Well-Known Member
I once had a receiving clerk at a large company tell me she would not accept a package I had for delivery. No problem, EXCEPT the package was a return. This company had shipped it and the consignee refused it.
I attempted to explain to her that the package belonged to them. They shipped it and it was refused. We cannot force the consignee to accept the package, and if refused, it is returned.
She replied, "If you can't force these people (pointing at label) to accept the package, then you can't make me to accept it either."
It took a long, oversimplified explanation of how the shipping industry works and a call to her supervisor before she would sign.
There are companies out there that won't accecpt any returns without an RA # (Cutter and Buck is one I can think of) If they refuse a refused pkg. I just give it to the clerk at night. Where they go after that, I don't know. Probably overgoods