NFL Boycott - Will FedEx Peak be current events?


Staff member
What about the millions of small businesses struggling? You see some major corporations doing very well and think the country is flowing with money. And exactly what are we arguing here? That able bodied people should stay home and collect welfare? And you're kidding yourself into thinking we can keep running up the debt and not have it crash at some point. Things collapse under their own weight all the time. The government is no different. And that'll make 2008 look reasonable.
If the government collapses, so do businesses. Let that sink in as you contemplate a 15% corporate tax.


Inordinately Right
What about the millions of small businesses struggling? You see some major corporations doing very well and think the country is flowing with money. And exactly what are we arguing here? That able bodied people should stay home and collect welfare? And you're kidding yourself into thinking we can keep running up the debt and not have it crash at some point. Things collapse under their own weight all the time. The government is no different. And that'll make 2008 look reasonable.
Hilarious that you're complaining about the debt, yet supporting massive tax cuts that will blow up the debt even more. And you managed to throw in some rhetoric about welfare queens being the cause of it all lol.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Really?! What do they want the effective tax rate to be? 0%?!

I thought effective tax rate was like 22.8% or something.
Eliminating write-offs and deductions and setting absolute tax rates based on size (like the personal income tax) would mean more corporations paying taxes vs. evading taxes. Net effect would be more tax income.
Where I disagree with Trump is that in order to boost business volumes, you have to put more money in the budgets of the consumer. But that is decried as trickle-down or voodoo economics.
Forcing America back to its roots of self-sufficiency would be a painful process, creating a monumental resistance. But in order to tax less, the Federal Government would have to hand out less, and return to its core (Constitutional) obligations.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
oh please, Nolimitz, grow a sense of humor. It wasn’t meant to be disgusting in the least. Lighten up already. I happen to live in a “white” state with an integrated family as well.
Some people just live to be offended, don’t they?


Inordinately Right
Eliminating write-offs and deductions and setting absolute tax rates based on size (like the personal income tax) would mean more corporations paying taxes vs. evading taxes. Net effect would be more tax income.
I guess you know better than the congressional budget office and vast majority of economists.
Your economics degree from Trump University is paying off for you I see.
But in order to tax less, the Federal Government would have to hand out less, and return to its core (Constitutional) obligations.
Never gonna happen, so we shouldn't cut taxes. That's the bottom line.


Inordinately Right
I don't support you.


Well-Known Member
oh please, Nolimitz, grow a sense of humor. It wasn’t meant to be disgusting in the least. Lighten up already. I happen to live in a “white” state with an integrated family as well.
Some people just live to be offended, don’t they?
don't forget your Klan robe for dinner attire


Staff member
don't forget your Klan robe for dinner attire
No, no, no. Klan robes are strictly for lynchings, cross burnings, and other ceremonial rites. Formal Nazi parade uniforms are formal dinner dress and skinhead leather/combat boots for day to day functions. Damn. If a racist can't even dress correctly, how's he supposed to bring about domination for the Aryan race?!


Well-Known Member
No, no, no. Klan robes are strictly for lynchings, cross burnings, and other ceremonial rites. Formal Nazi parade uniforms are formal dinner dress and skinhead leather/combat boots for day to day functions. Damn. If a racist can't even dress correctly, how's he supposed to bring about domination for the Aryan race?!
Don't you have an Antifa rally to attend?
They make perfect sense.
Sorry they hurt your feelings nancy.
I could say the sky is blue and get a red X from you.