Thanks air, wkmac, that was a lame movie by the way.
I don't want to make this political, so I will say I am not blaming bush personally for any of this, but neither do I have any sympathy left over for how the poor president can't win any positive political spin from this any more than I can for the rest of us having to fork out more bucks per gallon.
There are far more serious problems right now than the president's political feelings or our pocket book inconvenience.
I agree the lack of an organized, timely and adequate relief and rescue response by our national government to a predictable and predicted problem/scenario involving scientific forecastability was lame and bodes lousy for the vaunted homeland security we have put so much money, resources into.
It seems like instead of anticipating the problem our leaders are strictly reacting to them.
Disappointing to me and tragic for those involved.
This is literally a life and death situation for many and "help is coming" is not adequate.
Within twenty-four hours of Katrina passing through the troops,etc should have been there, not just getting organized to start the trip.
Hopefully, while this will be a costly lesson, it will be a costly lesson learned.