Non-Political Gun Talk (On topic)


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I've been thinking some might be money well spent. Any recommendations?
I have some Point Blank 3a and Point Blank level 2. Galls sells some really good concealable armor on the cheap. Safariland makes good armor that is light but pricey.

3a is the way to go but it can be bulky. If you don't plan on being shot with rifle rounds, level 2 would more than likely suffice. If you plan on being shot with rifle rounds, wear a diaper for when you piss yourself from being hit and the vest that isn't supposed to stop the round, DOES, but breaks a rib.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Fourteen people so far bidding on 100 :censored2:ing rounds of .38 and they're up to $150. This * is unbelievable.



nowhere special
I have a couple of thousand .38 bullets, plenty of brass and a couple of pounds of powder. Only a couple of hundred primers though.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
On another note, the department that tries to justify their existence by regulating what angle foregrip is legal apparently added a "non-binary" sex option to their form, and I'm supposed to take them seriously?