
IE boogeyman
* taxpayers that didn't have your kids.
taxpayers didn't drive my specific road or take my train either, but they still pay because it's for the greater good of humanity

if you want to go live in a childless libertarian paradise on some island rock some place, have fun, don't let the door hit you on the way out

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
taxpayers didn't drive my specific road or take my train either, but they still pay because it's for the greater good of humanity

if you want to go live in a childless libertarian paradise on some island rock some place, have fun, don't let the door hit you on the way out

I have two young kids and pay a ton for nannies. I'd like to not pay for other people's too. I already pay enough for others not to work. I would never expect a penny from my employer or the government to care for my kids.

People want government to take care of everything. Where does it end? You know unfunded liabilities are already way over $200,000,000,000,000.00, right?


I'm a star
taxpayers didn't drive my specific road or take my train either, but they still pay because it's for the greater good of humanity

if you want to go live in a childless libertarian paradise on some island rock some place, have fun, don't let the door hit you on the way out

I have two young kids and pay a ton for nannies. I'd like to not pay for other people's too. I already pay enough for others not to work. I would never expect a penny from my employer or the government to care for my kids.

People want government to take care of everything. Where does it end? You know unfunded liabilities are already way over $200,000,000,000,000.00, right?

This is the essence of the fundamental disagreement between libertarians and statists. The statists believe they are looking out for the greater good, but their methods only work as long as they can keep kicking the can down the road. Then they blame the rich for not paying enough taxes when everything starts falling apart. In reality, it is the government that the statists worship that allowed the rich to rig the rules against everyone else in the first place.


IE boogeyman
This is the essence of the fundamental disagreement between libertarians and statists. The statists believe they are looking out for the greater good, but their methods only work as long as they can keep kicking the can down the road. Then they blame the rich for not paying enough taxes when everything starts falling apart. In reality, it is the government that the statists worship that allowed the rich to rig the rules against everyone else in the first place.
subsidized childcare, like healthcare, is more efficient than the free-market

social security is not


Well-Known Member
subsidized childcare, like healthcare, is more efficient than the free-market

social security is not

I agree. Let’s subsidize child care in America. It will create tons of service providers and jobs. After all, we subsidize section 8 and people invest in rentals knowing that voucher is guranteed every month.

If children are cared for during the day/ after school, moms can work if they like, even just part time. Adds to our economy. Am I right?


Bad Moon Risen'
I have two young kids and pay a ton for nannies. I'd like to not pay for other people's too. I already pay enough for others not to work. I would never expect a penny from my employer or the government to care for my kids.

People want government to take care of everything. Where does it end? You know unfunded liabilities are already way over $200,000,000,000,000.00, right?
I would assume that you don't claim the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit then when filing your taxes?


Huge Member
I agree. Let’s subsidize child care in America. It will create tons of service providers and jobs. After all, we subsidize section 8 and people invest in rentals knowing that voucher is guranteed every month.

If children are cared for during the day/ after school, moms can work if they like, even just part time. Adds to our economy. Am I right?

I like the idea, but we can't even get healthcare right.
The only way this country will get anything done is to ban political parties and have elected people in Washington vote their conscience, not a party line.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
I would assume that you don't claim the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit then when filing your taxes?

LOL, I like how you think my money is the governments first and that they are giving it to me.

I suppose you believe the tax cut is welfare?

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
I like the idea, but we can't even get healthcare right.
The only way this country will get anything done is to ban political parties and have elected people in Washington vote their conscience, not a party line.

Yeah, we could just implement a dictatorship. Lot easier to get things done.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
I agree. Let’s subsidize child care in America. It will create tons of service providers and jobs. After all, we subsidize section 8 and people invest in rentals knowing that voucher is guranteed every month.

If children are cared for during the day/ after school, moms can work if they like, even just part time. Adds to our economy. Am I right?

It's not that simple. While it is true that government workers are part of the economy and in return pay their share of taxes, there's a big difference between them and private sector. The private sector generates money, the government absorbs that created wealth that the private sector had to create. The larger you make the government sector, the smaller the private sector gets. In turn, not enough wealth to support government.

Life is hard, there's not always an easy solution. Can't just throw government at every challenge in life. Notice there's constant proposals for every challenge. Health care, college education, child care. People want government to pay for everything that is expensive and they don't think they should be responsible for.

Heavy Package

Well-Known Member
Yeah , who walks up every set of steps to ring the bell. I haven’t rang a bell in years. Ringing the bell is a safety issue, the more slippery steps you walk up the more chance for a slip/fall injury..

I don't ring doorbells. I urinate on everything and run away. Only got caught once on camera.



Should be 7:00 non peak and 8:00 during peak unless you want the overtime. When are people going to stop treating this job like it's the Gulag. We deliver packages...we aren't saving lives and we aren't changing the world.