New Orleans



I would not say they are our betters, they just do things differently. And they do seem to catch the camera better than we do.

Crappie, Doing things so you can be recognised is the wrong reason to do them. Doing them because it is the right thing to do......

Being visible doing something does not mean you are doing more than someone that is not visible. Some people and companies just enjoy doing the right things because it makes them feel good doing it. Others do it because they think they get free milage out of it. Maybe Fdx is one of them, maybe not. But I do know UPS is not just standing by and not doing anything, they just dont go looking for a camera when they do.

Susie, as for me reporting fraud, I dont have any proof of fraud. I just know that they can afford to do things I cant.

But I do know they are doing wrong morally, and it will come back to bite them. It allways does.



danny boy my point I am trying to make is UPS is one of the few companys who have the means to move huge loads ie water .Water is one on the top things they need.So UPS trucks being seen moving water is not PR stunt is a fact they need water .Now it would make me proud to see UPS trucks on national TV yes it would.


Dear Leader speaks:
"The good news is -- and it's hard for some to see it now -- that out of this chaos is going to come a fantastic Gulf Coast, like it was before. Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house -- he's lost his entire house -- there's going to be a fantastic house. And I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch."


susie, seriously you josh! He couldn't really have said such as stupid, ignorant, callous thing!

Where the heck are his script writers?!?


I would never, not to a woman.

I mean, I've been married for twenty six years in a couple of days and she turns 50 within a month.

I have learned better than that.

On the other hand actually, it seemed to me you did that.

danny, I don't care whether you would say that or not.

I will, because it is the truth.

They have always kicked our butt in advertising and PR.

Only the friendly, personal regular (well, used to be regular) UPS driver has kept the image of this company up.

Not the advertisements, not the PR.

In a top ten of funniest, cleverest transportation advertisements none of ours would even place.

Not even as they have gotten better.

Fed Ex rules the airwaves.

We just do well at delivering.


And along with that story, here in Bristol at the speedway, they were taking up collections of food and water. They were going to only take one trailer, from Food City, but the turn out was so great that they are using one of the #88 transport trucks with ole Dale on the side of it. Then it over flowed and they had to rent a large Uhaul. So while it isnt really a ups truck, will the #88 with the Jarrett smile do?

Hope this satisfies you now Crappie.

OK, I remember some funny ones during Christmas last year.

But then what do you expect from a company that is run and lead by number crunchers. Everyone knows they dont have a sense of humor!



Suzie, I too was less than impressed with our fearless leader. I especially loved the don't buy gas unless you need it advice. Priceless.......


I agree that enough is not being done well enough when we have people sitting in the streets dying.

I wonder though if we didn't get a glimpse today of the difficulty in relieving New Orleans. I watched the first national guard convoy roll into new orleans today. What I saw was them driving down streets of water that appeared to be 3 to 5 feet deep while driving by broken highways that had been the main thoroughfares in and out of town.

We should also give some credit where credit is due. From everything I have seen they had the US Coast Guard and many white water rescue crews in that city almost immediately immediately trying to save lives. That has to be the first response and it appears they executed that one very well.

I think one of the main problems in this mess is the following of protocal. Hurricane hits. Cities and states assess damage and then request help. The process of assessing and requesting help causes too much of a delay in the process before the federal government gets involved. MHO


Sitting here watching the news. And I guess I developed what may be a dumb question. Houston has 26,000 refugees in the astrodome. Most of them got there by yesterday? How the heck did so many people get moved to Houston so quickly? It appears most were bused there. How many people does a bus hold? 200. Thats a lot of buses driving how far? 600 miles? Perhaps there has been more to this relief effort than we have thought about?


I really dont think we should be criticizing. We have no clue on what went on behind the scenes. There is so much to consider. Lets just be thankful its starting to look a little better. We have a few thousand in our area. We have made the trip to Walmart and bought supplies and stuff. My wife has registered with the RedCross. Its a very ugly picture, but it will get better.


You asked: "susie, seriously you josh! He couldn't really have said such as stupid, ignorant, callous thing! "

'fraid so, yesterday in Biloxi.


I disagree. We should be very critical of the way this has been handled. This was our best response to a disaster that we had time to prepare for. What would we do in a disaster that we had no warning of?


If this had been one of those "Dirty Bombs" that Homeland Security has warned us about, is this the kind of reaction and relief we can expect from our government. Basically, just let people sit and rot because we obviously have no clue how to react.

And since all our National Guard forces (what I think means a guard for our own soil, not somebody elses) are doing what our Army is supposed to do, we have no men or equiptment to help our own. Hope North Korea doesn't invade us now. We obviously have nobody in uniform in this country who could react fast enough to stop them from completely taking over the country!


Sorry about the link susie. It was working fine when I posted it. Check out the link opie posted to the National Geographic article concerning the storm/flood potentials down in the Delta area. When you first start reading you think it's a post Katrina article but then you realize it's prior too and that this event was a "not expected" event at all.

This also isn't the first time the levees have been breached as in 1965' Hurrincane Betsy did so.

As for the World Tribune article, you mean to tell me you aren't a dedicated loyal reader of the World Tribune? Man, it's up there with the Daily Planet!

My point was only the fact that like some of our own religious leaders Islam also has it many fair share although right now the Islamic ones have taken a more radical approach the life in general.

OK2BC, most movies out of Hollywood are lame to begin with! However Escape was moreso than many and I'll agree with you there but I hate to say it this is almost what NO is beginning to look like.

My hat's off to UPS for starting a relief fund to help out UPS people and my check's in the mail and I'm already planning to send more.

As for the gov't response, like many, I don't understand why things were done like they were. I've heard for example one problem was the local leaders wanted to run the relief efforts and the head hotshot at FEMA wanted to take all control. For gov't that sounds about right but more than that we should be looking at this situation real close and asking some very serious questions. What if some crisis developed on a national scale and these same people were calling the shots? It's not a democrat or republican issue, is a bureaucratic nightmare that is the issue. Gov't is not about helping people, it's about power and it's about themselves. This is exactly why I don't trust any of it and why I believe the less their is the more will get done. You watch private America over the coming weeks and months and you'll see the greatest and the very best the world has that will come out in droves to help them people now and into the future rebuild their lives.


Condie Rice mentioned that 55 countries had offered help. Does anyone know if we are taking it? It was touching to hear that SriLanka had offered help also when they are still recovering from the tsunami.

My response to any country offering help...."send $$$$ or oil now!"



From her press conference yesterday:
SECRETARY RICE: We have turned down no offers. I think that, obviously, when something like this happens -- we had a task force set up, we had to make certain that everybody knew the vehicle to use to channel contributions.


QUESTION: Madame Secretary, no offer has been turned down, but according to FEMA, from them at least, no offer has been accepted yet. I mean, what good is it to have, you know, nearly 60 countries step forward and offer assistance and apparently, at least as far as FEMA is concerned, they haven't been able to accept any of those offers?

SECRETARY RICE: Well, as we are speaking or perhaps just a little bit before we were speaking, there is a group that is working. Harry Thomas, who is the Executive Secretary here at the State Department and is the person who is in charge of coordinating this international effort, he is working with FEMA to go through the list, to see what might be used in the short term.

Obviously, in some cases, in places like New Orleans, it's a matter of access; but, to see which of the offers can be taken up immediately, which others might need to be taken up somewhat later, but we are matching those offers now to the needs on the ground.


If we need gas/oil we should make a deal with mexico to give us oil for the illegals that are here now. Let's say a barrel of oil a day for each of them. That would be some sort of reimbusement for the social services that we give them.


So, what do you think the President should have said, "All is lost." The fact of the matter is that the state of Louisiana dropped the ball on this one big time. The federalis are coming to bail them out. Ninety thousand square miles are affected by this storm; that is the size of England. The governor of Louisiana was clearly not up to the task of managing this disaster, but I fully expect Bush and the military will eventually get a handle on it. It will probably take shooting some homegrown sob's to do it.


I'm sure I will catch alot of flak for this comment but how about suspending nascar to conserve fuel? I never understood why UPS is so fuel conscience and still supports the waste envolved in watching drivers going around in circles over and over and over and over again? (gomer im tired grab me another beer)


someone reported on Fox that the mayor of N.O. evacuated a bunch of tourists from an upscale hotel and placed them at the front of the line of the folks who had been waiting for several days at the dome to be bussed out.

N.O. was the example city used in the worst case scenario for a Cat 4 or 5 hurricane. I think that they all thought they would have their bases covered in an emergency. I think the emergency turned out to be something so catastrophic, that they really weren't prepared at all. This will all have to be used as a learning tool for any future re-building of the area.


Susie.....If you have a better, detailed plan, and resources to implement it, I would love to hear it.......Its amazing how many people on here are experts on everything.