Well, that was a scattered sporadic response, you hitting the sauce (or whatever) heavy during the weekend, monte?
Here's the deal, it doesn't matter how many bi-annual rags fedex finds to get it called the most admired "group of businesses pretending to be just one" by thirty investment counselors that couldn't get a real job.
UPS is still number one.
All that money we have in the bank from business profit makes that pretty plain.
Where you guys fit as far as third, fourth, whatever is a "who cares" for those of us with the UPS.
Just watched CNN Headline News, hmmm not a word, wait, there it is "monte still worried about UPS being number one", whoops, no that wasn't what you were talking about.
Actually, it was, wasn't it, brown envy.
Playing with the moniker, jeeze, that's a sure give away that your upset with the simple fact that I keep calling you what you are, envious.
I am so sorry, fedex ain't a bad company to work for if you can't work for the real delivery company.
Hmmm, that probably didn't help as much as I meant it to, oh well, knock back another one, perhaps that will help.
"every day package that must have fallen off the truck", funny you should mention that technique.
We have gotten a couple of big shippers back here in the last year from fedex doing exactly that, trailing their former customer's packages like bread crums down the road and expressway.
Here's the deal, it doesn't matter how many bi-annual rags fedex finds to get it called the most admired "group of businesses pretending to be just one" by thirty investment counselors that couldn't get a real job.
UPS is still number one.
All that money we have in the bank from business profit makes that pretty plain.
Where you guys fit as far as third, fourth, whatever is a "who cares" for those of us with the UPS.
Just watched CNN Headline News, hmmm not a word, wait, there it is "monte still worried about UPS being number one", whoops, no that wasn't what you were talking about.
Actually, it was, wasn't it, brown envy.
Playing with the moniker, jeeze, that's a sure give away that your upset with the simple fact that I keep calling you what you are, envious.
I am so sorry, fedex ain't a bad company to work for if you can't work for the real delivery company.
Hmmm, that probably didn't help as much as I meant it to, oh well, knock back another one, perhaps that will help.
"every day package that must have fallen off the truck", funny you should mention that technique.
We have gotten a couple of big shippers back here in the last year from fedex doing exactly that, trailing their former customer's packages like bread crums down the road and expressway.