New Orleans



My father is a Colonel in the Alabama national guard. He is at Coscom in Montgomery which is a headquarters facility. What is very ironic is that they have been planning a HUGE training exercise to take place in Mobile to mirror just this kind of catastrophe, and it has actually happenned. He told me that the helicopters they have flying around down there send back live video feed, and it has been nothing short of apocoliptic. We all need to pray at home, and in our churches, because this is going to end up having a huge efffect on our nation.


"The poorest 20% (you can argue with the number -- 10%? 18%? no one knows) of the city was left behind to drown. This was the plan. Forget the sanctimonious bullsh!# about the bullheaded people who wouldn't leave. The evacuation plan was strictly laissez-faire. It depended on privately owned vehicles, and on having ready cash to fund an evacuation. The planners knew full well that the poor, who in new orleans are overwhelmingly black, wouldn't be able to get out. The resources -- meaning, the political will -- weren't there to get them out."



I am under the impression that you believe this since you cut and pasted it?

"The poorest 20% (you can argue with the number -- 10%? 18%? no one knows) of the city was left behind to drown. This was the plan."

Lemme see. the city fathers and those others in charge planned for all those poor to stay there and die? For what reason? Ethnic cleansing? Did someone with one of those powerful rifles used in Bosnia hold them there against their will? I just dont follow your logic, or the author of the post you clipped to.

BTW, the question still stands, where was Jessee while this was going on. Where was he when he could have made a life and death difference in the lives of so many. Or was it that there was not enough money to be made for his involvement? Or is it that he specializes in after the fact finger pointing instead of finding ways to solve problems?




Maybe "Jessee" was riding bikes or playing guitar or helping with a birthday party; no wait, that was "Dear Leader".

Your logic? No car, no money, no problem!

And Danny, no I don't believe *everything* I read. Just find the lack of planning amazing.


yes suzie I was a amazed that that they did not call up the regular army .When I saw a cat. 5 storm heading toward new orleans area
I was thinking danger danger will robinson.
I have seen information on if a major hurricane hit certain citys what devastation would happen .New orleans was a city if ever hit with a cat 5 it would be total devastation.
The govt should have had the army ready to go a day before they knew it was going to hit.


Yes, for several days prior to the hit, weather forcasters were telling us (White people) it would directly hit New Orleans, but then they said, "Shh, Don't tell the Blacks!"

Give me a break! Anyone with half a brain could have taken a bus away from there. There were several days notice. Anyone who stayed did it of their own free will. We can't force people to leave.


Coulda--Woulda--Shoulda---it is easy to be an armchair quarterback!!

There are relief efforts taking place in NO---there were relief helicopters going in and being shot at and they had to leave----what is wrong with these people--were they guns that were just looted--or from gangs that have holed up in the Dome?

Unfortunately, there needs to be Marshall Law declared so efforts can peacefully be taken to assist those in need---and when the need has taken place and everything is getting back to normal-----at that time I think we will see Jesse Jackson come riding in and taking credit for getting NO back to normal!! It amy take several years to restore the city of NO to what it once was.

UPS had a gift matching effort that last time there was a major hurricane----anybody heard yet??


Susie-Were you there when the planning was being done? Do you have some inside info you can share with us outside of the loop? What exactly could the President have done differently sitting at his desk in Washington than was done from his ranch in Texas? Have mistakes been made? Yes, but that happens in every disaster because we are humans trying to react to something far greater than us. I love hearing some of the beloved idealogues from the left, such as Kennedy, blaming Bush and Barbour for defeating the Kyoto treaty which directly led to Katrina. NOT!!! In the meantime Kennedy has opposed putting a windfarm near their beloved Hyannisport. What hypocrites. There will be enough real blame to go around once the immediate emergency is over so it's time to stop the rhetoric and pull together to bring this country back to what we are, the shining light of the world.

P.S. Jesse was in Venezuala making nice to a communist dictator. What a joke.



I deliver to families that have nothing to eat without food stamps, have no where to live without handouts, never take showers because they can not afford the water or electric bill.

So tell me, how do they afford the boom box, the cell phone, all the tattoos and jewelry, the two pack a day habit, and the case of beer each night?

I saw a guy toting a woman through the water and on his shoulder was a fridge pack of bud.

I guess we all have our priorities. Some people would rather leave it all and live, others would rather stay put and stay drunk while it passes by.

So while I think other things could have been done, each person there made choices. And for some it was the wrong one.

Besides, I could see the headlines now. "Jackson claims the mass resettlement of blacks bu the national guard to army bases a plot to steal valuable property for rich developers"

A no win situation for any one in charge. All you can do is tell them it is best for them to leave. If they dont......


(Message edited by dannyboy on September 01, 2005)


"Forget the sanctimonious bullsh!# about the bullheaded people who wouldn't leave."

I don't know if sanctimonious does the subject justice. The city of new orleans knew the damn storm was headed right for them. They should have forced a complete evacuation of the city. Now they will have to try to evacuate those people with the infrastructure of New Orleans destroyed and slowing down the effort. Stating this point does not negate the need for help or my sense of compassion for those that are struggling through this mess.


I remember hearing about Bush signing the emer. paperwork ahead of time so things could be in place once they saw this storm was heading right smack into the Gulf Coast and that it had increased to a Cat. 5.

About the re-building after all the you think they will fill the "bowl" so the city of N.O. won't be below sea level anymore? Seems to me it would be stupid to re-build just as before with the hurricane threat so high in that area.



What happened, and continues to happen in NO should come as a surprise to no one. The aftermath of a major hurricane in that area had been widely studied and reported on. Please see articles in National Geographic, Scientific American and Popular Science, as well as The NO Times-Picayune.

What could have the POTUS done differently in DC than in Crawford/Utah/San Diego/Phoenix? You tell me. It seems as thought there must have been something, since he returned to DC. From the White House daily Press Conference:

Q Is the President going to go visit the disaster sites?

MR. McCLELLAN: Yes, I expect he will. We have had some initial discussions about that. I know that we will continue to discuss that and make sure that it is done in coordination with officials -- with state and local officials. We don't want to do anything that would disrupt the ongoing response -- the ongoing response efforts right now. So we're kind of coordinating to determine when the best time will be. I think you can expect by the latter part of the week that we will probably -- by the latter part of the week, we will make a visit to the region that has been impacted.

Q -- is this?

MR. McCLELLAN: I would expect by the latter part of this week.

Q This is more -- this is more symbolic. Cutting short his vacation is more symbolic because he can do all this from the ranch, right?

MR. McCLELLAN: No, I think -- no, I disagree. Like I said, this is one of the most devastating storms in our nation's history, and the President, after receiving a further update this morning, made the decision that he wanted to get back to D.C. and oversee the response efforts from there. This is going to -- there are many agencies involved in this -- in this response effort, and it's going to require a long and sustained effort on behalf of all the federal agencies working closely with state and local officials to help people recover from the destruction and devastation.

Q What is he unable to -- what is he unable to do in Crawford he could do --

MR. McCLELLAN: We'll talk to you all later. We've got to go. Thank you.

Meanwhile in Venezuela:
I would hope the talk of isolation, name-calling, hostile rhetoric, threats of assassination and kidnapping give way to aggressive diplomacy. I hope that weve done something to facilitate a detente on threatening rhetoric, Jackson said. We're not going to have an oil war.
The civil rights leader said he urged Chavez to reexamine Venezuelas cooperation with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), to see if Venezuela would continue its cooperation with the DEA. Jackson also expressed concern about the suspension of permits for foreign preachers and missionaries in Venezuela. Venezuelas Interior Ministry had announced last week that it would temporarily suspend the granting of visas to foreign preachers for missionary work, while it reviews its policy on missionaries.
Chavez emphasized that his government was interested in having good relations with the U.S. and pointed out that during the Clinton administration relations were very cordial, normal, and constructive, even though many of the same differences existed between the two countries. We never lose hope that we'll regain a good tone with Mr. Bushs government, said Chavez.
With regard to the suspension of cooperation with the U.S. on combating drug trafficking, Chavez said, The fight against drug-trafficking is a priority for our government... But the fight against drugs cannot serve as a mask for violating our sovereignty or for spying, he added.
Jackson also spoke about Chavezs offer to provide discounted oil and perhaps gasoline to low-income communities in the U.S. Jackson called the proposal a good idea, whose details still needed to be fleshed-out. Jackson also pointed out that there is a program in the U.S. to provide assistance to low-income families for heating oil, known as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).


There is a percentage of the population regardless of what part of the US or world you look at that will be poor, ignorant and basically worthless to the rest of humanity and themselves.

Sorry if that is harsh and you want to believe in the inherent good in everyone.

I wish kisses and butterflies for you if so.

In the NO area this group apparently is primarily black.

The color is not the issue.

That trash percentage of the population will never do anything to raise or improve themselves from the gutter.

How much should the government and people do for them is the true question.

There is a difference between "a plan to let them drown" and deciding at what point you hold people accountable for themselves versus carrying them on your back because they are just too damn lazy to use their own legs.

That isn't to say there were not handicapped and otherwise invalids beyond their own fault that are part of this tragedy, but the vast majority of your 20 or whatever percent are just lazy, ignorant scum that ignored all warnings because it "won't happen to them and the government will take care of them anyway.

I am far more concerned with those that proactively opted to go to the "safe houses" like the Superdome and all those thousands of good people inland who lost everything.


Why is it every freakin disaster turns into some political debate? Geez people we got folks suffering and we've got the rest of our lives to play political oneupsmanship. Fact of the matter is most of the gov't focus will be on larger infra-structure issues and there will be both good and bad with that including much to Monday morning Qback but the bulk of the yoemans work in a situation like this takes place via private charities and individual citizen's actions.

Washington and the American politicos are notorious for highjacking real issues and spinning them so much that nothing really gets done so in some sense the more Washington is out of it the more likely much more will get done. It also could be that maybe Bush has faith in the local leaders and to go there or even sit in Washington and pontificate would do more harm than good. I'm no fan of Bush at all but so far he's done nothing wrong.

Or unless you're one of those crackpots on other sites now saying Bush had the levee dynamited for some political advantage such has payback to that area for not voting for him. If you are please speak up and speak loudly so we can fully discount you right now instead of it coming to light later and having to deal with it then. I don't think that is the case with any of this crew but you never know these days.

"You're absolute worse day at UPS will never compare in any way to the day a poor person trapped in New Orleans will have today!"

quote from an unnamed but otherwise dead on point UPS Center Manager


ok2be.....I have a real problem looking at children's faces and thinking of them as the "scum of the earth".

Very cruel!



Turn on CNN, and listen to how THOUSANDS of people have had no food or water at the Convention Center, which is an offial "safe house". The reporter says people are dying in front of him, while he speaks. There has been NO food or water for days there.


"They should have forced a complete evacuation of the city."

How? By gunpoint? Door to door searches by a SWAT team?

And then the storm does a 180 and hits Mexico instead. Then they'd be called fools. Thankfully, this is still a free country, and many fools excersized their freedom by choosing to stay in the path of a well publicized catagory 5 hurricane.

Fools they may be, but I'd rather see dead free people than live oppressed people. It's the price we pay to be free.


Let's see, the CNN reporter is there watching people die. How did he or she get there and did they bring food and water with them, knowing they were in desperate need?


Dang Wily, Yes the reporter shared the little bit of water he had. No one has food. Are you people that blind and cold-hearted?