Nashville School Shooting


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
5.56 is loaded to a higher pressure but mostly the longer throat in the chamber
That’s it, I couldn’t remember. I knew that you could use the .223 in a rifle chambered in 5.56 but the reverse could be a problem. Interestingly, the Ruger mini 14 had .223 stamped on the barrel. I don’t know if they still do. But I always used 5.56 in my mini when I had one.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Pineapple King
That’s it, I couldn’t remember. I knew that you could use the .223 in a rifle chambered in 5.56 but the reverse could be a problem. Interestingly, the Ruger mini 14 had .223 stamped on the barrel. I don’t know if they still do. But I always used 5.56 in my mini when I had one.
Mine does.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
How rude of you to assume that festos gender what if it’s a womanfesto, or a genderfluidfesto
The tranny community has no problem with manifesto since the manifesto means hand. Unfortunately, there seems to be reluctance in letting us see it, they won't hand it over? Wonder why?


Well-Known Member
The tranny community has no problem with manifesto since the manifesto means hand. Unfortunately, there seems to be reluctance in letting us see it, they won't hand it over? Wonder why?
Who knows but I’m gonna guess it says I hate everyone and I’m going to kill them and then it’s gonna give a bunch of reasons that I don’t care about.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Who knows but I’m gonna guess it says I hate everyone and I’m going to kill them and then it’s gonna give a bunch of reasons that I don’t care about.
Yeah. What's sad is that half the country is on the edge of their seat waiting to hear what was written. Like it's really going to be deep and help them understand.
What do we know about mass murderers?.. They are losers. .. They're not ever going to do anything that legitimately causes people to recognize them or makes them famous. Usually, they have failed at life, they can’t hold a job, they have no social skills, they’re losers. What to do? What to do?
Let's get famous and get on the news. That's a worthy goal. How could they reach that goal?
Everybody is holding me back. People don’t realize how great I really am.That begins to feed the hatred about everything and everybody so, let the bullets fly.

Words these idiots write, I'm sure will enlighten us all.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
If a person hates them self so much that they will totally change who they are can that person have love for anyone else?
I had a guy on my route that was transitioning to a woman, freaked me out the first time I saw him dressed like a woman but that’s another story, anyway his name was Adam and after my initial shock we became friendly and I could ask him anything. In one conversation he talked about himself as the 3rd person and said he hated Adam and couldn’t wait to be totally rid of him. I thought that really odd at the time but now I bet that is how a lot of trans feel. The problem is you are still you no matter what disguise you put on.

Next Day Error

X - Other
Why even bring up the "I'm a gun owner but" part? It carries no weight and does nothing to make the argument good.
Because I'm not against all gun ownership. I'm for strong regulation. Denoting that I'm a gun owner and not a radical anti-gun activist helps round out my point that not all gun owners are disinterested in making the country safer from gun violence.