NFL Boycott - Will FedEx Peak be current events?


Fight the power.
@MAKAVELI ,@bbsam Lmao


Well-Known Member
No, van. We of the black community are so very appreciative that y'all no longer put us in chains and whip the crap outta us. Mighty kind of ya...

But your post drips with patronizing racism. That "whites" have been doing so much for the lazy "blacks" sitting in the ghettos, doing drugs and waiting for a handout? Is that really the picture you are painting? That's the crap we've been putting up with for decades. It's what gets us pulled over for "driving while black".
There it is in a nutshell. No matter what we do it will never be good enough. If we try too hard we're patronizing. If we give up in frustration we're racists. There are no winners in identity politics. You are an obvious example of someone who has worked hard and done well for himself. No matter what your color is. But is it not true that there are concentrations of Blacks in inner cities all over the country that have developed a dependence on government assistance? Who think that if the government isn't helping them get by that it's racism? I worked with some Black guys in Texas that were good workers. Most made more than I did. Always got the impression that they were watching for any indication that I was prejudiced. And I wasn't saying any of this out loud there, just got loaded questions all the time. I'm not trying to solve your problems for you, just pointing out that most Whites I know respect anyone who works hard and makes their own way. And get frustrated when people assume the worst about us. I see liberals painting all of us with the same broad brush. Self righteous jerks in my book. For the record I want you and your family to have the best life you can possibly have based on your efforts to obtain that life. I want you to have a safe, secure, happy life. I don't want you to deal with cops who bother you solely based on your skin color. I want idiots like that racist in South Carolina who shot and killed those folks at that church to forfeit his life. Same for those idiots who drug James Byrd to his death. What I don't want is to have to constantly prove I'm not a racist because I'm a Southern White male. To be suspect no matter what I do. And I'm betting most Whites feel the same way. We can't stop idiots filled with hate from doing horrible things. But we're not responsible for all the killing going on in Black communities. White cops aren't hunting down Blacks for sport, and if race relations are ever going to improve then there needs to be an acknowledgement such as what Chris Rock has said, that he fears his own kind more than Whites. Won't happen because reaming Whites for everything bad that happens in the Black community is too profitable for some, too politically lucrative for others.


Staff member
There it is in a nutshell. No matter what we do it will never be good enough. If we try too hard we're patronizing. If we give up in frustration we're racists. There are no winners in identity politics. You are an obvious example of someone who has worked hard and done well for himself. No matter what your color is. But is it not true that there are concentrations of Blacks in inner cities all over the country that have developed a dependence on government assistance? Who think that if the government isn't helping them get by that it's racism? I worked with some Black guys in Texas that were good workers. Most made more than I did. Always got the impression that they were watching for any indication that I was prejudiced. And I wasn't saying any of this out loud there, just got loaded questions all the time. I'm not trying to solve your problems for you, just pointing out that most Whites I know respect anyone who works hard and makes their own way. And get frustrated when people assume the worst about us. I see liberals painting all of us with the same broad brush. Self righteous jerks in my book. For the record I want you and your family to have the best life you can possibly have based on your efforts to obtain that life. I want you to have a safe, secure, happy life. I don't want you to deal with cops who bother you solely based on your skin color. I want idiots like that racist in South Carolina who shot and killed those folks at that church to forfeit his life. Same for those idiots who drug James Byrd to his death. What I don't want is to have to constantly prove I'm not a racist because I'm a Southern White male. To be suspect no matter what I do. And I'm betting most Whites feel the same way. We can't stop idiots filled with hate from doing horrible things. But we're not responsible for all the killing going on in Black communities. White cops aren't hunting down Blacks for sport, and if race relations are ever going to improve then there needs to be an acknowledgement such as what Chris Rock has said, that he fears his own kind more than Whites. Won't happen because reaming Whites for everything bad that happens in the Black community is too profitable for some, too politically lucrative for others.
Southern whites don't get government assistance? How about a New Jersey 20 year old white female heroine junky? A Hispanic single mother of four in Idaho? An unemployed coal miner in West Virginia?

But if it's black man in the inner city or a black woman from the projects, you seem to see some personal flaw that is the culprit. Why is that van?


Fight the power.
Southern whites don't get government assistance? How about a New Jersey 20 year old white female heroine junky? A Hispanic single mother of four in Idaho? An unemployed coal miner in West Virginia?

But if it's black man in the inner city or a black woman from the projects, you seem to see some personal flaw that is the culprit. Why is that van?
Cause his cracker ass is racist!


Staff member
I was going to pick on you for this as I was under the assumption that there weren't a lot of Hispanics in Idaho but I Googled "Hispanic population in Idaho" and was quite surprised by the result:

Hispanic population in Idaho - Google Search
Yeah. It's weird. I know guys who grew up here in the Midwest with a Southern drawl so thick you'd swear they had to be from south of the Mason Dixon line. I guess there's all different kinds of people all over the US.


Well-Known Member
Southern whites don't get government assistance? How about a New Jersey 20 year old white female heroine junky? A Hispanic single mother of four in Idaho? An unemployed coal miner in West Virginia?

But if it's black man in the inner city or a black woman from the projects, you seem to see some personal flaw that is the culprit. Why is that van?
I'm well aware that people of all races get government assistance. But I'm talking to you about the Black community and it's perception of Whites. Any nonwhite community that sees its assistance threatened is going to see racism as the root of it. I acknowledge without reservation that Blacks have been horribly treated in the past. I also refuse to believe it's as bad now as it ever was. And everyone unless physically or mentally impaired needs to make their own way in life because the money isn't there anymore. We can't afford to support large groups of able bodied people. If that means working at McDonald's or whatever then that's what they should be doing. No matter what their color I'm betting if people are taken off government assistance and menial work is all they can obtain they most likely will push their kids to study harder and achieve more. And families will stay together at a much higher rate.


Well-Known Member
I'm well aware that people of all races get government assistance. But I'm talking to you about the Black community and it's perception of Whites. Any nonwhite community that sees its assistance threatened is going to see racism as the root of it. I acknowledge without reservation that Blacks have been horribly treated in the past. I also refuse to believe it's as bad now as it ever was. And everyone unless physically or mentally impaired needs to make their own way in life because the money isn't there anymore. We can't afford to support large groups of able bodied people. If that means working at McDonald's or whatever then that's what they should be doing. No matter what their color I'm betting if people are taken off government assistance and menial work is all they can obtain they most likely will push their kids to study harder and achieve more. And families will stay together at a much higher rate.

Van, with all due respect, this is an argument that you, a pasty white guy, do not have the perspective to engage in.


Staff member
I'm well aware that people of all races get government assistance. But I'm talking to you about the Black community and it's perception of Whites. Any nonwhite community that sees its assistance threatened is going to see racism as the root of it. I acknowledge without reservation that Blacks have been horribly treated in the past. I also refuse to believe it's as bad now as it ever was. And everyone unless physically or mentally impaired needs to make their own way in life because the money isn't there anymore. We can't afford to support large groups of able bodied people. If that means working at McDonald's or whatever then that's what they should be doing. No matter what their color I'm betting if people are taken off government assistance and menial work is all they can obtain they most likely will push their kids to study harder and achieve more. And families will stay together at a much higher rate.

I don't completely disagree. But the money is there. This is where we move from identity politics to economics.


Well-Known Member
Van, with all due respect, this is an argument that you, a pasty white guy, do not have the perspective to engage in.
My mostly Cherokee mother quit school after 9th grade to marry my father. After their divorce we missed many a meal, lived in two rooms of an unfinished house for years. I worked in Florida summer heat 35 hours a week picking weeds at a plant nursery when I was 12 for a dollar an hour. And because I was big I got constantly jumped by black guys all throughout junior high and high school. Didn't stop me from having Black friends though. Played basketball down at the Black courts all the time. A good friend of mine from first grade stopped about six guys from beating the hell out of me for no reason other than I was white and made the mistake of walking home when I was 19 from those courts after dark. He was murdered several months later. And by the way due to my heritage I tan very easily. Nothing pasty here.