Negative Press



I ordered some parts a while back from a company in Tulsa OK. The company assured me the item had been shipped and provided me with a UPS tracking number. I checked the tracking number several times a day over a period of 4 days. Each time the only information at was billing information received. I called the company and expressed my displeasure for their lack of honesty, I was certain they had yet to ship my parts. Low and behold the item shows up on the day they said it would via UPS. The package was NEVER scanned along the way from OK to VA. The label was fine and scanned without any problem at delivery.



I agree, UPS would love a sacrificial lamb to show they "fixed" any potential security problem they have and we will be under additional scrutiny by UPS, the paparazzi
, the general public and criminals because of this national illumination.


Or maybe they did put a UPS barcode on it and by mistake put it on a pile of packages being picked up by a competing shipping company. After a few hours to some of these shipping dept. clerks, those barcodes start to all look a little too much alike. It happens on my pickup run at least once a week where I'm finding stuff that isn't ours on the pallet designated for BROWN to take. Stranger things have been known to occur.


I read the pkg that is missing was 1 of 17 that were shipped on May 2nd. how many times does a pkg get scanned during transit from pickup to delivery?
with our system it gets scanned the minimal of 12 times from pup to pod. there are also Sip scans for inbound pkgs and docs, and Sop scans for outbound pkgs. a sip scan is performed on a pkg when it first enters the AM sort and gets a new scan at different splits or anytime it changes belts. when the pkg is placed (or thrown) into a van it gets a final VAN scan which will show a customer that is tracking the pkg that it is onroad for delivery. The Sop scan are used in the same way but in reverse for the PM sort.


I'd be curious to find out if it has anything but billing info. It's much more likely that a Citibank employee made a label and then did not put it with the others, maybe it fell off the edge of a desk agaist a wall, or maybe the employee saw an opportunity. I hate to think that, but it happens. Does anyone know if it ever got a physical scan into our system, or a logical scan, for that matter?


With that many scans you wonder how fedex could possibly lose a package, but they do daily.

If all that is showing is the initial manifest tracking information anything could have happened from the mentioned label only being accidently lost and the package still sitting somewhere at Citibank to the fedex driver mistakenly picking it up.

Perhaps it is sitting at a fedex counter where they are trying to scan it a minimum of twelve times and one of these days they will call and tell us to come pick it up.


I also heard it was a manifest scan, so we probably don't even have the package.

I wonder why we don't point this out to the press. I guess we didn't want to upset Citigroup.


Anything UPS says nationally now will pretty much look like an excuse or a copout so I imagine silence is the best policy unless the package is found.


im sure pkgs can and do get lost in the fedex express system, just not nearly as many as in the UPS system. the most common problem is when there is an old tracking label on packing that has been used more than once. if the old label hasnt been taken off or covered a scanner could hit the old barcode and cause a missort.

I think its ok to rule out that the pkg never entered the Ups sort. It was one of 17 pkgs that were supposed to be shipped with a security procedure developed between Citigroup and UPS.
Anyone know what the procedure might have been?

"We were moving this using an enhanced security procedure we specified and developed with (UPS)," said Kevin Kessinger, president of Citigroup's North America consumer finance unit, in an interview. "You can imagine how frustrated and disappointed we are that this occurred."

Norman Black, a spokesman for Atlanta-based UPS, said "we sincerely regret that in this case we have not been able to find this package. We did conduct an exhaustive search."

Black said UPS is cooperating with Citigroup, and will "do everything we can to make sure this doesn't happen again."


why are you trying to put a spin on the missing package. I feel bad for my brother. He was telling me he was hearing it from alot of his customers the last few days. hes been getting the "what can BROWN do for 4 million pissed ofF people" and "should of used FEDEX" He said he feels like everyone he has contact with is going to make a comment if he is in his browns. Told him that sucks, at it will soon pass. Im just glad it wasnt Fedex that is all over the news.


Hey Monte,
Isn't there some FEDEX LOSER web site you can surf ?? By the way, how IS # 11 doing this year ???


montecarlo11 posted "im sure pkgs can and do get lost in the fedex express system, just not nearly as many as in the UPS system."

Is this your opinion or can you post any facts to back up his claim? What do you base this claim on? Fact or opinion? If fact, please back up your claim with facts. If opinion, please state this is your opinion only. I don't see anyone on this board making claims against Fedex that can not be backed up with facts.


mc, not sure what you mean by "spin".

If you are saying there are no UPS packages that have been picked up by fedex employees, on accident or on purpose, that there are no UPS packages that are sitting in fedex counters this minute as we speak or any variation of that then you are simply stupid, a liar, or a stupid liar.

I am glad "you are sure that packages can and do get lost at fedex" because it happens there every single day, simple fact.

Yep, it is likely that UPS loses more than fedex from the simple fact that we process sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
many more packages than your fourth place company.

You know your pathetic talk about your UPS relative being ashamed to be seen in public in brown is beginning to make him sound like a fictitious part of your imagination.

"I think it is ok to rule out", nope, not ok.

And as you don't know anything about our internal processes, except from possibly your ashamed brother-in-law (or perhaps, your imaginary friend) what "you think" is irrelevant.

Man, the brown envy really comes out when you think there is a chance to talk about something bad happening at UPS.

And lastly, if we told you the security procedures regarding UPS and Citigroup we'd have to kill you.

Have a nice day.


Guest at a time,

1st, worldwide...check out my post on all topics ive posted on. ALL FACTS and i put the source where you can look for yourself. in this case you can look it up in fortune. FEDEX came out number 1 (AGAIN) in 2005 in the shipping category. IF you do your research you will see its broken down by ontime del and pickups, customer service, customer satisfaction, handling claims, etc... not my opinion, just facts.

it would be my brother, not brother-in-law that is a brownie. I just reread my last post..where does it say anything about him being ashamed??? huh? my brother is a hard working UPS'r but it is his job not his identity, He is a big guy and has a sense of humor. He can have fun with it. Its just cracks me up how all this came from a tracking question I had asked. Since no one knows I will ask my brother and if he can tell me i will answer my own question. (again, a chance for me to get info about the company that you work for but no nothing about) I think its safe to say that the pkg was lost in the sort, Im sure it wasnt taken with that extra security measure. Anyone notice that it took well over a month last peak season to admit it wasnt the bad storms in late December that caused UPS not to hit there quarter goals, but infact loosing market share to Fedex ground. If there was any chance that Citi messed up, there is no way that UPS wouldnt have defended itself when the pres. of citi threw UPS under the bus. (that would be just my opinion)

just curious, if this missing pkg happened at FEDEX, how many of you would be having a great time with it???? how many of you would be defending FEDEX and thinking of all kinds of ways that FEDEX would not be responsible??....thats what I thought. Remember, didnt get on here and start busting chops on the package, I asked about the scans during transit!


FORTUNE: "World's Most Admired Companies" list, No. 8 (2005), ranked 2002-05
"America's Most Admired Companies" list, No. 6 (2005); No. 1 on the Delivery Industry list (2005)
"100 Best Companies to Work for in America" list (1998-2005); 2005 "Hall of Fame" for claiming a spot on this list every year since its inception.
"50 Best Companies for Minorities" list (2000-01, 2003)

No. 1 on the Delivery Industry list (2005)
worldwide, check out how they determine the rankings for this and look where UPS placed.
fedex had far and away the fewest amount of misorts.


ok2bclever, what is your basis on 4th place company?
is that your opinion or fact??
the way I look at it according to a 3rd party who is only matching companies head to head, fedex comes in first. (that would be fact also not my opinion) It seems that the stock price on each company seems to back that source also. (FORTUNE)

hey, how are you doing? never talked to you before. yea, I have to agree that leffler is having a tuff year with his new crew in the 11 car. the only positive thing is that it is a fast moving billboard and has no reflection on what is going on with Fedex as a company.

I think if talking about a race car is the only thing you can come up with about Fedex, we are in pretty good shape over here.


Both our companies can show a ton of "we're number one" postings by various other company parameters such as the opinions of a few investment brokers, etc.


As far as the fourth thing, very defensive,signs of a shaky self image.

Sorry about that didn't mean to make that brown envy any worse for you than it already is.

I was relating it too how much volume a company processes, how much revenue it processes (you know, simple facts, not popularity contests that the average person could care less about) and at first I put you second (you know, always, always behind us), but then I put third remembering DHL and then I thought, whoops, the US post office probably kicks your but in actual volume and revenue (read that money changing hands, not profit ratio) and so, fourth was the best I figured I could give you.

Perhaps I am missing one or two like the Slovobia post office or something, but heh, benefit of the doubt.

"He said he feels like everyone he has contact with is going to make a comment if he is in his browns. Told him that sucks, at it will soon pass"

Sure sounds ashamed to me with you kind heartedly trying to cheer him up.

Heh, I got one for you "what can brown lose for you".

Yep, this Citigroup thing is crushing us, dream on.

As unfortunate as the issue was, it wasn't even yesterday's news to most people the day the story broke.


I am limiting my posts on here for many different reasons(time, other interests, and the plain fact that its getting old)but just to let you fellow upsers know, there is something comming the pike that is going to be very interesting for growth of ups. I cant say very much about it for two simple reasons, 1st I dont know very much about it, and 2nd, competition could gain information about it. Basically, ups has been doing selective tests on this subject in very selective markets and from what mgt has said ,it has been very sucessful....ill just leave it at that. One more thing, this new "thing" as ill call it directly plays against weaknesses of our competitors, ill just leave it at that. when this goes nation wide, there will be MANY in the industry that will have their eyes open.I found it to be very interesting and reassuring on the growth of the big brown machine called UPS. This could change the way our competition runs their companies....its that big. Has anyone else heard anything about this, and without revealing anything, what do you think. I know I am being vague, but in due time everybody will know about this...especially the competion.


wow....very weak
i thought it would be. again...
ok2be1withyourself, again, FEDEX was placed number 1, not UPS even though you were ranked! FEDEX is number 1 because of service!!! nothing to do with stock!! nice try with your spin zone. got an idea for you, research your info, before you comment read the article and see where UPS fell and how the info was put together. worldwide would like facts! Its ok to be in your own world im just letting you know what is going on in the real world. the stock just backs everything up bro.

speaking of bro. i would have to say my brother takes alot of pride in his work ethic, i wouldnt call it being ashamed that the company he works for made a mistake. maybe embarressed but I dont want to put words in his mouth. (like YOU) sounds like your trying to push your feelings of ashamed on to him..are you?? tell us the truth..stuff happens keep your head up bro.

hate to tell you, the lost package isnt going to go away anytime soon. It will be on the news for days to come. Even though you may have been told not to comment on it to customers there are alot of people out there who are worried about sensitive info being in the wrong hands. citi has alot of problems to solve if that package doesnt show up. How come the Feds are involved?? I dont think this is being considered your every day package that must have fallen off the truck never to be seen again. think there might be alot more problems than just paying a claim for UPS. (just my opinion)


your killing me, gotta tell me, I can keep it quiet. how am i gonna get any sleep tonight. I hope its not gonna be a bust like all the talk of UPS buying Yellow. that was being talked about as if the deal was done. wouldnt you know it, the pres. of yellow comes out and says not only were they never approached by UPS, but he had no interest in talking with them. OUCH!