A little cheaper. Plus I just shoot mostly .38 anyway.Maybe you need a Diamondback. Almost a Python.
Mad Max 2019I want the Walnut version!!
Boy, you don't know what you're getting into.I’ll break out the 75 and teach you how toin shoot
You're gonna getLet’s go
First impressions on shooting the King Cobra: disappointed. Single action I can shoot just fine but on double action I can't hit friend* all for some reason. I'm thinking the gun's a different size than I'm accustomed to (bigger than a J frame, smaller than a K/L frame) so I gotta get down just how I should hold the grip and trigger it through the pull. I'll put a few more hundred rounds through it but if I don't seen any kind of improvements I might end up selling/trading it. Sucks because it's a beautiful gun otherwise.
I've never had a problem with them until this gun. Even on snubbies I figured out pretty quick how I had to hold them. But this thing... 150 rounds and I just couldn't get it right.I am a really good shot with single action revolvers (or double action that are cocked). When I try to shoot double action I can't hit squat. One of the reasons I'm not a fan of double action only guns.
Well after another 50 I got her figured out. I'm glad because I really wanted to like this gun.
View attachment 257365
$1100? Sure.You do not like this gun and will sell it to
@silverbullet2893 for $100.
$1100? Sure.
Just let my hypnosis work