Nashville School Shooting


Not very good at logic huh? Who's the guy who called the teachers unions "commies" while being totally oblivious of the fact that the teachers unions and the Teamsters are covered under the same basic labor laws including the right to collective bargaining?

So who's the illogical one now? (lol).
But the two unions themselves are made up of people with different backgrounds, the Teamsters, blue collar workers who live in the real world, and the teachers, coddled brats who spent 4+ years being indoctrinated in the corrupt University system.

So who's the illogical one? Still definitely you.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you would, because you’re frightened all the time. View attachment 423379
You're the guy who dared federal authorities to come take your guns....not me. So if they do and you want to be a hero...that's great...I commend and lookup to you. But chances are I won't be looking up to you...Can't do that if you're laying there flat on the ground dead with more holes in you than Swiss cheese.


Well-Known Member
But the two unions themselves are made up of people with different backgrounds, the Teamsters, blue collar workers who live in the real world, and the teachers, coddled brats who spent 4+ years being indoctrinated in the corrupt University system.

So who's the illogical one? Still definitely you.
They taught you how to read and write. If they were not successful it would be much harder to get hired by UPS if you can't read and write.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I wish to hold responsible ever elected official who sponsored and voted on any piece of legislation that results in any death.
Start at the top.
Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan.
All the deaths he's responsible for because he will not enforce federal law at the border.


Well-Known Member
Remember when the right-wing said it was important to focus on the victims of these attacks and not the identity of the shooter?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Should focus on all of them. We just don't want the Left to use it as an excuse to take away all guns. If you think they'd stop at AR-15's you're naive. But you probably do want all guns confiscated.


Well-Known Member
Should focus on all of them. We just don't want the Left to use it as an excuse to take away all guns. If you think they'd stop at AR-15's you're naive. But you probably do want all guns confiscated.
Reinstituting the ban on assault weapons and red flag laws is not asking for too much.

Just remember one thing all of you. No special interest group ever got in the way of the will of the American people when you make them mad enough.


Binge Poster
Serious question:

Taking guns out of the picture for a moment what do you think can be done besides gun control to try to possibly prevent or even understand mass shooters and the motives behind these types of mass murder?

It would seem to me understanding might lead to lowering the frequency of these incidents.

Have you ever heard anyone say if they were going to kill themselves they would at least take some of their enemies with them?

I heard this more than once when I was a kid, might have said it myself.


Well-Known Member
Serious question:

Taking guns out of the picture for a moment what do you think can be done besides gun control to try to possibly prevent or even understand mass shooters and the motives behind these types of mass murder?

It would seem to me understanding might lead to lowering the frequency of these incidents.

Have you ever heard anyone say if they were going to kill themselves they would at least take some of their enemies with them?

I heard this more than once when I was a kid, might have said it myself.
pharmaceutical Drug induced psychosis.



Binge Poster

Next Day Error

X - Other
Should focus on all of them. We just don't want the Left to use it as an excuse to take away all guns. If you think they'd stop at AR-15's you're naive. But you probably do want all guns confiscated.
I’m for an assault weapons ban as defined by the ATF. I’m a gun owner myself but sick of the trade off we’re making as a society.


Well-Known Member
I’m for an assault weapons ban as defined by the ATF. I’m a gun owner myself but sick of the trade off we’re making as a society.
I personally don't have a problem with that but then a nut case uses a couple of 9 mm pistols. Or a pump action shotgun. Going to take those too? Where does it stop?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I personally don't have a problem with that but then a nut case uses a couple of 9 mm pistols. Or a pump action shotgun. Going to take those too? Where does it stop?
What’s an assault weapon? I own semi auto rifles. I could own a machine gun but too expensive.