I believe Kaepernick was saying the U.S. is an unjust nation. If the U.S. was providing a substantial welfare package, then took that away from folks who had gotten used to it so therefore didn't prepare themselves to compete in the workplace(and that applies to all races), and thus life became a good deal harsher, then I can see why they're unhappy. And if the government was to suddenly run up the debt to unsustainable levels thus endangering their ability to receive anything, better push back and play on white guilt. Kaepernick is on record praising Fidel Castro. The many college professors who are influencing so many of tomorrow's leaders to rant and rave against conservatives are avowed Socialists if not Marxists. What better way to end the hardship of those who are used to handouts then to convert from Capitalism to Socialism? We'll all be equal then and no one will do without. Capitalism is flawed, no doubt. But the development we have in this country, the plentitude of goods, is due to it. It's a fantasy to believe in utopias. Yet the Left is still trying and it appears they're lurching towards violence to accomplish it. Let's take away the 2nd Amendment, collect the guns, and see how long we remain a Capitalist country.