30 working days or 30 days that count towards seniority?
This is the FREE Period..... so that would be nice to know...
Also if your building needs 20 workers just hire 10 and let 10 sups work....
Cannot do this. A sup training a new employee can only work and train him in an area that a qualified employee would work. If it is preload and a qualified employee loads these 4 cars, then the sup traing the new hire has to stay within these 4 cars.
Same with unload and reload. A sup and a new hire will do no more work than 1 qualified employee, so if they need 20 people, they will have to hire 20.
And it is 30 working days for seniority. I know it is the free period, but most seasonal employees will not work more than 30 working days, so theoretically, he could have a sup with him the whole time.
But again, they can only work an area that 1 qualified employee is expected to do. They cannot go help out anyone else even if they are caught up.