non economic aspects in the tentative agreement


This thought crossed my mind. What exactly is "harrassment"? I hear it all the time but never experienced it personally. I've been dragged in the office and read the riot act when I friend-ed up but would not consider this harrassment. Are you saying you got yelled at for not using your hand-rail during an observation and then them following you every day is harrassment? I wouldn't. I would say that is a good business person looking out for his bottom line.

If he worked for you in your family business I believe you would do the same.

So what exactly is harrassment? I believe I work with a bunch of babies. Work and life are hard. People are cruel. Deal with it like a man and don't start crying to your mommy. "mommy mommy my center manager keeps yelling at me because I have late air everyday and I deliver grounds before 1030" That's how I feel at least...

Sorry BH, I had to jump in on this one. I understand and agree with what you said, in part and parcel. I take what you say literally. If I have late air every day then I deserve the discipline that will come with it BUT:

My center manager had better not be yelling at me. He would not allow me to yell at him without a threat of a warning letter and I have had such for just that. That is unacceptable for anyone to be allowed to treat another person in such a manner that they themselves would threaten to fire over.

I have had this company protect a male driver for doing this exact thing. NOT ACCEPTABLE. I had to get a restraining order against the driver before the company realized that I was friend serious.

harassment (either harris-meant or huh-rass-meant) n. the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands. The purposes may vary, including racial prejudice, personal malice, an attempt to force someone to quit a job or grant sexual favors, apply illegal pressure to collect a bill, or merely gain sadistic pleasure from making someone fearful or anxious. Such activities may be the basis for a lawsuit if due to discrimination based on race or sex, a violation on the statutory limitations on collection agencies, involve revenge by an ex-spouse, or be shown to be a form of blackmail ("I'll stop bothering you, if you'll go to bed with me"). The victim may file a petition for a "stay away" (restraining) order, intended to prevent contact by the offensive party. A systematic pattern of harassment by an employee against another worker may subject the employer to a lawsuit for failure to protect the worker.

This is not the 'good ole boys' club anymore and anyone who thinks it is needs to be brought back down to earth. If that means doing it the hard way, then so be it. The Golden Rule: Treat others as you expect to be treated. If you want to be a dick then that is what you will get back.

Buck Fifty

Well-Known Member
Really, why would you not want to talk to managers. Is it because of ?, would you do the same thing if you were an employee else where?

Don't confuse friendly with being friends, its an employee and employer relationship.

I would be interested to see you elaborate some more on the topic...

No its more the fact that they act like they care how your morning is
how your mornin how your morning is.


Well-Known Member
In the conference call a few weeks back I thought hall said the 9.5 language was completed. Triple time for instead of double time and no grievance needed to get it, you'd still have to sign the list though. Anyone else recall that?


Well-Known Member
This thought crossed my mind. What exactly is "harrassment"? I hear it all the time but never experienced it personally. I've been dragged in the office and read the riot act when I friend-ed up but would not consider this harrassment. Are you saying you got yelled at for not using your hand-rail during an observation and then them following you every day is harrassment? I wouldn't. I would say that is a good business person looking out for his bottom line.

If he worked for you in your family business I believe you would do the same.

So what exactly is harrassment? I believe I work with a bunch of babies. Work and life are hard. People are cruel. Deal with it like a man and don't start crying to your mommy. "mommy mommy my center manager keeps yelling at me because I have late air everyday and I deliver grounds before 1030" That's how I feel at least...

25 year driver here, I've never been harassed, so I'm out of the loop on this one as well.


Well-Known Member
In the conference call a few weeks back I thought hall said the 9.5 language was completed. Triple time for instead of double time and no grievance needed to get it, you'd still have to sign the list though. Anyone else recall that?
Id like to see automatic pay for 9.5 violations.... doesnt FIX the problem for less forced overtime but makes it easier to get penalty pay.... not holding my breath


Well-Known Member
Id like to see automatic pay for 9.5 violations.... doesnt FIX the problem for less forced overtime but makes it easier to get penalty pay.... not holding my breath

But it would fix the problem, how many drivers go over 9.5 repeatedly and never file for it?? It would absolutely cost UPS Millions. Then you would never be dispatched anything close to a 9.5 day


Well-Known Member
But it would fix the problem, how many drivers go over 9.5 repeatedly and never file for it?? It would absolutely cost UPS Millions. Then you would never be dispatched anything close to a 9.5 day

But then you will have those guys that will freak out if UPS worked everyone 9 hours a day....there the ones who start to cry if their hours dip under 55 a week. In my experience those drivers are usually the older ones who back in the day made bonus(sometimes cheating the system) now with most of that gone they have to resort to working more hours to make up for it...some of these same guys can retire now but want to keep it up forever....whatever.what's the average number of years a union member lives after retirement before they pass on......I think its in the single digit...

smart girl

Well-Known Member
If you want to grip about 9.5 just do the methods, one stop at a time as I do. Walk the safest path even if it is longer and take your hour and 10. They follow me and I actually had an idiot sup say " I wish I could find one thing you did wrong" . I was like are you really telling me this? I found if you just do it method wise then you never worry about over or under because I am getting paid for my time not theirs. We are grown ups and someone can only bully you if you let them.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
One gets the feeling that if management said "Good morning!" to you, you would consider that harassment.
They probably consider you a "ball and chain" ... just saying.

Not saying your point is invalid.
Your are entitled to your opinion, however your statements regarding me, when you don't know me, show your stupidity..


Well-Known Member
Harassment in one of our dispatch centers has gotten awful, over 9.5's drilling drivers about their stops per hour trying to get some terminated for 1 late air after they informed they may have late reds, a missed delivery, pushing to get ground off with reds but if you have an issue that leads to late air you get a warning letter, dispatching routes that cover or swing drivers are on heavier just because they know the driver will bust it out and then warning to write them up because they were over allowed when they dispatched the route at 40+ stops over max. It's things like this that I see as harassment because some less willed drivers will buy into the harassment and try to make their numbers look better to get the sups off their backs but make 1 mistake or god forbid get into an accident and they are out to terminate you just because you were doing what they want, though they won't admit it. That's the kind of stuff that i have seen and we mean by harassment