Friend of mine has had one for years. Romanian. AFAIK, most all available ammo is and always has been corrosive milsurp. He handloads his and the dies were $$$. Casts his own bullets, too. Downloads a bit to cut down on the noise.The biggest determining factor of the accuracy will be if the barrel is pitted and was properly cleaned every time after firing corrosive ammo before it was put away.
It copies many features of the 1911. It's very skinny and does NOT have a safety, although I believe many were retrofitted with a safety at some point in order to satisfy import requirements. It's also quite loud. With full power, factory ammo it's louder than most pistols. Seriously. Stun a buffalo loud. If you shoot one without hearing protection, the rest of your conversations that day will be composed of you asking "what did you say?" I manage to hit what I aim at within reason and for the $, a very decent pistol.