NFL Boycott - Will FedEx Peak be current events?


Staff member
Which means the investigation should end since it couldn't find anything. Collusion was its purpose for being created.
Probably should have ended by now except that Trump's firing of Comey brings the question of obstruction of justice to bear especially when Trump is said to have admitted to firing him to end the investigation. Bush league indeed.


nowhere special
Trump should have fired Comey on day 1 and did mess up by waiting. He never said he fired him to end the investigation. Fake news.


Well-Known Member
Trump should have fired Comey on day 1 and did mess up by waiting. He never said he fired him to end the investigation. Fake news.
He knows better than to try to fire Robert Mueller. Mueller is an old FBI ground pounder who will put together the evidence one piece at a time. My fear is that he will uncover a global bank fraud , tax evasion and money laundering conspiracy in which Trump was a willing participant so egregious and so pervasive that is collapses the international banking system throwing us into another recession that makes 2008 look like a minor slow down.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I guess you know better than the congressional budget office and vast majority of economists.
Your economics degree from Trump University is paying off for you I see.

Never gonna happen, so we shouldn't cut taxes. That's the bottom line.
So, more corporations paying more taxes means less income for the Feds??

Big Brother Government won't be reined in unless the American citizens demand it. And if more, and better paying jobs are the result of less Government handouts, what is wrong with the result?

So what would YOU propose?? Just print more money??


Staff member
So, more corporations paying more taxes means less income for the Feds??

Big Brother Government won't be reined in unless the American citizens demand it. And if more, and better paying jobs are the result of less Government handouts, what is wrong with the result?

So what would YOU propose?? Just print more money??
What makes you believe that just because companies make more money they will be willing to provide better paying jobs? The trend does not support the assumption.


Well-Known Member
So, more corporations paying more taxes means less income for the Feds??

Big Brother Government won't be reined in unless the American citizens demand it. And if more, and better paying jobs are the result of less Government handouts, what is wrong with the result?

So what would YOU propose?? Just print more money??
So what discretionary spending (handouts) do YOU believe should be eliminated? Social Security? Medicare? Medicaid when you're in a nursing home and your own money has been exhausted? Veterans benefits,school lunch programs? How about the Centers For Disease Control? Or Perhaps Meals On Wheels? Maybe SNAP benefits? Sixteen percent of the residents in my county receive SNAP benefits (food stamps) yet 75% of those 16% are employed. A clear testament to how wages have failed to keep pace with inflation.


Well-Known Member
Gee, I don't know. Maybe Obama can give details about the huge entourage he took to Hawaii numerous times. All those people, including 24/7 Secret Service, put up in nice hotels and fed great food three times daily. Pence on the other hand had a stopover on his way back to Washington from Las Vegas, dealing with that tragedy. Mountain, meet molehill.
But Trump used up all the funds for Secret Service months ago. I don't Believe Pres. Obama ever did. But it's because trump has that magical (R) in front of his name makes everything ok.


Well-Known Member
What makes you believe that just because companies make more money they will be willing to provide better paying jobs? The trend does not support the assumption.
Good point The repatriation of billions of dollars of corporate profits held in off shore bank at a cut tax rate ( currently proposed at 10%) is a hot political topic. At the same time if in the likely event anybody bothered to pay attention corporate America has plainly stated that the repatriated money would be used for one time stock dividends, mergers and acquisitions and high executive pay. Organic job creation is down about 4th or 5th on the list. Too bad the rest of us can't take our pay and stash it in a foreign bank until we get a tax rate that we're agreeable to.


Well-Known Member
How much money did Bill Clinton waste when he had airspace shut down so he could get a haircut aboard Airforce 1 on the tarmac 1 day

How much taxpayer money was wasted when Bill lied UNDER OATH about Monica.
Basically, " I cry about it when your guy does it but say nothing when my guy wastes money". Trump, the golfer, is burning money and fox and friends and the people watching that show don't care.


Well-Known Member
Yes and the U.S. has become a much better place since the protests started. Police no longer do anything bad, poverty is way down, jobs in the inner city are way up, people actually cheer when the players take a knee.
And if every American in history had that attitude, we'd all still be under the Union Jack.


Well-Known Member
Good point The repatriation of billions of dollars of corporate profits held in off shore bank at a cut tax rate ( currently proposed at 10%) is a hot political topic. At the same time if in the likely event anybody bothered to pay attention corporate America has plainly stated that the repatriated money would be used for one time stock dividends, mergers and acquisitions and high executive pay. Organic job creation is down about 4th or 5th on the list. Too bad the rest of us can't take our pay and stash it in a foreign bank until we get a tax rate that we're agreeable to.
We have history to look back on which shows Millionaires and Billionaires only keep their tax breaks. There is no trickle down.


Well-Known Member
Explain to me what the inflammatory protests were? Did they spit on the flag? Throw it down and stomp on it? Light it on fire?

Or is it that they disobeyed the president? Is that what makes it inflammatory?
Just stop and close your eyes and think if Obama was trump, minus political affiliation, the opposition's head would have exploded already. There's a great example of

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So what discretionary spending (handouts) do YOU believe should be eliminated? Social Security? Medicare? Medicaid when you're in a nursing home and your own money has been exhausted? Veterans benefits,school lunch programs? How about the Centers For Disease Control? Or Perhaps Meals On Wheels? Maybe SNAP benefits? Sixteen percent of the residents in my county receive SNAP benefits (food stamps) yet 75% of those 16% are employed. A clear testament to how wages have failed to keep pace with inflation.
Cancel them all, replace with universal healthcare and universal basic income. If you've got a pulse you get a check indexed to age. No overhead for administration.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
What makes you believe that just because companies make more money they will be willing to provide better paying jobs? The trend does not support the assumption.
More business=more jobs. More jobs=more competition for the available workforce. More competition for the workforce=higher paying jobs. That's the historical narrative that works.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
So what discretionary spending (handouts) do YOU believe should be eliminated? Social Security? Medicare? Medicaid when you're in a nursing home and your own money has been exhausted? Veterans benefits,school lunch programs? How about the Centers For Disease Control? Or Perhaps Meals On Wheels? Maybe SNAP benefits? Sixteen percent of the residents in my county receive SNAP benefits (food stamps) yet 75% of those 16% are employed. A clear testament to how wages have failed to keep pace with inflation.
Never said it was necessary to totally eliminate them. Just make sure they are going to the people who actually NEED the intervention, not to those who are playing the system. Government assistance should be a HAND UP, not a HANDOUT. Eliminating the perks that Congress provides itself would be a good place to start.


Staff member
More business=more jobs. More jobs=more competition for the available workforce. More competition for the workforce=higher paying jobs. That's the historical narrative that works.
Local company, John Deere, good union company, has gone through phases of hiring and laying off workers multiple times in the last 15 years. Know what the only constant is? Record corporate profits.