NFL Boycott - Will FedEx Peak be current events?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Cancel them all, replace with universal healthcare and universal basic income. If you've got a pulse you get a check indexed to age. No overhead for administration.
Okay, you do all the work, and I'll stay at home drawing my UBI check, and cashing it on the way to my free healthcare visit. Sounds reasonable to everyone, except those doing the work.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Okay, you do all the work, and I'll stay at home drawing my UBI check, and cashing it on the way to my free healthcare visit. Sounds reasonable to everyone, except those doing the work.
You wouldn't be living a very good life, it would just keep you from starving to death in the street. It would give you a safety net to try and start your own business or switch jobs. Business would be free to hire and fire without worry of their unemployment going through the roof. If you're working you can put the whole ubi check into index funds for your retirement. A simple system is harder to game and abuse.


Staff member
Yeah. THAT will balance the budget and provide prosperity for EVERYONE.
While we're at it, let's make personal wealth a Capital Offense! Long Live Socialism!
It would get people serious about a healthcare solution or force everyone to stand on their own. You know. Good old conservative values.


Inordinately Right
So, more corporations paying more taxes means less income for the Feds??

Big Brother Government won't be reined in unless the American citizens demand it. And if more, and better paying jobs are the result of less Government handouts, what is wrong with the result?

So what would YOU propose?? Just print more money??
Corporations won't be paying more taxes, they'll pay less, that's the entire point of tax cuts lol, ttku.

I think lowering spending and balancing the budget with intention of reducing debt would be great. And after we do that I fully support tax cuts. To do it before is flat out irresponsible.


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't be living a very good life, it would just keep you from starving to death in the street. It would give you a safety net to try and start your own business or switch jobs. Business would be free to hire and fire without worry of their unemployment going through the roof. If you're working you can put the whole ubi check into index funds for your retirement. A simple system is harder to game and abuse.
Or you could stay home and make extra money dealing drugs or a host of other activities. Why work for some jerk when the government pays for you to stay home? A gov't check plus a little entrepreneurship is where it's at!


Well-Known Member
But Trump used up all the funds for Secret Service months ago. I don't Believe Pres. Obama ever did. But it's because trump has that magical (R) in front of his name makes everything ok.
No, the Secret Service is allowed so much overtime and because of his sizeable family plus his constant trips to Florida that overtime was being burnt up. But that pales in comparison to the cost of Obama's trips to high end destinations. It wasn't about Secret Service overtime, it was about the government paying millions to put up a very large entourage in expensive accommodations. And you can sarcastically talk about Republican expenditures all you want, but Obama doubled the national debt. Only G.W. Bush came close, and he spent half of what Obama did. We're in a serious bind and all I'm hearing is spend, spend, spend, then spend some more. The day will come when we can no longer service the debt and the tax-and-spenders will find a way to blame Republicans for the crash.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No, the Secret Service is allowed so much overtime and because of his sizeable family plus his constant trips to Florida that overtime was being burnt up. But that pales in comparison to the cost of Obama's trips to high end destinations. It wasn't about Secret Service overtime, it was about the government paying millions to put up a very large entourage in expensive accommodations. And you can sarcastically talk about Republican expenditures all you want, but Obama doubled the national debt. Only G.W. Bush came close, and he spent half of what Obama did. We're in a serious bind and all I'm hearing is spend, spend, spend, then spend some more. The day will come when we can no longer service the debt and the tax-and-spenders will find a way to blame Republicans for the crash.
The current republican plan adds a boat load to the debt.


Well-Known Member
The current republican plan adds a boat load to the debt.
The recently passed GOP budget is projected to add 1.5 trillion to the debt and the proposed tax cuts will add another 1.5 trillion . Tax cuts going to spur the economy? Projections say that the GDP will increase from 2.1% without the tax cuts to 2.4% with them. Wow, happy days are here again. The reason? it's a consumption based economy and the expected revenue shortfall will require the government to go into the credit markets and start hogging up available credit driving up interest rates. Then again why should you care? Don't you remember ? You're leaving in the next few weeks. BTW The GOP controlled Congress will meet in December to vote on a bill to raise the debt ceiling and of course they'll vote to raise it....But then again it's THEIR debt and that makes it all ok.


Well-Known Member
The recently passed GOP budget is projected to add 1.5 trillion to the debt and the proposed tax cuts will add another 1.5 trillion . Tax cuts going to spur the economy? Projections say that the GDP will increase from 2.1% without the tax cuts to 2.4% with them. Wow, happy days are here again. The reason? it's a consumption based economy and the expected revenue shortfall will require the government to go into the credit markets and start hogging up available credit driving up interest rates. Then again why should you care? Don't you remember ? You're leaving in the next few weeks. BTW The GOP controlled Congress will meet in December to vote on a bill to raise the debt ceiling and of course they'll vote to raise it....But then again it's THEIR debt and that makes it all ok.
In other words, Repubs raise debt ceiling, BAD, Dems raise debt ceiling, GOOD. Gotcha. Hey, I want them to stop spending so much. You're saying I'm defending their spending but not so. By the way, where's It Will be Fine heading in a few weeks? :)

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
In other words, Repubs raise debt ceiling, BAD, Dems raise debt ceiling, GOOD. Gotcha. Hey, I want them to stop spending so much. You're saying I'm defending their spending but not so. By the way, where's It Will be Fine heading in a few weeks? :)
I'll probably head over to the next state to see the in-laws around Thanksgiving.

There shouldn't be a debt ceiling it's dumb, we should always pay our debts. Most voters are in favor of a simplified fair tax code. Lobbyist aren't, corporations want their loopholes. It's a Gordian knot that's not likely to be untied.


Well-Known Member
I'll probably head over to the next state to see the in-laws around Thanksgiving.

There shouldn't be a debt ceiling it's dumb, we should always pay our debts. Most voters are in favor of a simplified fair tax code. Lobbyist aren't, corporations want their loopholes. It's a Gordian knot that's not likely to be untied.
Tax reform that eliminates the loopholes would be a good start. It's paying off Congressmen to get the loopholes that will probably prevent real reform.


Staff member
As opposed to the spend, spend, spend that added to the debt?
Ya know, sure. Just be honest about it. You know that as soon as Democrats are in charge, pubs will cry about a deficit that they put in place. That's the disingenuous part about it.

And if you want to see where the republican mindset leads a country, just look at Kansas.


Well-Known Member
Ya know, sure. Just be honest about it. You know that as soon as Democrats are in charge, pubs will cry about a deficit that they put in place. That's the disingenuous part about it.

And if you want to see where the republican mindset leads a country, just look at Kansas.
Or Illinois for a Democrat mindset. We can do this all day.


Staff member
Or Illinois for a Democrat mindset. We can do this all day.
We have a republican governor. Democratic legislature.

Republican Sam Brownback and the republican legislature own it all in Kansas. Got exactly what they wanted back in '12 and rode it all the way to disaster in only 5 years.

Took Illinois decades.:)