do nothing to protect the lives of other law abiding citizens and children . Either we pass some gun control legislation to see if that might make a difference or we just continue with the slaughter and chalk it up to the "the price of freedom". There is no in between alternative. Either you do it or you don't .
You'll be taken seriously when you show as much concern for gun deaths in places like Chicago that happen daily but aren't politically advantageous to your agenda. And please don't bring up tragic gun deaths without also talking about all the lives saved because someone was armed. Also please discuss the fact that when God was taken out of people's lives these kind of shootings escalated. These are almost always young adults who feel alienated and have mental health issues. As we've already seen in cities where police forces were defunded and police feel threatened for just enforcing the law that violent crime has escalated. And yet you'd take away the ability to defend one's self and family. Let's do it for the kids sounds pretty disingenuous when the same people defend the right of grown men in lingerie bumping and grinding in front of children. Of course you also can't control a well armed population like you'd like to.


And to this point you've avoided answering the one overriding question: Is continued murders in both large numbers and small and acceptable price to pay for the freedoms and liberties you hold so dear?
You act like those are the only two options, a false dichotomy. How about we stop these shootings by allowing people to defend themselves, put looney tunes like the woman who committed this slaughter in the nuthouse, and still not infringe on people's rights?

But you're retarded. So your tiny little pea brain can't comprehend there are other ways to solve this problem.

This is of course predicated on the notion that these are, in fact, random events. I don't think that's the case. I believe the deep state is behind this stuff and it will continue to happen until their agenda is complete.

But again. When you have an IQ of a raisin, I wouldn't expect you to be able to understand.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
You'll be taken seriously when you show as much concern for gun deaths in places like Chicago that happen daily but aren't politically advantageous to your agenda. And please don't bring up tragic gun deaths without also talking about all the lives saved because someone was armed. Also please discuss the fact that when God was taken out of people's lives these kind of shootings escalated. These are almost always young adults who feel alienated and have mental health issues. As we've already seen in cities where police forces were defunded and police feel threatened for just enforcing the law that violent crime has escalated. And yet you'd take away the ability to defend one's self and family. Let's do it for the kids sounds pretty disingenuous when the same people defend the right of grown men in lingerie bumping and grinding in front of children. Of course you also can't control a well armed population like you'd like to.
Saw a discussion earlier this PM regarding Chicago. According to the data that I'll have to research in more depth half of all gun crimes committed in the state of Illinois involved guns that were purchased in states outside of Illinois. The reason being that Illinois has some fairly restrictive gun laws while nearby states don't have as restrictive gun laws.

Can you give me some hard data regarding how many lives have been directly spared due to the presence of a gun?
Furthermore are you saying that the lives of the innocent and again law abiding people who were gunned down in mass shootings were less valuable than the lives you claim were saved thanks to guns?

You're the one invoking God into this discussion. So let's hear what you and God have to say about the innocents who died at the barrel of a gun.


Does that include the deaths of your own children and other loved ones in the manner those 9 year old's who died this weak? And don't insult my intelligence by claiming that you guns would always keep a similar fate from befalling your own kids.
My guns would prevent the people I love from suffering the same fate.


Well-Known Member
Saw a discussion earlier this PM regarding Chicago. According to the data that I'll have to research in more depth half of all gun crimes committed in the state of Illinois involved guns that were purchased in states outside of Illinois. The reason being that Illinois has some fairly restrictive gun laws while nearby states don't have as restrictive gun laws.

Can you give me some hard data regarding how many lives have been directly spared due to the presence of a gun?
Furthermore are you saying that the lives of the innocent and again law abiding people who were gunned down in mass shootings were less valuable than the lives you claim were saved thanks to guns?

You're the one invoking God into this discussion. So let's hear what you and God have to say about the innocents who died at the barrel of a gun.
I can only give you anecdotal evidence. Years ago my brother-in-law twice defended himself and my sister against attackers with his pistol he kept in his glovebox. Have heard many such stories over the years. Was it last year a mass shooter in Fort Worth if I remember right entered a church with a shotgun and killed at least one person before being stopped by an armed usher.

What I'm saying is you don't bring up the daily killings in large cities, just focus on these school killings. You don't bring up that most mass shootings are in "gun free zones". And I'm saying when you take God and morality completely away from people you often get alienated, disaffected individuals. And we know for a fact that violent crime has risen everywhere that the police ability to enforce the law has been inhibited. We all know what you want. Take away the guns so Big Government can order people into compliance and obedience to your utopian socialist agenda. We all know it as surely as we know climate change is an excuse to install socialism. So all your crying falls on deaf ears because we know that's not what you care about.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I can only give you anecdotal evidence. Years ago my brother-in-law twice defended himself and my sister against attackers with his pistol he kept in his glovebox. Have heard many such stories over the years. Was it last year a mass shooter in Fort Worth if I remember right entered a church with a shotgun and killed at least one person before being stopped by an armed usher.

What I'm saying is you don't bring up the daily killings in large cities, just focus on these school killings. You don't bring up that most mass shootings are in "gun free zones". And I'm saying when you take God and morality completely away from people you often get alienated, disaffected individuals. And we know for a fact that violent crime has risen everywhere that the police ability to enforce the law has been inhibited. We all know what you want. Take away the guns so Big Government can order people into compliance and obedience to your utopian socialist agenda. We all know it as surely as we know climate change is an excuse to install socialism. So all your crying falls on deaf ears because we know that's not what you care about.
Guns don't kill, Liberialism does.


Well-Known Member
My guns would prevent the people I love from suffering the same fate.
So you sit in class all day with you kid's with your guns strapped to your holster. What a fine idea. Just remember what all school mass shooters have one thing in common....They all got off the first shot . And with the case of semi automatics especially those with bump stocks and other modifications....they often get off a lot of first shots.

Guns nuts always make me laugh out load at some of the truly absurd things they say.


So you sit in class all day with you kid's with your guns strapped to your holster. What a fine idea. Just remember what all school mass shooters have one thing in common....They all got off the first shot . And with the case of semi automatics especially those with bump stocks and other modifications....they often get off a lot of first shots.

Guns nuts always make me laugh out load at some of the truly absurd things they say.
Or ideally a teacher or armed security.


Well-Known Member
Strangely enough, a couple of friends of mine are big liberal supporters, and also gigantic ā€œgun nutsā€. Theyā€™re arsenal would make you blush L O L.
I know some too but in Bacha's case when it comes to guns he's just nuts. A few other things too now that I think about it.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I know some too but in Bacha's case when it comes to guns he's just nuts. A few other things too now that I think about it.
Same ideology that seriously thought replacing police with trained therapist was the way to go in violent situations. Lol !
