No Raise this Year?


Well-Known Member
he's making less than starting pay?? wow. how is that even right?
He's currently on B payscale which appears to be eliminated under new scheme. That handout says to take "current" pay and add 3%. Take that number and see what step you're on. Many of us on B payscale after doing that will have less than starting pay on the "base" or lowest payscale. So appears, might be wrong, that we'll start at starting pay of the lowest payscale.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't jump at them getting rid of the B market. Maybe they make the B market the base, and get rid of the next two. Until I see it in my check, I won't believe it.
We're already so far behind everyone else that we aren't competitive. But if you'll look at that one chart with the base, base1, etc, notice they increase from one to the next in 5% increments. Not possible if they keep B.


Well-Known Member
He's currently on B payscale which appears to be eliminated under new scheme. That handout says to take "current" pay and add 3%. Take that number and see what step you're on. Many of us on B payscale after doing that will have less than starting pay on the "base" or lowest payscale. So appears, might be wrong, that we'll start at starting pay of the lowest payscale.

wouldn't they just give you the increase of the new market level plus the raise we would of gotten anyways? if you leave a B market and go to an A market, you get that increase right? so shouldn't it apply if they do a market level adjustment?


Well-Known Member
wouldn't they just give you the increase of the new market level plus the raise we would of gotten anyways? if you leave a B market and go to an A market, you get that increase right? so shouldn't it apply if they do a market level adjustment?
Looks to me that they're just eliminating two market levels in the process of creating a step plan with 5 market levels. Not giving us a market level increase but just, after calculating our raise against current pay, taking that number and see where we fall on the steps of our particular payscale. Since my raise puts me below the starting pay of lowest payscale, looks like I'll be at starting pay. $1.75hr increase for me, but a real ripoff for those with quite a few years in that are still under starting pay on their new payscale. Should know by end of week if I've got that right.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
That's when they were stringing along mid-range forever and depended on senior couriers to keep it all together with the turnover. Now they're committing to a 10 year top-out and suddenly those senior couriers look very expensive. Not knocking senior couriers, just speculating on the company's perspective. Dano has repeatedly been critical here of older couriers. If only they'd offer $10k to anyone with 25 years in to retire.
I know of 2 stations that will loose a lot of drivers to retirement in the next 3-5 years. I think this country wide if you think about the numbers


Well-Known Member
Looks to me that they're just eliminating two market levels in the process of creating a step plan with 5 market levels. Not giving us a market level increase but just, after calculating our raise against current pay, taking that number and see where we fall on the steps of our particular payscale. Since my raise puts me below the starting pay of lowest payscale, looks like I'll be at starting pay. $1.75hr increase for me, but a real ripoff for those with quite a few years in that are still under starting pay on their new payscale. Should know by end of week if I've got that right.
that means a lot of mid Rangers would be back at starting pay of they did that. if they eliminate 2 market levels, if you were on B, you would get the market level increase plus your 3% raise. so hypothetically speaking, some people could see upwards of $2.50+ if they are market level B


Well-Known Member
that means a lot of mid Rangers would be back at starting pay of they did that. if they eliminate 2 market levels, if you were on B, you would get the market level increase plus your 3% raise. so hypothetically speaking, some people could see upwards of $2.50+ if they are market level B
Hopefully, but won't be shocked if FedEx will hold raises down as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
No matter how it goes down expect a lot of people that are around 10 or less years to wind up making the same as couriers with 1-2 years and with the step system will top out at the same time .


Well-Known Member
No matter how it goes down expect a lot of people that are around 10 or less years to wind up making the same as couriers with 1-2 years and with the step system will top out at the same time .

only way that would happen is of fedex moves the market level but starts everyone under 10 years over at the new starting rate of pay on the new base market level which would be a slap in the face. the right thing would be to add $1.72 (the difference between market level B and E starting pay) to an employees pay now and give them 3% on that, and where ever they fall on the step system, move them to that step


Well-Known Member
only way that would happen is of fedex moves the market level but starts everyone under 10 years over at the new starting rate of pay on the new base market level which would be a slap in the face. the right thing would be to add $1.72 (the difference between market level B and E starting pay) to an employees pay now and give them 3% on that, and where ever they fall on the step system, move them to that step
I agree, and hope that's so, just don't see in that handout that will happen.


Well-Known Member
only way that would happen is of fedex moves the market level but starts everyone under 10 years over at the new starting rate of pay on the new base market level which would be a slap in the face. the right thing would be to add $1.72 (the difference between market level B and E starting pay) to an employees pay now and give them 3% on that, and where ever they fall on the step system, move them to that step

Ok speaking from personal numbers here I make less than a dollar more then a 2 year employee I am on my tenth year (I got the highest possible raises I could when they were still performance based so it has nothing to do with that) if my 3% does not put me inbewteen steps making me qualify for the extra bump chances are very high that I wind up in the same step as that 2yr employee.

Employees that are in the same station/market currently is what comparing.

Now if the station that is coming into our market gets a pay bump to adjust the new market rate then gets 3% on top chances are a 2 year employee could end up a step above me even.

Oh and "the right thing to do" isn't how FedEx ended up with pay rates completely screwed up like they are now.

And a slap in the face is nothing new at FedEx my friend :).
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Well-Known Member
from the handout, what do u think will happen?
Talked with mgr this morning and she agrees a lot of employees with as much as 10 years in on B payscale will be looking at lowest step and 10 years to topout. Said she won't know for sure until she's sent the steps, which is supposed to be by the end of week. Pretty lively discussion!


Well-Known Member
This step thing is overly complicated, and will only lead to abuse and more lies from FedEx management. Think about it, you will need a step chart for every catagory of employment from a handler to a ramp agent, to a SAL, to an IDA, CSA, RTD...etc, then you have to multiply that by the number of market levels, AND punch out new ones every year.

They manipulated the system starting in 2001 and they have shown NO loyalty to the mid range employees. What mid range people should do is communicate the history to the new employees, and encourage them to quit after a year or two.


Well-Known Member
This step thing is overly complicated, and will only lead to abuse and more lies from FedEx management. Think about it, you will need a step chart for every catagory of employment from a handler to a ramp agent, to a SAL, to an IDA, CSA, RTD...etc, then you have to multiply that by the number of market levels, AND punch out new ones every year.

They manipulated the system starting in 2001 and they have shown NO loyalty to the mid range employees. What mid range people should do is communicate the history to the new employees, and encourage them to quit after a year or two.
Actually they've had different payscales for different job categories all along. Single biggest mistake I ever made FedEx wise was getting frustrated and quitting in '97. Have paid for it ever since. So why would you want to encourage a newhire to quit when they've finally improved pay? Tough enough getting anything that pays these days. Yes, I know all about FedEx and the lies, etc. But when will you guys grasp that this new plan is in response to newhire turnover? If they cared at all about the rest of us they wouldn't make 10 year employees work another 10 to top out. It is what it is. I have more confidence in them sticking to this pay plan than all the scenarios y'all are coming up with because of one thing: it's a business decision that's in THEIR best interest to enact. Not because they're swell guys or whatever. Everything they do is in their own best interest. If they could run the company with contractors and get rid of employees they'd do it if it's in their best interest to do so. Who knows, maybe someday that'll happen. Isn't now, but because some are so filled with anger towards them for past sins you look for clues that'll confirm what you suspect. That's a lot of wasted energy in my book.


Well-Known Member
Longtime lurker here. Love this forum. Could some of you that get this information post pics of the handouts? My station usually gets informed days or weeks after I read about it on here. Lol.

I asked to see what the mgr was reading from, I was told it is confidential, there was no handout for us.


Well-Known Member
...So anything to encourage them to leave, like not getting regular raises, will most likely happen. Might settle down a bit after clearing out the bulk of current topped out employees. ...

You should have heard all the whining from the topped out CRRs... only 3% WhaaWhaa Damn if I was topped out I probably would still be married and not have to get welfare...