Nashville School Shooting


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
For a start maybe stop the killing of innocent kids. Isn't he supposed to be capable of doing stuff like that?
Capable. But he doesn't work that way.
What would be fair about stopping Tennessee and not Columbine?

" For time and chance happens to us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11


Well-Known Member
The illegal gun trade and gun acquisition is an entirely separate argument and issue. IMO You pose yet another straw man argument, I am familiar with your schtick.
I'm asking you a legitimate question. Not trying to be argumentative. When enforcing these rules and regulations on law abiding citizens what do you do about those who don't obey the law and who commit most of the gun crime?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Yes. I believe He is capable but, how would you like Him to do this?
Policeman or some other trained individual, retired military or police, armed, in every school. We guard banks and jewelry stores along with other valuable commodities, are the children less valuable?


Binge Poster
I'm asking you a legitimate question. Not trying to be argumentative. When enforcing these rules and regulations on law abiding citizens what do you do about those who don't obey the law and who commit most of the gun crime?
Mandatory jail and forfeiture of the right of future legal firearm ownership.


Binge Poster
Many of them already are felons. So they don’t even have the right to own a weapon and I don’t know that they really care about jail. criminals think different than you and me.
If they have chosen life behind bars then they can’t very well commit a firearm crime.

IMO that would be sad but not as sad as mass murder.


Well-Known Member
Mandatory jail and forfeiture of the right of future legal firearm ownership.
If they're convicted criminals they already don't have the right to buy guns legally and the threat of jail doesn't seem to deter them from buying illegal guns. I'm pointing this out because it's always being suggested that law abiding citizens either lose their guns or go through a lot of hoops to own one which doesn't address how to prevent criminals from getting guns but does punish law abiding citizens who want to protect their families. The places where gun violence is exceptionally high like Chicago already have extremely strict gun laws.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
If they're convicted criminals they already don't have the right to buy guns legally and the threat of jail doesn't seem to deter them from buying illegal guns. I'm pointing this out because it's always being suggested that law abiding citizens either lose their guns or go through a lot of hoops to own one which doesn't address how to prevent criminals from getting guns but does punish law abiding citizens who want to protect their families. The places where gun violence is exceptionally high like Chicago already have extremely strict gun laws.
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Carlin at his best

Here is another thing I can’t understand. The following article is about how incest has deformed and mentally damaged a family but yet if the Bible is true about Adam and Eve then God has no problem with incest and made it the only option. The whole world is from incest so anyone you sleep with is related to you.



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Here is another thing I can’t understand. The following article is about how incest has deformed and mentally damaged a family but yet if the Bible is true about Adam and Eve then God has no problem with incest and made it the only option. The whole world is from incest so anyone you sleep with is related to you.

First humans the blood was pure. No inbreeding if there was never any breeding before.

I'll go with this instead of pond scum that came from nothing, something crawled out, started breathing, turned into an ape, that turned into a human with a DNA code so complex and designed it took 20 million years.