No Raise this Year?


Well-Known Member
Nope 3% to top and bottom. Mid range screwed once again.
I think it may help mid Rangers. if they raise the start and top pay 3% on the step scale AND leave the middle alone and give mid Rangers 3% on their current hourly wage, more than likely, u will be a step higher than if they raised the step scale AND your hourly wage 3% say you're between steps 2 and 3, in October you go to step 3 if they raise both your pay and your hourly wage. but if you get a 3% raise and the step system doesn't, you could essentially fall between steps 3 and 4 now, meaning you would go up to step 4 vs a step 3. now I know this wouldn't work for people who are closer the the lower step.


I think it may help mid Rangers. if they raise the start and top pay 3% on the step scale AND leave the middle alone and give mid Rangers 3% on their current hourly wage, more than likely, u will be a step higher than if they raised the step scale AND your hourly wage 3% say you're between steps 2 and 3, in October you go to step 3 if they raise both your pay and your hourly wage. but if you get a 3% raise and the step system doesn't, you could essentially fall between steps 3 and 4 now, meaning you would go up to step 4 vs a step 3. now I know this wouldn't work for people who are closer the the lower step.
I think you are missing my point. Once top and bottom is raised all steps will be raised. Anyone in the middle or lower will be pushed back in range because the top and bottom were raised. Keep in mind 3% at top out is more than 3% for mid range .Most mid range employees probably fall in the 2-4th step as of now. The only way to be fair and actually be good for ALL employees is to base the step system on years of service. But we know that will never happen.


Engorged Member
Someone should start a thread titled "Pissing Contest" so you all don't need to clog up every other thread with this useless drivel...

OK, so we should just let a company operative post lies and disinformation? Most people have been around long enough to see through Dano, but someone new or dumb might buy it.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Dano is doing his job by trying to take the conversation away from our pay. Increasingly, I think he is a former Ops Manager who blew his way into being the FedEx Social Media Disinformation Specialist (FSMDS).

1) Wouldn't try to distract the conversation away from pay because
a) I'm engaged in a pissing contest with someone else
b) No one pays attention to the pissing contest and they skip the posts because they're boring
c) They could start another thread about pay, since all threads end up being about it anyway



Well-Known Member
This step progression will be interesting, and if I read it right every year they will have to come out with a new chart to compensate for the raising of the top of range scale.

I fully expect them to game the system after a couple of years...just like they did in the early 2000 time frame when we went to a single yearly raise.


Well-Known Member
This morning my manager said he had to read about the raises and would let us know individually tonight. I just talked to him and he said he didn't have the info yet. There is a webinar tomorrow.
Good god. Why is this so hard?
It's been in the works for over a year and they can't just tell us. Nice planning fellas. It's not that important.


Well-Known Member
Sm confirmed 3% for all today, with those that fall between steps get moved to the next higher step. Let's see how long the step ladder can last.

Same here, and mentioned market levels will now be Base, Base 1, Base 2, Base 3 and Base 4. We are a level B here, so I have a strong suspicion we will be the base (being the lowest level, and meaning we will get no bump), Base 4 will probably be SF.


Well-Known Member
so does the step system move up 3%? hopefully it doesn't except for the bottom and top. this would essentially allow mod range employees to gain a step on that step ladder

Everyone will be on a step after this, if you are a penny over say Step 5, you will bump to step 6. So some will see significant raises, many (top out) will just see 3%.


Well-Known Member
This morning my manager said he had to read about the raises and would let us know individually tonight. I just talked to him and he said he didn't have the info yet. There is a webinar tomorrow.
Good god. Why is this so hard?
It's been in the works for over a year and they can't just tell us. Nice planning fellas. It's not that important.

Did you know there is actually a Vice President of pay structure (I forget the exact name but my manager said it today). Yeah they actually gave some guy a new title for this


Well-Known Member
Everyone will be on a step after this, if you are a penny over say Step 5, you will bump to step 6. So some will see significant raises, many (top out) will just see 3%.

Just remember topped out Couriers 3% is still waay more than the 3% someone in the bottom half makes.
For Example(not actual rates) TOP $24.00 -> 24.72 BOTTOM $16.00 -> 16.48
So this round of raises will still save the company tons of money.
But who knows that bottom guy at 16.48 might hypothetically get bumped to the next step lets say $17

We haven't heard anything yet, I have some swing coworkers who are curious So has there been any word on how swings are
fitting into this? will they have their own step ladder?


Well-Known Member
Just remember topped out Couriers 3% is still waay more than the 3% someone in the bottom half makes.
For Example(not actual rates) TOP $24.00 -> 24.72 BOTTOM $16.00 -> 16.48
So this round of raises will still save the company tons of money.
But who knows that bottom guy at 16.48 might hypothetically get bumped to the next step lets say $17

We haven't heard anything yet, I have some swing coworkers who are curious So has there been any word on how swings are
fitting into this? will they have their own step ladder?

Swings always have, whenever they say pay codes 7I and above, guys with routes are (example) say in code 7I but the swings are in 7J or something


Just telling it like it is
This morning my manager said he had to read about the raises and would let us know individually tonight. I just talked to him and he said he didn't have the info yet. There is a webinar tomorrow.
Good god. Why is this so hard?
It's been in the works for over a year and they can't just tell us. Nice planning fellas. It's not that important.
Keep in mind this is a company that certain can't dazzle us with brilliance so they do what they do best, baffle us with BS.


Well-Known Member
So like what exactly does that picture mean

It's pretty...but it's fluf.

A and B get rolled into E, those 3 now become Base.
friend is now Base 1
H is now Base 2
J is now Base 3
L is now Base 4.

The % is how much greater top of range is vs Base.

No changes other than the elimination of the bottom 2 and having them rolled into Base along with E.

Like I say....its Fluf to make you feel good, but unless you were in A or B, no real change that you will see in your pay.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty...but it's fluf.

A and B get rolled into E, those 3 now become Base.
friend is now Base 1
H is now Base 2
J is now Base 3
L is now Base 4.

The % is how much greater top of range is vs Base.

No changes other than the elimination of the bottom 2 and having them rolled into Base along with E.

Like I say....its Fluf to make you feel good, but unless you were in A or B, no real change that you will see in your pay.
OK but if you are B scale now you may be seeing about $1.60+ bump up not counting the 3% raise or getting put up to the next step. Been saying for a long time that B pay is so far behind other payscales it's ridiculous. Maybe they're finally addressing that. Don't want to get my hopes up too much but it'll be real interesting to see how this shakes out.


Well-Known Member
Just got a notification minimum 3% raise for all, if you are in between the steps (yet to be posted) you will get bumped to be in the next highest step and from there raises will go from step to step and not percentages (if this system continues that is)

When they release the steps we will see what it will look like but I'm guessing this still puts new hires at the same steps as people with 11 years or less