Need your help on this one guys!


Binge Poster
I think the steward is just following the BA because he doesn't know any better. But the BA has had a ton of complaints on him. One of the biggest being he settled all the 9.5s last year as non payment due to Covid being an "act of god"
What did the Shop Steward say about this? Not what you think he said.


All Trash No Trailer
I also think the President of the Local should be contacted. This is BS and as we know the company loves a paper trail so that if they can get a discharge they can pull out the list of Suspensions at panel to discredit the employee


Im not the Mail Man!
I think the steward is just following the BA because he doesn't know any better. But the BA has had a ton of complaints on him. One of the biggest being he settled all the 9.5s last year as non payment due to Covid being an "act of god"


Im not the Mail Man!
I think the steward is just following the BA because he doesn't know any better. But the BA has had a ton of complaints on him. One of the biggest being he settled all the 9.5s last year as non payment due to Covid being an "act of god"
I’m out of 853 in NorCal, the scan check error progressive discipline was pushed to panel and temporarily decided in the unions favor.
Arbitrator found that the company wasn’t proving with certainty that the driver was at fault and moving forward all progressive discipline for that is nullified.
Your BA either is over his head or doesn’t have the fight inside him that he should.


Well-Known Member
The question I have is did the company follow progressive discipline?

If they didn't give a written warning before the suspension, then these, or any further discipline could be thrown out.

I believe the idea as treating each as a separate 1 day suspension goes along the lines of progressive discipline for each type of infraction. If the company tried to lump the two together under failure to follow instructions, then dicipline could progress further towards termination. I'll have to double check the language, but it is my understanding that the company has to do progressive discipline for each different infraction. So, your buddy would have to have multiple no scans, or multiple failure to fold in mirrors, in order to move to the next level of discipline.

I think the BA was right, assuming the company actually followed progressive discipline in order to get to suspension. If they didn't, then these should be written warnings.

Progressive Discipline steps should be outlined in the regional supplement under grievance procedures/machinery.
Yeah they lumped everything under "failure to follow instructions" I work closely with my local so I talk to the BA all the time. The company wants you to serve as many suspensions as possible so if you ever go to panel they can bring them up to improve their case. These infractions themselves is just stupid. He got a warning letter for not using 3 points of contact, then a suspension for not folding in his mirrors. And served another suspension for no scans. I mean the BA is an idiot in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I’m out of 853 in NorCal, the scan check error progressive discipline was pushed to panel and temporarily decided in the unions favor.
Arbitrator found that the company wasn’t proving with certainty that the driver was at fault and moving forward all progressive discipline for that is nullified.
Your BA either is over his head or doesn’t have the fight inside him that he should.
This is useful info! Thank you!


Never bought my own handtruck
And once again it is the company using the term "failure to follow instructions" to build fast discipline that wouldn't hold water at panel.
This drives me crazy and I would love some advice on how to combat this.

As far as the mirror observation, ask the supervisor that observed him who else he observed that day. If no one else was observed we have had success slapping an Art 37 harassment coupled with Art 36 discrimination to get the observation tossed.


I'm a star
Yeah they lumped everything under "failure to follow instructions" I work closely with my local so I talk to the BA all the time. The company wants you to serve as many suspensions as possible so if you ever go to panel they can bring them up to improve their case. These infractions themselves is just stupid. He got a warning letter for not using 3 points of contact, then a suspension for not folding in his mirrors. And served another suspension for no scans. I mean the BA is an idiot in my opinion.

Those are all three separate issues, and should all have received warning letters. Your buddy's best bet is to take his time, make sure he follows all the methods at every stop, let his over-allowed explode. If he gets talked to for that, he can use the suspensions against management.

browned out

Well-Known Member
UPS management targets certain employees. Retaliation, creating a hostile work environment, inflicting workplace violence, dishonesty and forcing others to write false statements is commonplace among bad apple supervisors and managers.

Attempt to follow every method every day.

Drivers who have been subjected to UPS retaliation have recommended documenting and memorializing your entire day everyday.

Easy Answer. Protect your career and your livelihood.