FYI It was the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that rightfully ruled that Ground's so called contractors were in reality employees. That evil, communist pinko liberal court seems to get it right from time to time. If it had ruled the other way Xpress today would be drawing up plans to make Xpress employees contractors. As for California Texas and other states voting to secede from the union? Never happen. Why won't it? Think for a moment. It would have to create it's own currency that can be traded on global markets,fund it's own transportation, education, banking and healthcare system. Not to mention that seceding would likely mean a renouncement of citizenship which might result in a forfeiture of government benefits such as Social Security and Medicare. It is for reasons such as this is why Charlie Redneck and Billy Joe Sixpack are the only ones talking about seceding because they have no idea what the consequences would be.