Nashville School Shooting


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
First humans the blood was pure. No inbreeding if there was never any breeding before.

I'll go with this instead of pond scum that came from nothing, something crawled out, started breathing, turned into an ape, that turned into a human with a DNA code so complex and designed it took 20 million years.

You are right the first was pure blood if the story is true but everything after that gets degraded and there was never anymore pure bloods to mate with so we should just keep degrading and becoming more deformed over time. Also we know that God has no problem with incest so why a degrading process doing what God made sure we had to do?

Just because you don’t believe in pond scum came from nothing doesn’t mean you have to believe the other either.


Binge Poster
Here is another thing I can’t understand. The following article is about how incest has deformed and mentally damaged a family but yet if the Bible is true about Adam and Eve then God has no problem with incest and made it the only option. The whole world is from incest so anyone you sleep with is related to you.

Do you believe this literal understanding of creation?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Too wild west for me. Those days are over.
Nothing of the sort. If law abiding citizens are denied the right to own firearms, then only the criminals will have them. What does the Wild West have to do with it? Lol. Incidentally, I live in AZ, we have constitutional carry here. When was the last school shooting you heard of happening here? For that matter, gun crime is low here as well. More guns, less crime. Not just here but other states with similar laws as well. Something the liberals don’t talk about.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
As long as it is peaceful, l like it.

If after they protest and the will of the people is not for gun reform through the self governance process then IMO they should accept the will of the people .
Those children have no idea what they’re talking about. They are being used by the radical anti gun crowd.


Well-Known Member
As long as it is peaceful, l like it.

If after they protest and the will of the people is not for gun reform through the self governance process then IMO they should accept the will of the people .
Yet parents protesting at school boards over CRT and obscenity aren't going about it the right way according to you.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
So then why are you making an argument using the Bible to form your position?

I don’t understand.
You don’t understand?