BigUnionGuy said:
Easy answer.... Still on the seniority list 26 yrs later....
Article 16 sec. 1 2nd paragraph
Thanks. I personally believe this issue is a UPS only issue that should be discussed only among UPSers. I don't stick my nose for example in Yellow Freight bid-ness and I expect likewise from them or whoever.
I don't think UPSers will ever dump the Teamsters because quite frankly I don't think they have the guts. At the same time it's also very easy to blanket blame the union itself for where we are but the reality is we are where we are because we got lazy and just let someone else do the work and now we don't like the outcome. I'm not letting the union off the hook because they did take on this fudciary responsibility and did so claiming they were the best at it and could guarantee we'd be protected but they will only go if we lead them and we failed in that respect bigtime.
But now the truth is out no matter what the many union apologist say. APWA IMO is and will be nothing more than a ball bat that we can use to drive the union to where we need to be. I do believe in a UPS only union but the realities are that this is not possible at this time. Let CS totally sink and then we got us a game! It's the only thing the IBT has right now and they know it and we know it. If APWA can ever come up with a plan that for certain will cover all retired UPSers as well as current UPSers to the level that the CS would have done prior to the 04' changes then things do get interesting but so far I've seen nothing in any way that this will or could happen so there you go.
Also, I thought it just Bullschitt spin the comment in the article concerning the APWA meeting in Luky where a union official claims full support of the union by the vast membership because 89% returned the surveys recently sent out. OK, if we didn't support the union should we have sent the surveys to FedEx? What would that have accomplished? The majority of the UPSers I spoke to although concerned especially with the healthcare/pension coverage, most had an overriding reason to push for early contract in order to take FedEx out of the game from manipulating the 08' contract and not harm the current growth in the business. Let FedEx do this and take business and the chances of any good for H&W gains really go out the window IMO as UPS can cry the poor mouth deal again and again and again and again and ...... you get the point.
APWA may be full of bullschitt but the IBT IMHO is really full of
Again, JMO.
25 year UPSer/Teamster