Nashville School Shooting


Binge Poster
Just my point of view.

I believe individual and personal freedom to own guns is pretty much a given and I can’t see that theses rights should be changed.

However, I do believe gun corporations and gun lobby should be specifically responsible for gun ownership, gun use and education and the corporations should be responsible to self fund a strict gun ownership vetting process.

I also believe gun corporations should also fund research about mental health as it relates to including but not limited to gun crime, mass shooters, and suicide by gun.

The corporations should also be held liable for any failures in their own vetting process that results in including but not limited to gun crime, mass shooting, and suicide by gun. Anyone negatively affected should IMO be able to sue the gun corporations.

Those getting rich off this basic and necessary right should IMO be the ones to shoulder the responsibility for the problems that mass production and mass distribution of firearms. After all they are the ones primarily reaping the benefits of this mass production and distribution,


Well-Known Member
Just my point of view.

I believe individual and personal freedom to own guns is pretty much a given and I can’t see that theses rights should be changed.

However, I do believe gun corporations and gun lobby should be specifically responsible for gun ownership, gun use and education and the corporations should be responsible to self fund a strict gun ownership vetting process.

I also believe gun corporations should also fund research about mental health as it relates to including but not limited to gun crime, mass shooters, and suicide by gun.

The corporations should also be held liable for any failures in their own vetting process that results in including but not limited to gun crime, mass shooting, and suicide by gun. Anyone negatively affected should IMO be able to sue the gun corporations.

Those getting rich off this basic and necessary right should IMO be the ones to shoulder the responsibility for the problems that mass production and mass distribution of firearms. After all they are the ones primarily reaping the benefits of this mass production and distribution,
So true. If I stab someone with a knife they should be able to sue the manufacturer for selling me that knife. If a pitbull bites me I should be able to sue the breeder for selling that puppy. If a movie depicts violence I should be able to sue everyone involved with the movie if a psychotic person simulates that violence to kill someone related to me. Let's sue everyone over everything rather than hold responsible the perpetrators of crime who use a gun, knife, axe, hammer or whatever to commit that crime.


Binge Poster
So true. If I stab someone with a knife they should be able to sue the manufacturer for selling me that knife. If a pitbull bites me I should be able to sue the breeder for selling that puppy. If a movie depicts violence I should be able to sue everyone involved with the movie if a psychotic person simulates that violence to kill someone related to me. Let's sue everyone over everything rather than hold responsible the perpetrators of crime who use a gun, knife, axe, hammer or whatever to commit that crime.
I don’t agree that it should be pushed to this extreme, but if you think so. I’m in.

Peace be with you my friend.



Well-Known Member
I can only give you anecdotal evidence. Years ago my brother-in-law twice defended himself and my sister against attackers with his pistol he kept in his glovebox. Have heard many such stories over the years. Was it last year a mass shooter in Fort Worth if I remember right entered a church with a shotgun and killed at least one person before being stopped by an armed usher.

What I'm saying is you don't bring up the daily killings in large cities, just focus on these school killings. You don't bring up that most mass shootings are in "gun free zones". And I'm saying when you take God and morality completely away from people you often get alienated, disaffected individuals. And we know for a fact that violent crime has risen everywhere that the police ability to enforce the law has been inhibited. We all know what you want. Take away the guns so Big Government can order people into compliance and obedience to your utopian socialist agenda. We all know it as surely as we know climate change is an excuse to install socialism. So all your crying falls on deaf ears because we know that's not what you care about.
Are you saying that the innocents gunned down in cold blood just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time are children of a lessor god?

Now look , let's get something straight. I am basically as Second Amendment supporter. I've got several rifles, a shotgun and a handgun in my closet and they do NOT give me the twisted sense of empowerment it gives others.

The time however for some compromise gun control legislation is NOW....Because the window is closing. With the population washing out in pro gun rural areas the money and the votes are going with it. In addition the US population is expected to hit 400 million by 2060 and not many of them are going out to rural America because the jobs aren't there. Furthermore women comprise a full one fourth of the current US Congress along with a growing number of minorities it is now the most ethnically diverse Congress ever. And with that diversity away goes the NRA"s and gun manufacturers control over it.

The interests of the NRA and gun manufacturers would be best served by taking a gun deal now which they can negotiate or have a much stricter one imposed on them which they are by that time powerless to stop.


So true. If I stab someone with a knife they should be able to sue the manufacturer for selling me that knife. If a pitbull bites me I should be able to sue the breeder for selling that puppy. If a movie depicts violence I should be able to sue everyone involved with the movie if a psychotic person simulates that violence to kill someone related to me. Let's sue everyone over everything rather than hold responsible the perpetrators of crime who use a gun, knife, axe, hammer or whatever to commit that crime.
It's just common sense. I'm suing the city for bad engineering and a few bad drivers for making me late to work.


Strength through joy
So true. If I stab someone with a knife they should be able to sue the manufacturer for selling me that knife. If a pitbull bites me I should be able to sue the breeder for selling that puppy. If a movie depicts violence I should be able to sue everyone involved with the movie if a psychotic person simulates that violence to kill someone related to me. Let's sue everyone over everything rather than hold responsible the perpetrators of crime who use a gun, knife, axe, hammer or whatever to commit that crime.
I wish to hold responsible ever elected official who sponsored and voted on any piece of legislation that results in any death.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Are you saying that the innocents gunned down in cold blood just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time are children of a lessor god?

Now look , let's get something straight. I am basically as Second Amendment supporter. I've got several rifles, a shotgun and a handgun in my closet and they do NOT give me the twisted sense of empowerment it gives others.

The time however for some compromise gun control legislation is NOW....Because the window is closing. With the population washing out in pro gun rural areas the money and the votes are going with it. In addition the US population is expected to hit 400 million by 2060 and not many of them are going out to rural America because the jobs aren't there. Furthermore women comprise a full one fourth of the current US Congress along with a growing number of minorities it is now the most ethnically diverse Congress ever. And with that diversity away goes the NRA"s and gun manufacturers control over it.

The interests of the NRA and gun manufacturers would be best served by taking a gun deal now which they can negotiate or have a much stricter one imposed on them which they are by that time powerless to stop.
🤣. Lesser God.


A teacher being required as a condition of employment to go around with a gun strapped to them? They're having a hard time now filling positions let alone making gun slingers out of them.
I've never advocated requiring teachers to carry. But allow them to if they want, provided training and well thought out protocols are established.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that the innocents gunned down in cold blood just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time are children of a lessor god?

Now look , let's get something straight. I am basically as Second Amendment supporter. I've got several rifles, a shotgun and a handgun in my closet and they do NOT give me the twisted sense of empowerment it gives others.

The time however for some compromise gun control legislation is NOW....Because the window is closing. With the population washing out in pro gun rural areas the money and the votes are going with it. In addition the US population is expected to hit 400 million by 2060 and not many of them are going out to rural America because the jobs aren't there. Furthermore women comprise a full one fourth of the current US Congress along with a growing number of minorities it is now the most ethnically diverse Congress ever. And with that diversity away goes the NRA"s and gun manufacturers control over it.

The interests of the NRA and gun manufacturers would be best served by taking a gun deal now which they can negotiate or have a much stricter one imposed on them which they are by that time powerless to stop.
Over 400 million guns in the U.S. now and in spite of your efforts to frame it as such it's not just a rural white guy pastime.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Live in weakness forever like a pathetic soy boy, or grab life by the horns like a man and face your fears.


Well-Known Member
Over 400 million guns in the U.S. now and in spite of your efforts to frame it as such it's not just a rural white guy pastime.
It doesn't matter if there's a billion guns in the end it still comes down to money and votes. It wasn't the number of guns that got the Brady Bill was votes that got it passed.


Well-Known Member
I've never advocated requiring teachers to carry. But allow them to if they want, provided training and well thought out protocols are established.
Imagine how well that idea would go over with the teachers unions? School districts would put an entire battalion of SRO's in every school building if the tax base of every district would support it through higher taxes...potentially much higher taxes. The again it comes down to money and votes. Money in the form of higher taxes and votes in the form of a school board's willing ness to impose higher taxes.


Imagine how well that idea would go over with the teachers unions? School districts would put an entire battalion of SRO's in every school building if the tax base of every district would support it through higher taxes...potentially much higher taxes. The again it comes down to money and votes. Money in the form of higher taxes and votes in the form of a school board's willing ness to impose higher taxes.
Who gives a :censored2: about the commie teachers unions? :censored2: em.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that the innocents gunned down in cold blood just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time are children of a lessor god?

Now look , let's get something straight. I am basically as Second Amendment supporter. I've got several rifles, a shotgun and a handgun in my closet and they do NOT give me the twisted sense of empowerment it gives others.

The time however for some compromise gun control legislation is NOW....Because the window is closing. With the population washing out in pro gun rural areas the money and the votes are going with it. In addition the US population is expected to hit 400 million by 2060 and not many of them are going out to rural America because the jobs aren't there. Furthermore women comprise a full one fourth of the current US Congress along with a growing number of minorities it is now the most ethnically diverse Congress ever. And with that diversity away goes the NRA"s and gun manufacturers control over it.

The interests of the NRA and gun manufacturers would be best served by taking a gun deal now which they can negotiate or have a much stricter one imposed on them which they are by that time powerless to stop.