Both our companies can show a ton of "we're number one" postings by various other company parameters such as the opinions of a few investment brokers, etc.
As far as the fourth thing, very defensive,signs of a shaky self image.
Sorry about that didn't mean to make that brown envy any worse for you than it already is.
I was relating it too how much volume a company processes, how much revenue it processes (you know, simple facts, not popularity contests that the average person could care less about) and at first I put you second (you know, always, always behind us), but then I put third remembering DHL and then I thought, whoops, the US post office probably kicks your but in actual volume and revenue (read that money changing hands, not profit ratio) and so, fourth was the best I figured I could give you.
Perhaps I am missing one or two like the Slovobia post office or something, but heh, benefit of the doubt.
"He said he feels like everyone he has contact with is going to make a comment if he is in his browns. Told him that sucks, at it will soon pass"
Sure sounds ashamed to me with you kind heartedly trying to cheer him up.
Heh, I got one for you "what can brown lose for you".
Yep, this Citigroup thing is crushing us, dream on.
As unfortunate as the issue was, it wasn't even yesterday's news to most people the day the story broke.