I have been with UPS for a little over 5 yrs and go to University of Michigan Dearborn. I am 24 year old male and a senior studying Management Information Systems. I plan on graduating by next May at the latest. I have taken the test to become a supervisor and passed it with flying colors; qualifying me for both part-time and full-time specialist & supervisor positions.
I work at one of the gateways. Do you recommend that I also hang in there for a full-time position in management instead of starting off part-time? Are you serious that I would only spend about 3-6 months in a package car before being promoted, assuming I am liked by management???
I hope to get my masters after I get hired on full-time at UPS.
This is a tough question for me to answer. Perhaps one of the more civil management posters can offer info.
I can only tell you what I have seen. With a MIS degree, I seriously doubt you would be in operations as that would be a waste of your talent, perhaps IE or some other support function. With that said, why would the company invite you to be a PT supe so you can ride herd on a bunch of PT'ers humping boxes unless they are testing your ability to lead, people skills and stress coping skill?
On the other side of the coin, I have seen PT supes in the hub promoted to FT supes based on the need of the operation. I also knew a FT hub supe (with a degree in sports physiology) that spent 6-8 months in pkg cars before zooming further up the ladder of success (would that suggest she was well liked or had connections?). I'm sure you can understand the company wanting ALL management people to spend "some time" in pkg cars so they can fully understand the system that our operation revolves around.
The needs of the company as a whole will dictate what they will do and I have seen cases where they do what they want. If you truly passed your tests "with flying colors" then I would suspect the company knows they have a "diamond in the rough", per se, with you and could possibly have plans for you other than withering away in a hub or a pkg car.
If it were me, I would lay low and finish your 4 year degree. I would not parade around that you passed your test with flying colors. Be humble and suck up. The seed has been planted.......let it grow. My bet is they will ask you to go to management shortly after you get your degree.
Once you go FT anything, it is hard to go to school unless it is solely online. Telling everyone you have a master's is nice but I'm unsure how far it will get you in the company.
Be agreeable, let this situation unfold naturally and bloom where you are planted.
I don't know if I have helped. Good Luck.