New branding!


Well-Known Member
First of all it sounds like you could use a drink or a joint. Secondly the contractor model is not as adaptable as an employee model. And their is a point of diminishing return on turning and entire workforce of a corporation the size and worth as big as FedEx into a contractor model.

Baby steps.


Staff member
Why don't you show us that memo?
Started several years ago. It's all in sales and pricing. That 2 and 3 day stuff has been moving that way. Maybe it's only been 5%. That represents a lot of revenue at higher margins. expect to see that continue in earnest. There are bold goals on the horizon.


Well-Known Member
Started several years ago. It's all in sales and pricing. That 2 and 3 day stuff has been moving that way. Maybe it's only been 5%. That represents a lot of revenue at higher margins. expect to see that continue in earnest. There are bold goals on the horizon.
So no memo? That's not news. We've known sales will push ground for deferred freight. What's not happening is ground delivering express processed freight.


Well-Known Member
I vote for them because I can't vote in good conscience for abortion and gay rights advocates, not to mention just about every other bit of social engineering the Dems advocate. To lay all of that on Southerners when there are plenty in other states that feel the same way shows your bias. A major reason the Rust Belt is suffering is that when you did have strong unions you constantly pushed for more. Look what that got you. And Reagan dealt with a government union that was interfering in an essential for national security function. And in closing my fellow congregants, may I remind you that if we're all getting paid very well with strong unions dictating to companies what will be, we aren't competitive in the world market. How are you going to compete with hundreds of millions of poor Chinese, etc? The world has infinitely changed from the days of constant growth in this country. Now it's about developing new technologies as opposed to building cities. We are a service based economy now, and yes, Ground is a response to customers wanting the lowest price for their shipping. Express may hang on as the choice for expedited service, at a cost, but it's unlikely to grow in this environment. We're in, as Fred said, a saturated market. Thus the need to acquire companies like TNT to grow in other markets. To lay all of this on us poor, white, religious Southerners is simplistic at best, but mostly ludicrous. It is what it is, amen and thank you Jesus.

Gay rights???? Are you a dinosaur???? Why do you care what anyone else does in their bedroom????????? Maybe while you are out being a peeping tom, you are afraid you'll see something you don't like??????? Reagan almost invented peacetime deficit spending, and gave us the bloated pork barrel that business is still feeding off today. He raised taxes 6 times, and granted pure amnesty to about 7 million with no documentation needed. A major reason the rust belt ever got rusty is because of free trade with no requirements for protecting the environment or workers rights on big businesses who moved production.

They can't move last mile delivery offshore, but they sure can hire people and pay them less as long a the southern states oppose a livable wage for less skilled jobs.

And as far as the south being religious, who is it that were the slave holding states? Where is it that still wants to honor those who fought to keep slavery, and invented the KKK? Who is it that wants to treat some people and some races and some religions like second class human beings? Please don't confuse being religious with being a southerner, unless your religion preaches intolerance and hatred.


Well-Known Member
I vote for them because I can't vote in good conscience for abortion and gay rights advocates, not to mention just about every other bit of social engineering the Dems advocate. To lay all of that on Southerners when there are plenty in other states that feel the same way shows your bias. A major reason the Rust Belt is suffering is that when you did have strong unions you constantly pushed for more. Look what that got you. And Reagan dealt with a government union that was interfering in an essential for national security function. And in closing my fellow congregants, may I remind you that if we're all getting paid very well with strong unions dictating to companies what will be, we aren't competitive in the world market. How are you going to compete with hundreds of millions of poor Chinese, etc? The world has infinitely changed from the days of constant growth in this country. Now it's about developing new technologies as opposed to building cities. We are a service based economy now, and yes, Ground is a response to customers wanting the lowest price for their shipping. Express may hang on as the choice for expedited service, at a cost, but it's unlikely to grow in this environment. We're in, as Fred said, a saturated market. Thus the need to acquire companies like TNT to grow in other markets. To lay all of this on us poor, white, religious Southerners is simplistic at best, but mostly ludicrous. It is what it is, amen and thank you Jesus.

Gay rights???? Are you a dinosaur???? Why do you care what anyone else does in their bedroom????????? Maybe while you are out being a peeping tom, you are afraid you'll see something you don't like??????? Reagan almost invented peacetime deficit spending, and gave us the bloated pork barrel that business is still feeding off today. He raised taxes 6 times, and granted pure amnesty to about 7 million with no documentation needed. A major reason the rust belt ever got rusty is because of free trade with no requirements for protecting the environment or workers rights on big businesses who moved production.

They can't move last mile delivery offshore, but they sure can hire people and pay them less as long a the southern states oppose a livable wage for less skilled jobs.

And as far as the south being religious, who is it that were the slave holding states? Where is it that still wants to honor those who fought to keep slavery, and invented the KKK? Who is it that wants to treat some people and some races and some religions like second class human beings? Please don't confuse being religious with being a southerner, unless your religion preaches intolerance and hatred.


Well-Known Member
Gay rights???? Are you a dinosaur???? Why do you care what anyone else does in their bedroom????????? Maybe while you are out being a peeping tom, you are afraid you'll see something you don't like??????? Reagan almost invented peacetime deficit spending, and gave us the bloated pork barrel that business is still feeding off today. He raised taxes 6 times, and granted pure amnesty to about 7 million with no documentation needed. A major reason the rust belt ever got rusty is because of free trade with no requirements for protecting the environment or workers rights on big businesses who moved production.

They can't move last mile delivery offshore, but they sure can hire people and pay them less as long a the southern states oppose a livable wage for less skilled jobs.

And as far as the south being religious, who is it that were the slave holding states? Where is it that still wants to honor those who fought to keep slavery, and invented the KKK? Who is it that wants to treat some people and some races and some religions like second class human beings? Please don't confuse being religious with being a southerner, unless your religion preaches intolerance and hatred.
And yet the South keeps attracting people from all over the country looking for jobs and something better than they came from. And they're finding it. You're the one spouting tired old stereotypes. But yes, I have my belief system and will stick with it as I don't see anything being offered by the anything goes crowd that's worth changing for.


Well-Known Member
And yet the South keeps attracting people from all over the country looking for jobs and something better than they came from. And they're finding it. You're the one spouting tired old stereotypes. But yes, I have my belief system and will stick with it as I don't see anything being offered by the anything goes crowd that's worth changing for.
People are attracted by the jobs and weather, not the people. Normal people are afraid to take a road trip alone across the south.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So no memo? That's not news. We've known sales will push ground for deferred freight. What's not happening is ground delivering express processed freight.
Yet. All it takes is some backend programing to divert any 2 or 3 day freight into the ground network when the date commit could be met. Charge the customer the express rate but with ground costs. Savvy customers already do this, the rest won't notice since they don't understand the distinction anyway.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Yes, they're eagerly lining up to do work that'll keep them poor forever. Instead of him railing against "X jocks" he should, as you mentioned, be thinking about the implications of being an enabler for a bunch of greedy bastards.
Or being one himself.


Well-Known Member
Yet. All it takes is some backend programing to divert any 2 or 3 day freight into the ground network when the date commit could be met. Charge the customer the express rate but with ground costs. Savvy customers already do this, the rest won't notice since they don't understand the distinction anyway.
Since the two opco are separate, that would be fraud.


Staff member
So no memo? That's not news. We've known sales will push ground for deferred freight. What's not happening is ground delivering express processed freight.
what difference does it make? X is still making bigger margins moving what used to be Express freight through Ground. They just circumvent the separation of opcos.


Well-Known Member
what difference does it make? X is still making bigger margins moving what used to be Express freight through Ground. They just circumvent the separation of opcos.
The difference is that it proves our point. Ground can not del EXPRESS PROCESSED freight. And like I said we've known for a long time sales will push ground for deffered freight when they can. It's nothing new.


Well-Known Member
People are attracted by the jobs and weather, not the people. Normal people are afraid to take a road trip alone across the south.
That's ridiculous. In today's South a black man can have a relationship with a white woman and no one is lynching him, burning a cross in his yard, or blowing up his church. People have learned to get along, no matter what's in their heart. People who have biases hang on to old stereotypes, but the South has moved on.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The Achilles Heel of your argument is the control Memphis demands that is impossible for you to provide. As an example, Express couriers are now required to wear socks at least 2 inches above the ankle, and no higher than 3 inches below the knee, white with shorts, and black with long pants, or they face disciplinary measures. That's the kind of micromanaging control that you would face. And if you capitulated, then Memphis is exercising control of your drivers, making them employees of Fedex. And there goes ANOTHER lawsuit.