New Orleans



I'm more opposed to areas of federalization that quite frankly could be better done at the local level with more oversight by the very people it impacts. At the local level I'm much more open minded to ideas of a community nature and have in fact gone to County Commission meetings supporting ideas that I'm totally opposed to at the federal level such as environmental issues. Believe it or not I am an environmentalist.

IMO we allow our federal gov't to have a cavalier attitude with the Constitution when they fudge here and fudge there with the very document from which they obtain their power to govern. At this point I believe we place ourselves at risk from them to encroach into sacred areas of freedom as these encursions set legal precedent that is later used to further erode personal freedoms. Just as a side note many of the actions of gov't are not as a result the more typical constitutional actions but are rather as a result of international treaty. Treaties supercede our constitution and much of the bureacratic quagmire in Washington is a result of treaty law rather than from any direct constitutional mandates.

FEMA and the various agencies have become micro managing monsters as they want to dictate total control over all aspects. You and I would agree in a major crisis like this something is needed from the gov't level beyond the local and state but what the federal gov't should be doing is to facilitate the private and some public efforts from across the country in getting in and on the ground quickly to start helping these people. This was not done as various efforts were bogged down in bureacratic bullschitt! It's like a person lying on the ground after having a heart attack and the only other person there goes over to start CPR to try and save the person's life. In walks the bureaucrat and demands all the necessary forms and paperwork be filled out first and in the meantime the heart attack victim dies. That is the stupidity of the federal gov't and it's in everything they touch if your willing to be honest about it.

Now some think laws can be made to change this and this is where I differ. Natural human nature is if a person gains any measure of power or control that they will at some point seek out more and more as they achieve levels of comfort with this control. Any threat to that comfort is usually met with force to remove the threat followed by another increase in power to protect from future threats and maintain the comfort zone. I believe we all are like this including me and that is why I'm so against massive concentrated levels of power. Broken down and scattered you may have pockets of it but it's easier to overcome a corrupt local political machine than a large scale national controlling force. At the very least on the local level you can always as a last resort put a bullet in the politicians brain but a national leviathan is literally impossible once out of control. I know the bullet idea in this day and age is not PC but let's face it folks our country was basically started on nearly that type of mentality.

Pure Libertarianism if you want to call it that or better yet it's really classical liberalism is an ideal rarely seen in a pure form throughout the history of man. We always fall prey to gathering in collectives of varying sizes with in the beginning good intentions and good cause. However, over time those seeking easy gain and fortune from life see these seats of power as mechanisms for their own personal gain and they generally achieve those seats of power and in time corrupt the entire process. IMO we are witnessing this corruptive process throughout all politics in this country and depending on your political flavoring you might blame it on corrupt rightwing capitalism or leftwing socialism but neither are the real culprit. The real culprit is the nature of human behavior and if you are willing to place your lives if you will with people all driven by these natural forces then you risk having to deal with the actions of a George Bush or a Bill Clinton or like the Germans you could even elect the next Hitler. You also stand the risk of having events like NO happen where I believe all the signs were there it was just no one was willing to interrupt their own little Mardi Gras and deal with what needed and should have been done.

If not trusting human nature makes me anti gov't then yes I'm anti gov't and I would contend more should be like me. Until we are willing to understand and be at arms ready with the nature of man I contend large scale political collectives are a danger and threat to any free thinking person.




You are right, or at least the little general was right. I thought all these posts on your part was malice. Instead you are just incompetent?

Nah, just one angry woman.

What I give and to whom is no ones business but mine. Its my money. But then again, that is a concept that is foreign to you. Everything in the world needs to be run according to your schedule and ideals.

But then of course, you would share with us how much your big mouth has given now wont you? Aw come on now.



"FEMA and the various agencies have become micro managing monsters as they want to dictate total control over all aspects."

The more I learn about FEMA and how they interact with local emergency response officials the more I feel like I'm watching the hatfields and McCoys.

One argument from FEMA's detractors is that they had the authority to step in and take charge of this mess but did not. It does appear they have the authority to do so except for calling in the extra military. The governor has control over the national guard and any additional military would have to be requested through DOD. Last night I saw two local Emergency response coordinators complain that FEMA first did not do enough and then took too much control. One of them complained that FEMA had taken his fuel that he had bought and paid for. He then said he sent armed sheriffs deputies to get his fuel. The whole time he is talking I am sitting there wondering if he realizes he is part of the problem. He as the local appointed official; should have been working out of the same office as FEMA closely working with them, coordinating the relief effort. Not fighting over fuel.

It seems pretty simple to me

1) FEMA cannot and should not come in and completely take over. The local officials know the area and know what they need.
2) The local officials cannot and should not take complete control of the situation because he does not have knowledge of available resources.
3)They clearly have to park their behinds in the same office and coordinate together. This ensures everyone works together and eliminates much of the red tape that slows the process down.
Perhaps the next time we can have the armed sheriffs deputies ensure we keep the local officials locked up in the same office.



you're right. It is no ones business how much you have given to the hurricane victims. I will tell you this much. I gave the hurricane victims considerably more than I gave any political party.

Part of the problem or the solution, my friend? I'm sure you got your money's worth from the RNC, most contributers do. That's part of the big problem, dboy.


and your point is?

PS-- leading off with an alex jones link pretty much says it all.


and your point is?

PS-- leading off with an alex jones link pretty much says it all.

Gee, sorry there Susie. I guess ultra right wing outfits like Time and CNN were just out to destroy the Clinton legacy.

Heck, we can stay in the house, I remember a fellow named Carey making a small donation to the DNC. You may remember Carey, I think he ran a labor union.

PS: Go back to the Democratic Underground.


dude, you going to the Freedom March tomorrow?

If you are be careful:
A "Freedom Walk" on Sunday in honor of the military, from the Pentagon to the Washington Mall, is open only to those pre-registered - and the U.S. Park Police has warned that it will arrest anyone who shows up without a pass.

And dude,

Who was talking about that low life Clinton? Did I ever hold him up as a moral standard? At least he rewarded people with jobs that they couldn't kill thousands of people with. Give him that much, at least. I seem to remember having more extra cash then, too, but that's not the point.

You want CNN? Let's talk about today then, not a decade ago in a decidedly different world.

I prefer to donate my money & time where it will serve the greatest need, not for personal gain. I like my pork smoked, not in the barrel.



Not that I'd point the finger at any one person for being responsible for how the entire rescue and evacuation operations transpired, but just because someone questions the response and actions of Bush before, during, or after Katrina does not automatically make them a Democrat, traitor or any less a citizen for rightfully asking questions as to what needed to be done better.

One of the first statements out of the White House regarding the snail's pace of Federal assistance to the crisis was that the Louisiana Governor hadn't properly declared it being a disaster. Not only was it a lame excuse, it turned out to be completely false and the statement had to be retracted a few hours later. At a time when action was required, Bush's team offered rhetoric hoping to deflect what they feared would be bad press. All that tactic did was intensify the scrutiny on the Fed's action or lack of action to that point, and ultimately the past catches up to Michael Brown. Being "relieved of his duty" doesn't even begin to clean up the mess he managed to make at what was once a respected and responsible agency.

This guy landing the top job at FEMA could only equate to a flight attendant getting thru a 30 day training period without spilling drinks on passengers and then being rewarded with a promotion to become the pilot without having ever even been in a flight simulator. He clearly wasn't qualified for the position and shouldn't have been there to begin with. So why was he there then?

Anybody witnessing how this fiasco unfolded, regardless of what party he or she clings to, certainly has every reason to ask that question.


Such an angry woman.

Angry for what reasons?

Is it because our lovable buffoon Al Gore was not in charge of the country during these last few years?

Or is it because the failures of a liberal government are now causing problems socially and financially for our country?

Yes, I gave to the small business alliance, and will probably do so again this year. And if they think that the republicans can cut small business some slack on taxes, insurance, etc, then I hope the RNC (if that is who got the money) gets it again this year.

Susie, sweetie, I am bustin my ass working as a delivery driver and attempting to run a business that will give employment to several other people in my area.

You ever tried to run a business with employees? It would be very quick and you will know why I gave to the small business alliance. It would seem that everyone and their brother are wanting money from you. Taxes on money you could have made instead of made, insurance to cover you from all sorts of things, including stupid people getting hurt with your product or on your property. It is a racket.

Then you try and pay a decent wage, try and add benefits for your people, create working conditions that are not to hard, deal with OSHA, EPA, endless taxing entities and the list goes on and on. And for what? Why should I have to deal with all those regulations etc to sell some fish and install a few ponds? IT is oppressive.

So forgive me if I am looking out for an easier way through this jungle. All the laws and regulations that have been forced upon us, not by congress or even an elected official, but by some G4 or 5 no name. Laws that make no sense, serve no purpose, are relatively unknown, but if you are in violation they can fine your butt into oblivion.

All this to give people that want to work a decent job. One where they can get off the welfare role and have the pride in being in control of their own destiny.

So where in your opinion did I screw up? I made out the check to the Small Business Alliance, not The RNC. But if that is where the changes will be made to help the small business man grow his company to be able to hire more people, to grow the economy, well that is where my money will go from now on.

You and your money can be sent where ever you want, or you can stick it where ever you wish. I for one will not try and put you down or try and trash your poor decision making skills.




You gave a check to your SBA and your name shows up as a generous donor to the RNC? Somethings fishy!

If things are so tough for you here, try Mexico, I understand they are a bit more lax on laws, all it takes is a political donation to do business.


Only a sicko with a political agenda would turn a discussion on NEw Orleans in to what you have turned it into.

And as with most self professed know-it-alls, you cant tell them a thing. It is a waste of time.

Funny how you dance around serious questions on how you would have done a better job, only to trash those that are involved.

I got a better idea, you move to Mexico. Their form of government would suit you better. Ill stay here and try to rebuild what you and the rest of the crying heart liberals have torn down.



serious answer to how I would have done a better job?
I would have followed the damn plan that was in place! I wouldn't have waited two days before checking in.

This is a failure in leadership at the highest levels of government.

I believe you are among the many that blame the victims, and you call me a sicko?!

here, enjoy an article from The Onion:
Bush Urges Victims To Gnaw On Bootstraps For Sustenance

WASHINGTON, DCIn an emergency White House address Sunday, President Bush urged all people dying from several days without food and water in New Orleans to "tap into the American entrepreneurial spirit" and gnaw on their own bootstraps for sustenance. "Government handouts are not the answer," Bush said. "I believe in smaller government, which is why I have drastically cut welfare and levee upkeep. I encourage you poor folks to fill yourself up on your own bootstraps. Buckle down, and tear at them like a starving animal." Responding to reports that many Katrina survivors have lost everything in the disaster, Bush said, "Only when you work hard and chew desperately on your own footwear can you live the American dream."


And stupid to boot.

Only a biased, sexually frustrated, forever angry, democratic groupie would have posted that type of story trying to get any one to believe it to be true.

God, you are that desperate?

Btw, Add to my previous post, I dont believe in quitting. I fight for what I believe. I change what wrongs I see when ever I can. But I dont quit. Unlike others. So like I said, better for you in MExico than me.
