New Social Security bill


Frankie's Friend

Bro Dude Homey..deep thoughts...If something is right, but you violate your conscience because you think it is wrong to do but do it anyway, how's is that act marked as? Me thinks if one violates his conscience it's wrong no matter what.
I dont have to look very far for that answer as far as I am concerned.
It is written:

In the English Standard Version it reads "for him it is sin".

The Bible also states (Jesus was quoted as stating) that those who knew what was right and failed to do it received a harsh punishment (after they die) but those who didnt know or understand what was right will receive a light punishment.

That's a sobering issue.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I dont have to look very far for that answer as far as I am concerned.
It is written:View attachment 237606
In the English Standard Version it reads "for him it is sin".

The Bible also states (Jesus was quoted as stating) that those who knew what was right and failed to do it received a harsh punishment (after they die) but those who didnt know or understand what was right will receive a light punishment.
View attachment 237610

That's a sobering issue.
I was thinking more in Rom.14.. nothing wrong with eating sacrificed idol meat but if you thought it was and ate.. you would not be " fully convinced in your mind".


Well-Known Member
It’s gross to watch people who chastise welfare programs celebrate this socialist crap.

:censored2:ing boomertives, tax cuts and huge entitlements.

This is true, while I think social security has fundamentally been a huge benefit to older Americans, there is a huge inconsistency with conservative voters who love huge government programs the most, but who support a policy agenda that severely wants to cuts those programs and change them dramatically.

I think that's because conservative voters see social security as being for "people like themselves", and they see the phalanx of federal programs that they identify as "welfare" as being for groups of Americans they don't particularly like.

So when conservative politicians discuss cutting entitlements, conservative voters picture all those groups of undeserving Americans getting their benefits cut (conservative voters really want to "hurt" those groups). While republican elected officials will leave their benefits alone because they deserve them. So even though its plain as day that conservative elected officials as policy want to cut these programs that are wildly popular with their voters, this charade persists.


Staff member
Many of my conclusions on issues have nothing to do with religion.
A lot of people are threatened when they hear something they don't like or disagree with.
The charge of telling everyone how to live their lives based on anything is unfounded.
So you tell people how to live based on nothing?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
So even though its plain as day that conservative elected officials as policy want to cut these programs that are wildly popular with their voters, this charade persists.
These "wildly popular" programs are only that way until it comes out of the pockets of those very same voters.

When THAT happens they predictably become Conservatives.


Well-Known Member
It’s gross to watch people who chastise welfare programs celebrate this socialist crap.

:censored2:ing boomertives, tax cuts and huge entitlements.

I paid into this socialist crap at gun point for over 40 years.
the government took my money out of the fund and left magic dissapearing IOU's in its place.
I would like to get my money that was exhorted back with the appropriate interest but the house runs this game and the odds are against me.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I paid into this socialist crap at gun point for over 40 years.
the government took my money out of the fund and left magic dissapearing IOU's in its place.
I would like to get my money that was exhorted back with the appropriate interest but the house runs this game and the odds are against me.
Great post!


Well-Known Member
I paid into this socialist crap at gun point for over 40 years.
the government took my money out of the fund and left magic dissapearing IOU's in its place.
I would like to get my money that was exhorted back with the appropriate interest but the house runs this game and the odds are against me.
Assuming that you got things your way.tell me, what would you do if you outlived your money? Say it can't happen? 62% of all nursing home patients are on Medicaid. Why? Simple. They outlived their money.