New Social Security bill


Well-Known Member
When you tell other Christians how they should interpret The Bible, you are telling them how to live their lives.
Everyone should have the right to express their belief on any given subject. What you're saying is you don't want to hear anything that doesn't jibe with your own beliefs. Ultimately we'll stand before God and he'll judge, but some things are too important to just let slide without giving someone your viewpoint. Abortion is one of them.


Well-Known Member
Germany doesn’t hold a candle to America, they aren’t even the leader in Europe.

Even more laxed healthcare systems like Switzerland, that are better than Germany in research, are seeing increased premium costs year after year by 3%-5%. Their system is unsustainable without stricter price controls and limiting their citizens access to treatments.
My post was in reference to the medical machines, and drugs innovated and produced by german companies like Siemens, Braun, Merck, Bayer, etc.

German companies have been among the top innovators in the space forever. I don't suspect that this will change anytime soon.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Everyone should have the right to express their belief on any given subject.
Absolutely but what you and Flush tend to do is tell others, their interpretation of The Bible is wrong.
And God help them if their religious beliefs are not centered on Christ.

What you're saying is you don't want to hear anything that doesn't jibe with your own beliefs.
I enjoy hearing what others believe.
What PO's me is some dipstick telling me my beliefs are wrong ... there is a difference!

Ultimately we'll stand before God and he'll judge, but some things are too important to just let slide without giving someone your viewpoint. Abortion is one of them.
You will stand before God for yourself ... if one believes that particular myth about Christianity.

Abortion is a good example.
You have no idea what God has in mind for anyone else.
There is nothing in The Bible regarding Abortion so you and your fellow believers make stuff up and rationalize about what they should do.

I support a woman's right to an abortion but when my wife and I had to make that decision about an
unplanned pregnancy, neither of us even considered an abortion ... that's not something I could live with.
However, if my wife had decided to get an abortion, I would respect that decision and I would support her
as best I could as she dealt with that decision as we progressed in this journey through life together.
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Well-Known Member
Everyone should have the right to express their belief on any given subject. Ultimately we'll stand before God and he'll judge
...Or you'll rot in the ground. Guess you'll have to wait to find out like the rest of us.

I'm just gonna stand with science on this one for now, until god himself, convinces me otherwise. Play the odds.

That's my belief on this subject.

El Correcto

god is dead
My post was in reference to the medical machines, and drugs innovated and produced by german companies like Siemens, Braun, Merck, Bayer, etc.

German companies have been among the top innovators in the space forever. I don't suspect that this will change anytime soon.
America has more clinical trials going than all of Europe combined, when it comes to research citations it isn’t even close.
Nearly 40% of the world’s medical research budget is spent in America.

We are a huge driving engine of everything Europe can piggy back off of and still struggle economically funding their public healthcare systems. America doesn’t have an America to piggyback off of.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
America has more clinical trials going than all of Europe combined, when it comes to research citations it isn’t even close.
Nearly 40% of the world’s medical research budget is spent in America.

We are a huge driving engine of everything Europe can piggy back off of and still struggle economically finding their public healthcare systems. America doesn’t have an America to piggyback off of.
Yep, everyone piggybacks on American investments and then get better prices than any American can get.

El Correcto

god is dead
Yep, everyone piggybacks on American investments and then get better prices than any American can get.
But they don’t have access Americans do.

There is no better country to be in when it comes to niche illnesses and cancer.

Even if you’re dead broke you are in a better position than Europeans with these problems.

I know a man who is living in poverty and still survived breast cancer, got chemotherapy, medications and survived.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely but what you and Flush tend to do is tell others, their interpretation of The Bible is wrong.
And God help them if their religious beliefs are not centered on Christ.

I enjoy hearing what others believe.
What PO's me is some dipstick telling me my beliefs are wrong ... there is a difference!

You will stand before God for yourself ... if one believes that particular myth about Christianity.

Abortion is a good example.
You have no idea what God has in mind for anyone else.
There is nothing in The Bible regarding Abortion so you and your fellow believers make stuff up and rationalize about what they should do.

I support a woman's right to an abortion but when my wife and I had to make that decision about an
unplanned pregnancy, neither of us even considered an abortion ... that's not something I could live with.
However, if my wife had decided to get an abortion, I would respect that decision and I would support her
as best I could as she dealt with that decision as we progressed in this journey through life together.
I believe that abortion is killing another human being, and have every right to say so. Y'all never seem to mind having people come on here talking about how bad Christians are, or we're all ignorant rednecks, etc but if we stand up for what we believe in that's unacceptable. If you want to smoke pot that's your business, but if I point out studies show that it harms developing brains you get pretty upset. Rather than consider that promoting pot might harm young adults it seems it's preferred not to say anything. I find that incompatible with Christian beliefs. That's pretty much what it's come down to anymore, just expressing our beliefs means we're trying to control you. People want to do whatever they want without any boundaries placed on them. And it seems to bother a lot of them enough to attack those that are trying to live within those boundaries. Just saying I don't believe in divorce is enough for them to feel judged if they have. They want to eliminate any reminder of what they did from their lives, but they never consider why I might feel that way. All they see is Bible banger. What they don't know is my mother's parents had 7 kids, my father's 6, and in about 10 years time they all got divorced except one aunt. My childhood was watching a lot of fighting and anger. My father's parents were married 65 years however before he passed and their example is what I have always wanted. So when someone tells me I should dump my wife I say I don't believe in divorce except for adultery. I don't get in his face if I find out he's been divorced and tell him what the Bible says. If my little statement bothers him he needs to examine himself, not attack me.


Inordinately Right
I believe that abortion is killing another human being, and have every right to say so. Y'all never seem to mind having people come on here talking about how bad Christians are, or we're all ignorant rednecks, etc but if we stand up for what we believe in that's unacceptable. If you want to smoke pot that's your business, but if I point out studies show that it harms developing brains you get pretty upset. Rather than consider that promoting pot might harm young adults it seems it's preferred not to say anything. I find that incompatible with Christian beliefs. That's pretty much what it's come down to anymore, just expressing our beliefs means we're trying to control you. People want to do whatever they want without any boundaries placed on them. And it seems to bother a lot of them enough to attack those that are trying to live within those boundaries. Just saying I don't believe in divorce is enough for them to feel judged if they have. They want to eliminate any reminder of what they did from their lives, but they never consider why I might feel that way. All they see is Bible banger. What they don't know is my mother's parents had 7 kids, my father's 6, and in about 10 years time they all got divorced except one aunt. My childhood was watching a lot of fighting and anger. My father's parents were married 65 years however before he passed and their example is what I have always wanted. So when someone tells me I should dump my wife I say I don't believe in divorce except for adultery. I don't get in his face if I find out he's been divorced and tell him what the Bible says. If my little statement bothers him he needs to examine himself, not attack me.
Oh great another post about how you're being persecuted.
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Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I believe that abortion is killing another human being, and have every right to say so. Y'all never seem to mind having people come on here talking about how bad Christians are, or we're all ignorant rednecks, etc but if we stand up for what we believe in that's unacceptable. If you want to smoke pot that's your business, but if I point out studies show that it harms developing brains you get pretty upset. Rather than consider that promoting pot might harm young adults it seems it's preferred not to say anything. I find that incompatible with Christian beliefs. That's pretty much what it's come down to anymore, just expressing our beliefs means we're trying to control you. People want to do whatever they want without any boundaries placed on them. And it seems to bother a lot of them enough to attack those that are trying to live within those boundaries. Just saying I don't believe in divorce is enough for them to feel judged if they have. They want to eliminate any reminder of what they did from their lives, but they never consider why I might feel that way. All they see is Bible banger. What they don't know is my mother's parents had 7 kids, my father's 6, and in about 10 years time they all got divorced except one aunt. My childhood was watching a lot of fighting and anger. My father's parents were married 65 years however before he passed and their example is what I have always wanted. So when someone tells me I should dump my wife I say I don't believe in divorce except for adultery. I don't get in his face if I find out he's been divorced and tell him what the Bible says. If my little statement bothers him he needs to examine himself, not attack me.
So your intent is to discuss an issue ... maybe it's your delivery. pun intended

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Abortion is a good example.
You have no idea what God has in mind for anyone else.
There is nothing in The Bible regarding Abortion so you and your fellow believers make stuff up and rationalize about what they should do.
Old Testament: Fifth Commandment. Thou shalt not kill.
New Testament: Matthew 22. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
My particular choice regarding abortion: Mark 10. Whatsoever God has joined together, let no man rend asunder.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I believe that abortion is killing another human being, and have every right to say so. Y'all never seem to mind having people come on here talking about how bad Christians are, or we're all ignorant rednecks, etc but if we stand up for what we believe in that's unacceptable. If you want to smoke pot that's your business, but if I point out studies show that it harms developing brains you get pretty upset. Rather than consider that promoting pot might harm young adults it seems it's preferred not to say anything. I find that incompatible with Christian beliefs. That's pretty much what it's come down to anymore, just expressing our beliefs means we're trying to control you. People want to do whatever they want without any boundaries placed on them. And it seems to bother a lot of them enough to attack those that are trying to live within those boundaries. Just saying I don't believe in divorce is enough for them to feel judged if they have. They want to eliminate any reminder of what they did from their lives, but they never consider why I might feel that way. All they see is Bible banger. What they don't know is my mother's parents had 7 kids, my father's 6, and in about 10 years time they all got divorced except one aunt. My childhood was watching a lot of fighting and anger. My father's parents were married 65 years however before he passed and their example is what I have always wanted. So when someone tells me I should dump my wife I say I don't believe in divorce except for adultery. I don't get in his face if I find out he's been divorced and tell him what the Bible says. If my little statement bothers him he needs to examine himself, not attack me.
Whenever you awaken someone's conscience, most resent it.
Always lead by example. Redress your brother and encourage with love, do not disparage.

Like @Old Man Jingles said, it can be your delivery.