Nashville School Shooting


Well-Known Member
Who gives a :censored2: about the commie teachers unions? :censored2: em.
They just the UPS Teamsters are covered under collective bargaining and US labor laws. And basically the same laws under which UPS Teamsters are covered. So if teachers unions are communists then I guess the Teamsters are communists as well.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that the innocents gunned down in cold blood just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time are children of a lessor god?

Now look , let's get something straight. I am basically as Second Amendment supporter. I've got several rifles, a shotgun and a handgun in my closet and they do NOT give me the twisted sense of empowerment it gives others.

The time however for some compromise gun control legislation is NOW....Because the window is closing. With the population washing out in pro gun rural areas the money and the votes are going with it. In addition the US population is expected to hit 400 million by 2060 and not many of them are going out to rural America because the jobs aren't there. Furthermore women comprise a full one fourth of the current US Congress along with a growing number of minorities it is now the most ethnically diverse Congress ever. And with that diversity away goes the NRA"s and gun manufacturers control over it.

The interests of the NRA and gun manufacturers would be best served by taking a gun deal now which they can negotiate or have a much stricter one imposed on them which they are by that time powerless to stop.
You’re so out of touch,why do you think the NRA has any real influence? You just like made up bogeyman? I help you get a new better bogeyman because the NRA is worthless and has been for a long time.



Well-Known Member
And we've seen what the vote has been. Good luck.
The gun lobby is still pretty powerful...for the time being....Once upon a time the tobacco industry held as much power as the gun lobby....and we saw what happened to them when they ran into the nation's public health professionals. Guess who won?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Well-Known Member
You’re so out of touch,why do you think the NRA has any real influence? You just like made up bogeyman? I help you get a new better bogeyman because the NRA is worthless and has been for a long time.

Granted the NRA is bankrupt but it's PAC is still operating taking in donations and buying as much influence as it can.
So while you're at it tell me how much money has GOA and gun manufacturers donated to Super PAC's. Good luck with that because Super PAC's campaign reporting requirements are so near nonexistent that they are referred to as "Dark Money",


They just the UPS Teamsters are covered under collective bargaining and US labor laws. And basically the same laws under which UPS Teamsters are covered. So if teachers unions are communists then I guess the Teamsters are communists as well.
You're not very good at logic, are you.


Well-Known Member
Granted the NRA is bankrupt but it's PAC is still operating taking in donations and buying as much influence as it can.
So while you're at it tell me how much money has GOA and gun manufacturers donated to Super PAC's. Good luck with that because Super PAC's campaign reporting requirements are so near nonexistent that they are referred to as "Dark Money",
I don’t think you have a problem with dark money super PACs. when it works in your favor.


Well-Known Member
Been hearing that same nonsense for decades…. Come and take them
If they show up at your place with a federal warrant you'll turn them over. I trust that you still have enough common sense (just barely) not to try and shoot it out with them. Why? They have bigger and better guns...and more of them.


Well-Known Member
If they show up at your place with a federal warrant you'll turn them over. I trust that you still have enough common sense (just barely) not to try and shoot it out with them. Why? They have bigger and better guns...and more of them.
Finally, we get you to admit, what you want. Enjoy your fantasy.


Well-Known Member
The gun lobby is still pretty powerful...for the time being....Once upon a time the tobacco industry held as much power as the gun lobby....and we saw what happened to them when they ran into the nation's public health professionals. Guess who won?
When guns cause cancer you might have a point....


Well-Known Member
You're not very good at logic, are you.
Not very good at logic huh? Who's the guy who called the teachers unions "commies" while being totally oblivious of the fact that the teachers unions and the Teamsters are covered under the same basic labor laws including the right to collective bargaining?

So who's the illogical one now? (lol).


Well-Known Member
If they show up at your place with a federal warrant you'll turn them over. I trust that you still have enough common sense (just barely) not to try and shoot it out with them. Why? They have bigger and better guns...and more of them.
So are you advocating turning over all guns?


Well-Known Member
Not very good at logic huh? Who's the guy who called the teachers unions "commies" while being totally oblivious of the fact that the teachers unions and the Teamsters are covered under the same basic labor laws including the right to collective bargaining?

So who's the illogical one now? (lol).
Lol he’s not a teamster


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Not very good at logic huh? Who's the guy who called the teachers unions "commies" while being totally oblivious of the fact that the teachers unions and the Teamsters are covered under the same basic labor laws including the right to collective bargaining?

So who's the illogical one now? (lol).
You're the one assuming he gives a flying :censored2: about the Teamsters.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
If they show up at your place with a federal warrant you'll turn them over. I trust that you still have enough common sense (just barely) not to try and shoot it out with them. Why? They have bigger and better guns...and more of them.
Maybe you would, because you’re frightened all the time.


Well-Known Member
When guns cause cancer you might have a point....
Is that best response you've got? . The power of special interest groups fluctuates and doesn't last forever. Right now you guys think that the gun lobby will never experience a decline in it's power. History says otherwise. Again money and votes will decide the matter. Not what you or I have to say.