New Social Security bill


Just a turd
I phrased my post to ensure I was not talking about Van but in general. See below.

"I enjoy hearing what others believe.
What PO's me is some dipstick telling me my beliefs are wrong ... there is a difference!"

I saw that. That is literally what I quoted out of that whole sniveling diatribe that you pisted


I made a post that was deleted for personal attack apparently.

I think because it talked about an ice cream spoon perhaps.

Are we not allowed to respond to an attack with an attack here?

The rest of the info in the post was pertinent to the conversation at hand. In the future it'd be nice to just have the opportunity to edit any offending sentence out instead of having to repost the rest again, whomever modded that.

You obviously don’t understand how all this works


Well-Known Member
Name where I've said you've got to do things my way? I've stated that I think doing drugs is harmful and as a Christian I believe that to be wrong. I've argued with you over the effects of marijuana and as always is the case when someone really likes something they don't want to hear anything negative. I've argued abortion is murder and will always believe that. There are people on this forum who flat out hate people like me for having those beliefs. But it's a free country and as long as people are going to put down those of us who believe in certain things I'm going to keep telling them I believe they are wrong.
"Free country"? Which one are you talking about? The one you ran from or the third world one you are at now?

Frankie's Friend

Pretty damn good.

Don't believe the propaganda.

I was gonna post some WHO stats and point you in the direction of sites to look into why you're off base. But I'm tired, and you're kind of a :censored2:.

You're welcome to do your own research though. But watch the sites you visit, lotta misinformation out there on this topic.

Also, nobody's saying that the best medical care in the world can't be found in America for those who can pay for it - just don't expect that your insurance company will do such a thing, unless THEY deem it necessary, not your doctor - if you're willing to go into your own pocket the US definitely has all the bells and whistles. (But it usually doesn't rate as the best healthcare in the world on many lists. Wonder why?)
Like time out?

Frankie's Friend

Absolutely but what you and Flush tend to do is tell others, their interpretation of The Bible is wrong.
And God help them if their religious beliefs are not centered on Christ.

I enjoy hearing what others believe.
What PO's me is some dipstick telling me my beliefs are wrong ... there is a difference!

You will stand before God for yourself ... if one believes that particular myth about Christianity.

Abortion is a good example.
You have no idea what God has in mind for anyone else.
There is nothing in The Bible regarding Abortion so you and your fellow believers make stuff up and rationalize about what they should do.

I support a woman's right to an abortion but when my wife and I had to make that decision about an
unplanned pregnancy, neither of us even considered an abortion ... that's not something I could live with.
However, if my wife had decided to get an abortion, I would respect that decision and I would support her
as best I could as she dealt with that decision as we progressed in this journey through life together.
Down deep I know what is right if I have a conscience and respect that life is greater than myself.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Down deep I know what is right if I have a conscience and respect that life is greater than myself.
Bro Dude Homey..deep thoughts...If something is right, but you violate your conscience because you think it is wrong to do but do it anyway, how's is that act marked as? Me thinks if one violates his conscience it's wrong no matter what.