Nashville School Shooting

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Serious question:

Taking guns out of the picture for a moment what do you think can be done besides gun control to try to possibly prevent or even understand mass shooters and the motives behind these types of mass murder?

It would seem to me understanding might lead to lowering the frequency of these incidents.

Have you ever heard anyone say if they were going to kill themselves they would at least take some of their enemies with them?

I heard this more than once when I was a kid, might have said it myself.
Mass shootings in this country coincides with the rise of right wing extremist in the GOP.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I know I am in public forum but I was really only speaking to one member’s pattern of posting of this type of content


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Reinstituting the ban on assault weapons and red flag laws is not asking for too much.

Just remember one thing all of you. No special interest group ever got in the way of the will of the American people when you make them mad enough.
What exactly is an assault weapon?


Binge Poster
I agree with you on that, I’m not necessarily against drugs if they’re helpful, but they seem to be over prescribed.
I am for whatever might help.

My experience and observation has been that when prescribing medication when done as a first step in addressing these types of problems may treat symptoms but often misses the root problem that if missed can have disastrous future outcomes. And ultimately has to be addressed anyway.

Maybe meds don’t have to be the absolute last resort, but IMO in most cases it is probably a bad idea for them to be prescribed as a first resort to emotional and mental challenges facing young people, and old too.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Not even the people in government trying to ban them can answer that.
Some drug induced wacko buys a bunch of handguns and opens fire sounds like assault to me. Driving a vehicle into a crowd sound like an assault weapon. Home made chemical bombs are assault weapons...

They should spend more time analyzing why these people go off the deep end and less about how they do it.


Well-Known Member
I am for whatever might help.

My experience and observation has been that when prescribing medication when done as a first step in addressing these types of problems may treat symptoms but often misses the root problem that if missed can have disastrous future outcomes. And ultimately has to be addressed anyway.

Maybe meds don’t have to be the absolute last resort, but IMO in most cases it is probably a bad idea for them to be prescribed as a first resort to emotional and mental challenges facing young people, and old too.
I’ve seen it myself. One of my children has extreme allergies, as well as asthma. She was prescribed Singulair. And at first it worked quite well, but we noticed a change in her attitude and overall well-being. She began having hallucinations and extreme depression, and we did not know why.

The doctor wanted her to go to a psychiatrist so we took her to the psychiatrist who prescribed even more medicine. And antidepressants, and it made it worse.

Then, finally, we started reading about Singulair and brought it to the doctors attention, and they ignored it and said they knew nothing about it, and wanted to prescribe even more medicine.

We declined the medicine and took her off all of the anti-depressants as well as the singular, and then within a week it was like she came out of a trance.

The most frightening experience of my life in the doctors didn’t know and didn’t care they just wanted to prescribe more and more medicine. And all this was because of one medicine for allergies



Binge Poster
It’s indoctrination drivel. Any item used to harm is an assault item. We’ve had assault cars, assault baseball bats, assault knives, assault airplanes assault hammers, assault pillows ect ect. Murderers are very creative.
I am for better legislation to make those that profit the most from the mass production and mass distribution of fire arms more financially responsible if it through the self governing processes ends up being the will of the people.

Unfortunately IMO rich corporations have too much power over the self governing process in the US.

This being said.

I am not in favor of reducing individual liberties regarding personal ownership of firearms.

In all honesty I think your post gets to the reality of the situation.

IMO making gun control the argument is falling pray to the devil’s straw man argument.

If the US or humanity at large is arguing about gun control then are we really looking at what is motivating those with murderous intent and what is driving them to murder?

I believe if we honest shed light on this and really look at it then many of us might not like what we find or see.
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