Trust me, If we cut Federal aid(welfare), more poor whites would be effected than black or Hispanics. You know it and I know it. And revise racism is code for, "We like the way things are so shut your mouth". When slavery ended. The Mayflower Whites here only hired those ex-slaves.They were skilled and worked hard. Those slaves prospered and created many black communities. "Catholic need not apply". That really meant, Irish need not apply. Those signs precede "Negro need not.." Jealous, those Irish systematically burned black community after black community to the ground. Blacks had put in the effort to better themselves but the Irish burned destroyed that effort. Law enforcement was, at that time and to a point still today, and Irish profession. They eliminated black male threw bogus arrests and imprisonment. The same way the English did them(Irish) back in their old country. Then, some Irish cops became elected officials. Did you know Unions were created to keep blacks from working? Those same Irish government folk past laws saying employers were only allow to hire from unions. And those unions, as you would guess, didn't allow Blacks. But that wasn't good enough. Look at the names authoring Jim Crow, Irish surnames. And you know the irony to this? During Slavery, Irish and Blacks married and had children with each other . But think for a second. How can so many Blacks have Irish surnames? That's how. The Mayflower whites saw Irish as Black people. Why do you think Conor McGregor has a huge Ape tattooed on his chest? That's what they were called, After the so many Slave rebellions, and yes Irish were in a form a slavery as well, the Slave owners went to the Irish and told them they are now white and will now be slave overseers, run away slave catchers. Maybe this is how they jump so easy into Law enforcement in this country. Boston, an Irish city, was for many years seen as the most racist city above the Mason-Dixon line.
Blacks, Hispanics and Asians have all come to this country working from the start. Don't mistake what you call reverse racism for people calling out the wrongs this country were built on. For days a people were quiet. For days they were marched into ovens.